ITT: signs of patrician tastes
ITT: signs of patrician tastes
loli wallpaper
Being a member of the 16:9 servile underclass?
inb4 triggered plebbitors
Zowie mouse
Sfw or lewd?
nothing patrician about being a virgin and having no friends
anime (more specifically loli) wallpapers are for those who have accepted the fact that they will never leave their house with their laptop
Wasted get
dubs are not hard to get there is a ~10% chance of getting dubs
But those are double dubs
you just got dubs
Sequential dubs are not much harder to get either, about 100 different combinations of sequential dubs
and 1,000 combinations for the last four digits so it really isn't impressive at all and only a FUCKBOY would think dubs are worth mentioning.
QUADS on the other hand, that shit is impressive.
actually quads are not impressive either. watch this
You wish fucking paedo.
Traps are the patrician's choice.
found the plebs
there's nothing patrician about being a paedo.
Boipucci is patrician, the greeks knew, the romans knew it. We should embrace it.
kek'd fucking hard, you dumb poojeet.
Windows 10 with classic x theme
Real patricians do not concern themselves with matters of peasants such as thinkpads and macbooks
>isn't a brainlet
im maintaining a sysvinit-core/openrc fork of testing for a couple close friends and its a pretty great project
very portable and modular
great stable core
>chinkbook pro
>not made in china as well
assembled you retard. and made by engineers in US. profits also stay in US and don't go back to chink china.
stay retarded.
>what is devuan
fuck off g303 is better
>sub 4k resolution
>made by engineers in US
>profits stay in US
Please tell me you aren't this retarded.
Is that supposed to be a coil whine sound? mine doesn't have that or any other defect.
>what are fans
That chinkPad It uses the same plastic as a toilet seat. KEK
not an argument, poojeet. stay retarded.
So does your toothbrush.
toilet seat dude! you know what that means... shit inside. KEK
>using a keyboard
fucking pleb, hexadecimal plugboard is patrician af.
Shit keyboard, even shittier trackpad. Screen is an overkill at that screen dimension. It just wastes your battery at no appreciable benefit. Your eyes can't even tell the diff.
>shit keyboard
Why? Seems fine to me.
>shittier trackpad
have you even used it? best I've ever used, it's smooth and feels nice to touchb
>Your eyes can't even tell the diff
You're one of those "the human eye can't see past 30 FPS" people aren't you?
I have an x220 but it is slow as shit
how do I fix it. It has an i5 and 4gb of ram, the problem is disk usage is always at 100%. It was fine when it came with windows 7, but once it auto updated to windows 10 it turned into a dinosaur
>he doesn't know about the Double Irish tax evasion technique Apple invented
>he thinks Apple "engineers" aren't just H1B street shitters
>he doesn't realize Apple keeps almost all its profit overseas
SSD. More ram if you have the budget. Shouldn't have any problems with speed.
Kill all anime posters
>STILL can't into unicode
better off compiling konversation for windows desu
double dubs aren't a thing, faggot.
nice try
I miss these forums a bit.
Install GNU/Linux
What's so wrong with hexchat?
i like this thread already
This. Real technology patricians have irreplaceable crt monitors
>4:3 is gods sacred aspect ratio
>invariably perfect color quality
>doesn't need shitty backlights that wash out the black level
>massive weight stops Tyrone from stealing it
>beautiful glass screen
>emits a small amount of radiation to keep your skin glowing healthy
you guys don't understand patrician vs plebeian.
they were two social classes, separated and were not mixed. if you were a plebeian you would always be a plebeian, same with a patrician.
just because you have 'patrician taste' does not make you a 'patrician'. it means you're just a hopeless plebe.
But Ranjeet, you're not supposed to shit on the toilet seat. I understand that you're new at this though, so no hard feelings, just keep trying and improve your aim! It's never too late to be potty trained!