>wannacry encryption can be circumvented by a backdoor in windows crypto API
How the fuck is this garbage even?
>wannacry encryption can be circumvented by a backdoor in windows crypto API
How the fuck is this garbage even?
>wannacry uses backdoor
>wannacry can be circumvented with a backdoor
Backdoor here
Backdoor there
Why is wanna cry even a thing? Doesn't windows automatically update?
Windows is so insecure even the viruses can't run securely
But everyone is just "security updates? Boring! Let's just ignore that."
Except for those people who followed internet advice and reghacked their windaids to stop it automatically installing windaids10 which broke microshit's already broken patch bundles. Christ what a load of shit.
Not windows 8 and below
Two wrongs make a right, I guess.
Can I get an article link?
I haven't heard about this
>can be circumvented by a backdoor in windows crypto API
Generating a key on the compromised system was a mistake.
no its because microsoft has a habit of fucking everything up with updates so people turn them off entirely when given an option.
heh, watch how the media turns this into a "why having corporate backdoors in your personal computer is a good thing" argument
yea, a recent windows update made my laptop unusable so I had to use system restore to go back a version. I had an internet connection but somehow the windows update just completely kept me from going on the internet. Soon as it was backdated, it worked fine again.
or maybe the update just broke for them which isn't uncommon you fucking retard
You got a source for that?
>the backdoor has a backdoor
But two left turns have you going backwards.
Fat neckbearded autist making up bullshit to slander Windows because he's jealous that Windows is a success while Loonix is hobby OS for neckbeards and poorshits.
>yo dawg
>we heard you like exploits
>so we found an exploit to fix your exploit
>so you can get exploited while you get exploited
>winiggers blown the fuck out
wow microsoft really fucks everyone... no exceptions
Exploits within exploits...Exploitception
You gotta lurk Sup Forums more so you don't miss out on the news.
Windows is the computer equivalent of shartpants.
You mean 85% of Sup Forums before WannaCry hit, right?
How the fuck do people even get WannaCry?
Are people that dumb?
Dumbasses prefer windaids, so yes.
Which is the way we want to be going anyway, remember?
Apparently there are people who actually go around clicking on shady links, that's why ransomware survives as an industry. But apparently what makes this one special is that you can get infected without having to do anything, it just spreads over the local network once one computer is compromised.