HP(E) Naples servers incoming?

HP(E) Naples servers incoming?



Epyc is muh mutha fuccin name!


Oh shit even HP? The same company that's still keeping Itanic alive?
First MS, now HP? What's next, Dell?

How about IBM?

IBM is a very conservative company, it'll take them a lot longer to change if at all.

>What's next, Dell?
Assuming they feel they need the IO, then sure, no doubt.

Yes, Dell is surely next. Anyway, Superdomes with EPYC?

Once Tyan and Cray start shipping AMD servers and supermicro starts shitting out motherboards you know Intel's server reign is over.

Imagine the panic at Intel's datacenter division RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Panic? Why panic? Just fire more validation teams.

Anything named Naples is doomed to bring nothing but despair

Holy shit, HP currently has 100% exclusivity on Intel Itanium processors and are now switching to AMD

Intel = BTFO

It's like a three ringbus circus down there.

They need 4th bingbus for 8 memory channels. Poor kikes and their retarded fear of NUMA.

They only have 6 channels currently.

Ringbus = diversity, all cores are equal in the ring
CCX = discrimination, cores are segregated and contained

Intel confirmed true diversity champions.

But when the cores wanna go out and parade around the diversity ring can't accommodate all of them at the same time, clearly it's a bigot

Yes, and that's 2 channels less than EPYC and I'm not even talking about fucking I/O. I wonder if anyone from 7+1 besides MS will switch to AMD.

Ringbus = scales like shit
CCX = scales perfectly

B-but muh monolithic dies and 1.7% yields. Scalable designs are cheting.

>Intel kills EPIC
>HPE switches to EPYC

It's like pottery.

I believe Google purchased some number of AMD GPUs some months back. Could well maybe see news of them switching out if they feel they must.
Amazon no doubt will highly consider Ryzen for any expansions to their server fleet.

Yes, Google purchased a lot of non-X Fury cards. Maybe they'll go for Instinct? They have no need for tensor memecores due to them having fucking ASICs dedicated to tensor processing.

Not when IBM is the one making AMD's 7nm dies for AMD Zen gen 2 chips. :)

That's not what's happening.
GloFo is making both zen2 and IBM's POWER on 7nm(which they got from IBM)


That's GloFo. But yes, IBM merged it's foundry business with GloFo, thus retroactively enabling another shoah: high clocks edition.

But where are all shitposters?

>keeping Itanic alive
The last version has been released or announced AFAIK. They are ending Itanium.

Took them a while

I don't really know why they ever used it.

It scales a lot better than regular x64-86/x64. At least back in the day it did.

>back in the day
The question is why are they using it now? And fuck why are they using it since Intel released fucking Nehalem?

Intel kept paying them money to keep at least a few Itanium servers running.

Disable moar TSX :--DDD

I'd think compatibility. If you have super expensive proprietary software you want to keep using it. And the companies fork over cash to HP for it.

Anyway, RIP Itanic. Now it's time for AMD to claw some datacenter marketshare back.

Gen 9 HP microserver When.

Now I want Dell to switch to Raven Ridge for their laptops for ultimate shoah.

>Gen 9 HP microserver
Next microserver will probably be gen 10. Gen 9 mainline already exists.