Is NixOS a dual of Gentoo?

With Gentoo, every install is a special snowflake, whereas NixOS has cookie-cutter configurations designed to be replicated indefinitely.

With Gentoo, everything is painstakingly configured on the ground level close to the source, and aims to be a true conservative Unix. With Nix, there is functional abstraction and symlinks everywhere, but somehow is perfectly orderly and fully-automated, and is freighting to a unix vet looking under the hood.

In summary, Gentoo has a build system for down-to-earth tinkerers and enchanters, and NixOS is esoteric and hands-off, more for conjurers.

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wtf im a wizard now?!

You aren't a wizard, only a few can claim that degree of power.

my point is that enchanters put a lot of effort into creating a few high-quality things to their specifications, with attention to every detail.

Many tinkerers distros are like a prized wooden galley on a long voyage: you replace the parts as you go. The ship you have after a few years may not resemble what you have before, but there's a continuous history of it.

As for conjurers, they create a configuration from the void, and can do it over and over again nearly effortlessly, and dispel your creations into oblivion. Every nix-rebuild is its own thing, and it's called from an immutable platonic void.

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>With Gentoo, everything is painstakingly configured on the ground level close to the source

actually, you just configure your USE flags once, and use them for most of your packages.

takes about 30 seconds

So if I install Gentoo, and I'm not particularly concerned about bloat, or if everything works 100%, what does that make me?

When will you retards learn what Unix and UNIX is? One is a dead system from the 70s, the other one is a trademark. There are no unix systems today. If you want a true Unix, travel back i time, if you want a true UNIX buy a Mac.

interesting perspective

Install Source Mage

Wizards assemble !

Advanced users of GNU/Linux, remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution that can heal broken installs.
And (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:

Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, and uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
Even the documentation is licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portgage? Do you like BSD ports? You haven't seen anything like SMGL's "sorcery".
Making new "spells" to install source code not found in the "grimoire" (repository) is as easy as editing files

Come and join


does sourcemage have 32bit libs for steam and wine?

don't know about the 32 libs but someone did had steam on sourcemage, ask if anyone have it in his grimoire

the 32 libs I mean

> taking metaphors seriously

in retrospect. SourceMage looks a lot more like OP's description of Gentoo than actual Gentoo.

notice that too, I was suspecting he browsed the sourcemage wiki

Just read about sourcemage recently. Is it any good?

If you know what you're doing, yes. It feels closer to LFS than gentoo, but in terms of community support, it's less popular. I think the last time I checked the irc, it had less than 30 or 40 people, whereas I often see gentoo having 80+. Also, don't expect gentoo (or arch) wiki -level documentation.

This isn't a blog Debbie

well i just found the package manager that im gonna use in my distro
