University course requires that I install non-free software on my computer

>university course requires that I install non-free software on my computer

Should I just drop out?

Dropping out isn't enough
You must destroy the school

Or you could use some sense and realize that your cultish obsession over nonfree software has enslaved you in a comically ironic way. And then get more bait


Honestly this. It's just a part of the world. Just strive to use free software when you can. It's all you can really do

Use the school's lab machines, which have the software pre-installed.

Let them pay it, also smack the GPL on everything.

>getting raped is just part of life
>try to avoid it when you can, but just accept that it's gonna happen from time to time


I've been down this road many times. Most professors will acquiesce if you show them you are extremely autistic and will not use proprietary shitware. If they don't you can usually appeal to the department head and get your way anyway. Doing this I was able to avoid using
>all Microsoft products
>some awful botnet browser for online assignments and tests
And many more.

Autism is the answer.

Rape IS a part of life and we have to live with it.

It doesn't mean you can't live with it and still strive to minimize it.

>encourage concealed carry
>crack down harder on rape cases
>make better attempts to educate people on the topic and how to be smart

Same thing with free software. You can still use nonfree software and push for free software


>the police will just rape you and your loved ones sometimes, it's just the way things are
>don't resist, just let it happen
cuck detected

>I need the government to protect me
European detected

>I have evolved to depend on corporate anus directly attached to my mouth
Ameridonald detected.

>>university course requires that I install non-free software on my computer
>Should I just drop out?
is the same as saying
>A thing I paid for needs me to use a phillips head screwdriver although I don't subscribe to tue phillips cult, I only use flathead


At least we don't need to protect our women from being culturally enriched




Protest and raise a fuss about it. Works on most campuses

>professor requires you to buy a specific textbook
>that he helped wrote
>and requires a fucking disk with some gay application for the class so you can't buy it or rent it used
>also class requires you to comment on the facebook page

There should be a special place in hell for these professors.

But you can only pull it off if you've gone full Stallman

>mfw my uni hate microshaft and won't use their product even for money.
The only non-free bullshit is some obscure windows 95 machine for some embedded device from another century.
Debian + linux-libre kernel on every machine, feels good.

please do
then kill yourself

Just shoot up the school. Stallman's Columbine.

Yes do it, at least you don't make people lose time on you

Yeah, people are gonna get raped.

Nah, we do something better, we enrich them, something Europe can't seem to learn. How many times do we have to tell you, citizenship comes BEFORE ethnicity. You can't learn this, you deserve to get fucked

Does it ever dawn on freetards that they become locked in an ideological jail when they become free software zealots?

This. Every autistic board have serial killers except Sup Forums

>tfw all of that applies to my English teacher
Except in my case I found the fucking book and the software on piratebay, distributed it to everyone in my class, and told him to go eat a dick. I'll never forget how pissed he got at me for that, yelling at me that I was "undermining his business". I ain't paying 80 bucks for a poorly written program and 100 pages of bullshit that I already knew.

Does /po/ ?

what course and software ?

had that problem only once with matlab, we could use octave, but had to make sure everything worked with matlab too