This is a pretty fucking good deal, right?

this is a pretty fucking good deal, right?

any other anons make the jump to 4k yet?

Canada bucks? Have the same TV, it's pretty dope.


I have a 65" ks8000 and the color and sharpness are good, but the blacks don't look as deep compared to my Panny 50" st30. I figured my plasma would be better but I didn't think it would be that noticeable. I'll say the ks8000 is still very good in all other regards and the color is very good, I'd actually say the color looks better on the samsung than my panasonic plasma.

I just wish tv makers would start to use display port 1.4

>(((Smart))) TV

Enjoy your botnet.

>this is a pretty fucking good deal, right?

>no hdr

If you don't connect it to the Internet you're fine

>"""""smart""""" TVs
No thanks. I heard Wendell talking about 40inch+ Korean monitors, I'd rather get that when my dumb TV dies.

Stupid nigger. I bet you pick up used gum off the street and start chewing it.

US bucks
>paying extra for brand jew

>shit color and inputs
no thanks
>high end samsung
>no HDR
ok faggot
>paying for jewing gum
good goy

>letting a TV's "smart" functionality dissuade you from buying it

Do you not know how to use your router, you gigantic retard?

Smart TVs are actually pretty shit mate, processing commands as simple as switching channels takes more than a single second, dumb useless app buttons clutter remotes and they don't even really do anything. I'd take a dumb tv over this shit anyday.

That's why you get a Harmony Smart Remote. Fuck using the remote that came with your TV, I haven't done that since 2008.

>changing channels
>a function of the television
do you think it's 1990 anymore?
>watching television anyway
do you think it's 1970?

Hdr is a meme

The "smart" part of the Samsung TVs are shit. I just use a Chromecast connected via Ethernet, way better.

>objective improvements in standard display technology is a meme

you dun goofed

>Chromecast connected via Ethernet
but how


Or their official power adapter with an Ethernet port, which is literally just USB-OTG

>its not a plasma from 2008

LG's air remote is actually pretty sweet, way better than Samsung's gesture controls where you have to adjust the volume by pulling your dick out and waving it around