AlphaGo vs Ke Jie, Game Two

Next game starts in 2 hours. AlphaGo won the first game with 0.5 points. Ke Jie has already sworn to never play against AI after this series.


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No one seems to realize that the moment Ke Jie loses he will be branded as a disgrace and traitor for China, effectively destroying its life

What the fuck are you talking about, shut up.

Stream is live now.

He's already lost to it 3 times now, retard

Those were not serious games.

>inb4 china gets their hands on goolge IP because some googler fucked it up, somehow allowing the chinks to get close to their hardware/software

based michael

>No eyecandy

I'm sad they didn't live stream the actual conference yesterday that had all the juicy technical details presented on the new AlphaGo.

Guess I'll have to wait for the paper to appear in Nature or something.

My understanding was that they didn't give too much new info.

It's about to begin shortly. We must endure the horrible piano tune they thought was a good idea.


GET IN HERE. starting in 30 secs


they had better music when alphago played lee sedol




>the machine operator has shittier food

computer nerds cuked again

>the dude who just places alphago's piece also gets cheese and grapes


JP stream for anyone who's interested.


post alphaqt fan art


>"Yes AlphaGo only won by 0.5, but it was not at all a close game. It's an artifact of its training objective."

>it prefers to win by 0.5 with 99.9999999% chance instead of 10.0 with 99.99% chance.

This is why humans are so fucked. It just grinds you down and you have no fucking clue how you're doing. It just plays with you like a cat & mouse.

BTW, AlphaGo team runs on MacBook Pros. Pajeets with their ChinkPads BTFO!

>alphago going balls deep


HOLY niggeR



remind me never to put AI in charge of warfare

>well boys, we won the war!
>he says to the three 12 year old child soldiers with eight bullets left, in the middle of a scorched city

>"well it was a higher win probability bruh :^)

is this best of 3 or best of 5?


Neither. It's a three games series.

High-impact KEK @ yo post, nibba.

White is already looking bad.

>White is already looking bad.
No shit. Lee SeDol will be the last human to win against AlphaGo.

some random underpaid graphic designer is super proud about this minimalist reflection on the black piece

I guarantee it

Fucking Nigger dropped a stone and Michael bitched slapped Nigger's half bent body with a sharp order. Nigger is goofy.

who the fuck won game 1?

>white is building a wall to keep out black


where is that stoned old guy from the time when alphago played lee sedol?

white fucked up.

hes letting black build up his BBC defence.

whitey dont stand a chance now.

Ke jie would win though if they doubled the board size.

alphago by .5 point

they are discussing why right now

>they are discussing why right now
this is why go is such a nigger-tier game.

leaving it open to chink interpretation is just asking to be cheated.

Male in black suit attempts to remain interested for hours with a peripheral of dread in the vicinity of the clock slowly ticking. Only so many "uhm-uh, right, right, sure, sure, okay" before the slow gnawing drowsy irritation peaks.


Minimalists don't deserve money, they're overpaid if anything. Literally MS Paint tier """art"""


>designers should be underpaid
good try shekelstein


-Michael 2017

I feel a sneaky move by ag coming soon

yup, it's just when the chink gets super into a local fight that master starts playing elsewhere on the board, then the chink is just its bitch to lead around


"Black not civil"
-Michael 2017

Kek Jie has lost his mind.

seems counter intuitive that by trying to win by 10 with a 99.99% chance, you make it so that you are less likely to win by 0.5 with a 99.99999999% chance

"IM GET STONE so NOt to YELLING AT ME, michael"

Are you autistic?

Looks like Ke Jie did the sneak move!

"Michael, I thought he moved. s-sorry"


perhaps it's more of letting a couple points go to "secure" a more secure victory? Like it beefs up the late-late game by giving away some easy points for the opponent

Kill yourself underage

Guy in black suit is fucking annoying with his empty comments.

>"yeah try doin this ya bitch ass robot"

Is your brain okay?

I wish I looked cool like Ke Jie

>one brain

I didn't realize that was a kiwi he was eating.

Contributing to our alphago overlord with this captcha

how big is the computer that alphago is running on?

For you.

almost as big as my 14 inch BBC

Aww yes, cutie steph is comin in.


Nooooo where is based Michael going???




That's pretty big 4 me

No, /ck/ nooo....

It's on a single machine in the Google Cloud that includes the 2nd generation of TPUs, or the Google Tensor Processor units.

It's not distributed anymore like how AlphaGo was when it played Lee Sedol, which you can see at . They mentioned this during Match 1's post press conference.

Sup Forums, classy as always.

This is what AlphaGo runs on. Just one of these.

These smart ladies could keep me as a sex slave and I would obey to this best of my abilities. I'm a rag. Nice game so far, boys.

I'd rather watch alphago vs alphago

That is the old one. This is the new one that alphago is using.

Side view.

those are some thin-ass capacitors

like wafers

imagine these are alphagos boobies

I'm assuming you cannot put a system spec on that?

a few of them have more petaflops than the worlds strongest super computer for its specialized task.


is google using these for things besides alphago?

please don't discriminate against the dimensionally challenged


>wood screws
Holy fucking shit. 3.5 tflops confirmed.

making truck-pig drawings I'm not kidding. Well, not only truck-pigs, but that was part of it

They're also 8-bit operations IIRC. They're better at doing lots of parallel computations at lower accuracy, but for AI 8 bits is plenty.

...are we just glorified piles of linear algebra? those drawings look like the drawings i have on my fridge that were made by my niece.

>...are we just glorified piles of linear algebra?
we dont know what the brain uses.

nobody knows how the neuron works or what it does just yet.

if someone finds out you can bet they wont be saying anything.

The hosts are just playing their own game on the other board

I think the new ones are 16-bit floating point and the old ones used 8-bit integers.

we know how the brain "works" as in the chemistry and which part does what. We also know which part *does* "what", but we don't how HOW it does it all.

by the way, ever wonder why foot fetishes are so common? it's a combination of brain plasticity and the fact that the section responsible for the feet is awfully close to the pleasure section....

>if someone finds out you can bet they wont be saying anything

Because you can signal the end of the world if you can control a go playing computer.

>we know how the brain "works" as in the chemistry and which part does what. We also know which part *does* "what", but we don't how HOW it does it all.
we dont actually.

neurons internal structure is unknown as its too small and complicated to see into the nucleus of it.

Alpha Go uses a type of search tree neural network, so it's very possible that winning with 99.9999% is on a separate branch.

If they're using a search tree, the standard algorithm is "minimax" where it doesn't matter if there's the possibility of a 10-point win, if the opponent has a way to block that chance.

I'm curious if the algorithm doesn't actually use a pure minimax algorithm and is actually doing some kind of probability thing, in which case it might have a reason to go after the larger lead

But all this is irrelevant late-game where you don't really have a reason to accumulate more points than it takes to win.