So, I know AMD is going to have an uphill climb from here on out with there graphics department.
But, just out of curiosity, if there are any armchair analysists out there, if Ryzen turns into a decent success and can pull in capital could we see that bleed into RTG?
I mean, it seems to make sense. AMD needs money for R&D, BAD. But even with massive funds, is it possible to beat out Nvidia's mindshare?
Also, what are the prospects for Vega? OR will it be until Navi before AMD is remotely competitive again?
Nicholas Peterson
>le mindshar emaymay Excuse companies use to appease the board for shitty sales Ryzen is doing well it seems, AMD isn't losing as much money each quarter anymore. But yeah sure some of the money will probably go into R&D
Austin Martinez
I know it isn't all mindshare, they really haven't kept up in a lot of areas.
Parker Reyes
There is "mindsahre" in everything, it's called people having preferences and being fanboys
I know many people who bought Ryzen purely because it was not the competition, and people who bought intel for the same reason. In reality, AMD is not selling badly because mindshare, they are selling badly they have completely ignored the high end market, made everyone wait too long for vega, made everyone wait too long for Ryzen, and their last CPU architecture was hot garbage, and nobody bought the Fury x or the pro duo Ryzen and vega should bring them back some money so they can start producing products worthy of the consumers money
Nicholas Reyes
>is it possible to beat out Nvidia's mindshare? no even a company like intel cant do this
>Also, what are the prospects for Vega? OR will it be until Navi before AMD is remotely competitive again?
Honestly, I think it will come down to whether amd can grab a steady hbm chip supply or not. I'm pretty sure everyone and their dogs with a little sense of the market already noticed sk hynix can't get its shit together with hbm mass production, which is delaying vega again and again, since they're the current only supplier for it. Not saying it can't be competitive performance wise, but even if it does, it matters little if you have limited amounts of cards to sell. So either amd manages to strike a deal with another hbm supplier (such as samsung) or they'll have to acknowledge the bet on hbm as "too soon" and move to gddr5x/gddr6 on the next generation.
Landon Harris
Jesus christ, they're even using 8GB stacks, which no one expected until 2018 to come out, Vega has taped out in fucking September, it coming out in July would be fucking record time.
Dylan Cooper
>Jesus christ, they're even using 8GB stacks, which no one expected until 2018 to come out
So? "It exists" is not the same as "it exists in large supplies". You can't sell cards on WE DID IT!! alone, your product, as innovative as it is, can only be competitive if you have enough of it to deliver to customers. Fucking hell, it's supply and demand 101
Tyler Garcia
I would say that if AMD actually manage to get out 7nm CPUs ahead of the competition, they have a very decent chance of getting back a significant amount of market share and then have an influx of cash both from revenue as well as from share prices. The way it looks right now, this seems actually likely, with reports of intel having trouble even going to 10nm (although these claims may be unsubstantiated). The way I see it, Zen is good, beats out intel in everything but gaming, but Zen2 (or Zen+ or whatever) will be the point where intel will be visibly shaken and they will have to drastically invest into R&D while simultaneously cutting prices to stay competitive. This will of course be good for all of us.
In the GPU department, we will soon see how Vega will actually fare, but after the last presentation it seems to be underwhelming - as AMD had hyped up Vega to be 10% faster than Nvidia's 1080 Ti - which it now will most likely only equal (if at all).
If Vega has 1080Ti performance at a significantly lower price point though, I feel that Nvidia might actually be in trouble. Also, DX12/Vulkan comes into play more and more, and Nvidia still does not have a proper Hardware solution. But well, we will have to wait and see how it plays out.
Dominic Martin
Oh btw this whole post was only about the desktop versions of things. The server market is a completely different story
Xavier Kelly
I hope it reaches 1080Ti level performance and fares well at 4K 60fps even on recent DX11 titles with AA off. Been holding off a 1080Ti upgrade but I have a feeling I will be disappointed after a long wait for after market cards to be stocked locally and end up getting a 1080Ti anyway or waiting on Volta instead.
Caleb Cruz
>armchair analysts sup; B.Econ, B.Fin (Hons)
Depends on their CAPM approach for Ryzen really, and future project plans (and their subsequent funding methods). Beta of 2.6136 currently (after their investor day event) so it's 161.36% more than the volatility of the market, but their niche is so small that it's hard to take that with anything but an indicator of large volumes of trade for their stock (i.e. something big happening lately; Ryzen, speculation on Intel in response to Ryzen).
If AMD used equity to fund Ryzen and it's successful, they've essentially diluted their reliance on debt, which will boost investor confidence for the next project. If they relied on debt, and it's successful, they've validated their choices and it boosts investor confidence in the short-term. Depends on statements, posturing from key shareholders etc. No-one wants to cause a proxy fight unless they need to.
As a reference, Intel have a beta of 1.0133, being the market incumbent, Qualcomm 1.2659, Apple 1.2068. Intel's being so low indicates an ownership anomaly (i.e. some jew has a fuckload of them and hasn't sold them for a long time).
AMD will always a large cash inflows due to consoles, so investor confidence is a better approach to assessing the companies' success than inflows/outflows etc.
Matthew Flores
this is how i see it Sup Forums
vega 10 launches first knocks out the 1070 and 1080 *nvidia cucks post vega fails* next years rolls around Vega 20 on 7nm launch BTFO everything even volta *Nvidia cucks: autistic screeching*
that is what will happen. everyone on this board is a cuck and they woun't screenshot this.
I'm the old fag KiwiDude and i'm the only MSCE certified engineer that on here every day.
I was right about the R9 380 and 290 and i'll be right about this too.
Julian Davis
I hope you are right, because I firmly believe competition to be necessary in this market.
I also hope that the shilling and the cuckposting will stop at some point. It is really shitting up every single of these threads and I do not understand why some people would defend a faceless company vs another faceless company when those companies being on equal footing would simply mean price wars and everybody (consumers) wins!
Jose Jones
AMD owns the fucking patent to HBM you fucking moron.
Robert Fisher
ill take a screenshot, might come in handy.
more on topic, i hope Vega is priced well and is strong competition to Nvidia's current lineup. as a new builder, the release is coming at a good time.. and after learning about Nvidia's Gsync Tax......... i dont like wasting money, so Freesync might be something I prioritize.
Isaiah Kelly
See Tho OP of that has been trying to shanghai /pcbg/ for a while now. There's nothing but screeching there. Your predictions are accurate.
Jackson Baker
Are you on drugs? You make no sense at all. What does patent owning have to do with manufacturing capacity?
Nicholas Ortiz
They can pull the lease allowing them to make HBM. AMD controls the supply of HBM, dumbarse.
Brody Garcia
The Vega cards are going to be a repeat of the R9 Fury & Fury X. They'll beat out the *70 and *80 cards, but fall behind the *80ti, plus running hotter & louder.
Vega 1 will be at 1080ti equivalent or slightly beneath, but will cost $100 less thanks to Nvidia tax. Vega 2 will either somewhere between 1070 and 1080, priced less than the current 1080 but more than the 1070.
Benjamin Johnson
And how exactly are they cancelling the current contracts just because, boss other companies into making new ones with them, and making chips appear by snapping their fingers?
Connor Brooks
Syntax error.
Read the license agreement to HBM. It can be pulled at anytime.
Juan Morales
How so? Fury underperformed due to front-end bottlenecks. They dedicated Vega to fixing GCN bottlenecks.
Isaiah Moore
Based on the private contracts ONLY YOU have access to, right?
Kayden Gutierrez
Low end Ryzen is where they might make a lot of money - r3 and APUs. Problem is, low end Intel CPUs have insane value. That 60$ G4560 will be hard to beat for AMD.
Juan Mitchell
2/4 with 700 Vega shaders would make some quality ESPURDS box.
Jaxson Morris
I'll tell you what will happen with vega:
1. It'll be pretty good value 2. It will be close to performance to the 1080ti at the high end - either slightly below or slightly above 3. This won't matter, and Nvidia marketing will make AMD look like total fuckwits no matter how good their GPU is for the price 4. AMD stock will take a nosedive because the general public are so easily swayed by marketing
Angel Wright
>>>google It's a free license. Stop spouting shit you know nothing about. Also you'll find that they(company's making it in total) make around 10-15 million HBM stacks a month.
Jace Gray
amd used to have stronger and more efficient GPUs but nvidia still sold way more
Elijah Perez
> they've essentially diluted their reliance on debt
Who the fuck would use the word diluted for this sentence what the fuckl
Isaac Phillips
I just hope they can get close to Nvidia in power consumption. Their cards are way too power-hungry, to the point where it makes more sense to buy a more expensive nvidia than a cheaper amd because electricity costs will even it out.
Carter Morales
>to the point where it makes more sense to buy a more expensive nvidia than a cheaper amd because electricity costs will even it out.
You're a fucking retard
Liam Phillips
Vega uses tiled rasterisation and some other power saving tricks.
Oliver Perez
Except that's not even remotely close to true, unless your paying $10 per kWh or something equally unlikely.
Kayden Sanchez
>I don't need to prove shit, you google it
Solid argument there buddy, you sure showed me
Thomas Bell
You ain't seen the half of it. He was meant to parody such reports, but mirrored them exactly. Literally 99% of them say nothing either way. But use words to discombobulate people to thinking that they're correct in their way of thinking prior to such a thing. If you think they're going to tank before reading that, you're sure they are after. If you think they're going to grow, you're sure after reading that. The whole fucking economy is based on shit like this. || ||> ||3 || // Inflation is not ties to wages, says the man behind the post.
Jayden Flores
I just don't like to burn money, user.
Michael Foster
Then stop buying Nvidia, goy.
Michael Sanders
You didn't even know AMD held the patent prior to this. You have research to do. Nothing personal kid.
Oliver Lee
And btw, of all companies manufacturing hbm stacks, only sk supplies vega, maybe you finally actually learn something
James Mitchell
Again, "because I say so" doesn't make it valid
John Martin
t. some click bait from 2016 Get that silver spoon out of your ass user.
Sebastian Collins
user it has to be right. because of freesync 2 is only boardly avaiable then.
as amd employees have said they only have one chance if thet dun goof this last time its over for AMD as a company and i'm not joking one bit.
as lisa su said its a revolution and revolution's always roll out slow. the deicmation with the 580 alone is making some strong nvidia people start listening they down played the results but clearly its a beating of the drums of what is to come.
We hardware techs called this light breach this is what AMD is going to Intel as we speeck
Its a light touch then a hard knock tactic.
Lisa su must of been a fan of the boxxer "mohummad ali" fighting style.
Jaxson Flores
>Oh no! Baseless assumptions and ad hominem! How can I ever counter that?
Joseph Cook
Josiah Hill
>oh shit, he nailed my (((source))) >start green texting that'll progress the argument Fucking Christ.
Ayden White
Spewing claims out of your ass isn't an argument user. You're yet to provide a single source to your shit other than
>you google it, I don't need to back up a damn thing
Wyatt Gutierrez
It's not abnormal in that context.
Camden Fisher
All you've managed to do is start an argument without any prior knowledge of the subject, that you has to google then effectively cite click bait for. I've provided easily conformable information. Not my fault you don't know how to use a search engine.
Aaron Lee
Again, what is the source of your claims user?
Jacob White
It's going to fail just like everything AMD tries to do.
Easton Rogers
You don't know what you're talking about. My commentary was neutral because there isn't information to make a clear assessment. All I stated is that their shares are more volatile than their market peers.
If the Ryzen project reduces reliance on debt (loans) through it's success then it's a good thing as it will dilute the debt component of the debt/equity ratio. Hence use of the word. But to determine if this is happening you have to know whether or not they financed the project internally (from cash at bank) or externally (loans).
Just because you don't have financial knowledge, don't assume the words you hear are jargon to be questioned.
Alexander Miller
>if Ryzen turns into a decent success and can pull in capital could we see that bleed into RTG? Ryzen is already a success and it's only going to make more money once "EPYC" lands.
the answer to your question is "probably".
>But even with massive funds, is it possible to beat out Nvidia's mindshare? yes. slowly, but surely. people are willing to buy AMD products if they're good, especially nowadays.
Christian Cooper
The way you write, you seem like a total retard. Literally braindead.
This gets in the way of your point A LOT my friend.
Charles Robinson
>You don't know what you're talking about. My commentary was neutral >Literally 99% of them say nothing either way
I think he understood you exactly, and that you're the one that is confused, discombobulated if you will.
Parker Carter
i dont know shit about law but wouldnt that be a dick move? Forcing a company supplier to build you stuff else remove their legal privileges to produce the item.
Julian King
He just doesn't understand. Most likely a summer fag.
Josiah Rodriguez
All I know is that if AMD doesn't manage to get back some decent marketshare and is bought out, it's the end for x86. It means the market is so rotten it needs to die. Both consumers and companies in it. If AMD can put out shit as good as they have now and still not convince anyone to buy it, you know consumers are just brainwashed to "Buy Intel/NVidia" no matter what. Which means that encroachment on x86 by ARM will continue unabated because neither company feels the need to respond to any sort of competition. Intel already failed trying to dump their garbage Atom CPUs onto the mobile market. Now full Windows is going to run on ARM. RIP.
Oliver Ortiz
Free license, with a minor clause of ensuring supply to the owner of the patent should they wish to buy your product for value VS paying to make the product regardless of who you're supplying it to. >dick move Yes. But considering the shit manufactures have had to go through, such an underlying condition is a breath of fresh air. Look at the market for HBM. AMD has let them keep 100% of that profit. Instead of stifling production by skimming from the top. It's not as if they have to make it free of charge for AMD. Just be able to give them the chips when they need them.
Normally it would be, "we're taking profit and you're also to reserve X% production capacity solely for us, or yadda yadda to that effect". Wich would normally hamper production as they're less able to invest in plant to make said product.
By not taking profit, they've secured supply.
Robert Lopez
marketshare bulk is in deep learning, cloud gaming included
Jack Nelson
>cloud gaming included Sincerely kill yourself for thinking that's a thing viable in the short and midterm, let alone being anything more than several Macfags playing a knock off of starcraft in the future. The cloud is dieing, aside from Gdrive being abused to play copyrighted materials in online lounges. I'd post another 65 puke related images if it weren't for flooding.