Why dont they make a universal standard?

Fuck this ancient bullshit.

When you travel, you dont need to worry about USB or any other kind of shit but lordy lord, gotta check voltage compatibility or else your technology will die.

Buy those adaptors, which maybe cost 20c to make but charge 20 dollars for.

Fuck Power Plugs.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is a universal standard you idiot. Saged.

Sure, let me just fire up the furnace and hammer my plugs into the shape of where I'm travelling to.

it's easier for hotels to provide adapters than it is for the entire country to switch standards

I have never been to a hotel that gives you an adaptor for free.

Shucko is the universal standard. Everything else is for niggers and Americans (which are basically niggers)

your mom is a nigger fucker

Have you ever travelled to Asia? It's a lcusterfuck of plugs, one part of town can use American plugs and you can get on your bike and another part of town is UK.

Buying adaptors for China in particular is a living hell, Hong Kong uses UK, Mainland China uses Japan and their own plug and Taiwan uses NEMA 5-15.

Your point being that Asians are not niggers?

Some parts of the world are cool tourist destinations regardless of Sup Forums speak. There is literally no point of having all these plug shapes given every other cable you would use in a modern household is a universal standard worldwide.

I suppose the only other thing is light bulbs which either come in Edison Screw or Bayonet fittings

>Buy those adaptors, which maybe cost 20c to make but charge 20 dollars for.
More like $1.
Just head to your local dollar store. Don't give a shit about quality, the internals are just two/three metal strips connecting the pins to the jack. Nothing to worry about unless you plug a 1000W+ heater into one.

I've had one of those cheaper adaptors catch fire before from simply charging an old Nokia phone in the early 2010s

Okay, maybe open them up as well to make sure they are decent strips of metal instead of thin wires soldered between the contacts.

Yes but what's stopping home appliances from using USB Type C or some other plug that can be adopted as a Earth Standard?

The europlug (CEE 7/16) can be used in all of Europe, and the grounded ones that you usually get (the CEE 7/7) can be used pretty much everywhere in Europe too.

Retard, just because there is a standard, doesn't mean people follow it.
Also, there is more to a plug than just shape, there is also potential difference and current of the power grid.

Because unlike your devices which you throw away every few year, houses will have the same plug for the 100 years it's been standing. And it would cost a fortune to just switch them out when every building and device in an entire country uses one type of plug.

They'll never decide on one standard now, because the country that they choose won't have to shell out a ton of money to change all their plugs, giving them an economic advantage.

It is retarded, especially 110/240V. But just one of those things that's too in-grained by this point. Like electron flow vs textbook flow of electricity.

aust 3 pin and aust 2 pin are the same, the 2 pin just lacks the ground pin. there's no real difference.

Stop saying stupid shit...

And the China one is the same.
Japan is NEMA 5-15P, but most of the time they use NEMA 1-15P.

Argentina has Live and Neutral switched on the China/Aus/NZ, but in most cases they will be interchangeable.



how the fuck is Sup Forums still having these threads

more or less this

"So I heard you fags will argue about anything" type threads are an old and time-tested method to get replies.

why don't we all use universal SI units?

G is the best.
why wouldn't anyone want an extra fuse?

>relying on pins alone to hold the plug in
>not being able to reverse the plug
Just admit that Schuko is the best

UK plugs best plugs
Just don't step on them.

trips of truth

UK plugs are the best because of how they work. They breed strong men, with soles of steel who look where the fuck they look and don't leave plugs lying around since standing on that shit is worse than lego.


Kill yourself. Preferably by stepping on one of these you faggot


>people blaming UK plugs for being painful


WW3 should destroy enough infrastructure so a global standard can be implemented.

Yeah, let's run this 1000W microwave and 2000W washing machine through a thin usb cable, what could possibly go wrong.

I was just using it as an example.

>No blood
Probably bullshit.

who is "they"?

Actually, most homes in China have multiple outlet types. Pic Related is at my grandpa's home, pretty much anything will fit into that.

This doesn't seem safe, but I know shit about electricity

>tfw stepped on one before

In that particular case it's more likely a clearance issue.

>Europe is the world
Typical ignorant euro-trash

Cost/benefit isn't there for a universal power standard
Power outlets have existed for far longer than globalization has been a thing, so they were never made with anything but local areas in mind
Changing over now would cause more short-run costs and problems than would solve long-term issues, the majority of which will likely sort themselves out as different methods of power delivery for laptops/phones become more standard (e.g. USB-C)
Non-portable electronics like desktops or refrigerators don't need a global standard, you're not going to haul one of those over seas for your vacation.
Now lets stop making these "My outlet is better than our outlet" threads, they're childish


Can we all agree that there might be no right choice(while I favour CEE 7/7), but it's an objective fact that americans use the wrong one, with the wrong electricity too

UK Plugs best plugs

CEE 7/7 is the universal standard, for the civilized world at least. Other untermensch must die.


A, B, and Q are the same thing.

A works in US, Japan, Canada
B works in US, Japan, Canada
Q works in US, Japan, Canada

>America is the world
Typical ignorant Amerifats

>L'Amérique est tout le monde
Amérigras ignorant typique

CEEE is the standard for first world countries

This. Built like fucking tanks with excellent grounding.

British plugs are the best in the world.

>Shuttered sockets
>Insulated pins
>Earth pin
>Fits flush to the socket
>Cannot be inserted the wrong way round
>Difficult to pull out by accident
>Sturdy as fuck


Singapore also uses the UK plug master race

>Difficult to pull out
They are
>too big[for you]
>hard to pull out[like doggie knot]
I like the itally one aesthetically.
You can fit more of those in less space and unplug them without using crowbar

The Universal standard should be the UK 3 pin system. It is the safest of all.

>So gigantic they had to give it moving fucking parts to make it smaller when not in use
Literally the worst designed socket in the world.

Also, if the wires are tugged out, the ground pin is designed to fall out last so all energy is safely grounded.


Yeah man, I agree. I love carrying around a plug larger than the fucking size of my charger.

>pluglets being this triggered

Every damn time. Every single time.
Brittish just wank off about their safety and how their super grounded special fucking sockets are the tits.

And they always forget that they run 230v which is fucking lethal and requires all that bullshit so you don't have retard kids sticking coat hangers in shit.

Meanwhile at America, we run 110v which is arguably non lethal in average home cases. So we don't have to get cucked with some 3 inch thick plugs that would make Jamal look short in the pants, and we can have some decent plug density.

>defending american plugs and electricity

>somehow finding that more appealing than this.

sorry man, i'd rather the smaller option when i toss it in my bag than some fucking brick.

>exif data rotation
i cucked myself

Just stay mad.
Where's your portable power outlet that fits in your pocket?
Oh wait, it dislocated your hip

what for ? Vacuuming a forest ? Fuck off with your useless shit that produces inferior electricity

i ? like ? to ?? space out my punctuation , too !

it ' s nice to have portable power on the go . especially for charging laptops , or literally anything else you can image that requires mains power .

i have one myself , and it ' s saved my ass a few times .

Mostly for running a laptop with its oem charger.

Everyone should just adopt CEE.

Britbongs had the opportunity to re-engineer their plug in the 40s because they let the Germans bomb their infrastructure to shit while the US single-handedly won the war with some help from the Soviet Union.

One could argue that 230VAC allows for thinner wires and for a given output power, whatever you plug in will need less current.
Since what kills you is current through the heart, it all depends on how many KW does the generator output.

The skin has a lot of resistance and chances are that you can survive a shock in both 110V and 230V; but if you are unlucky you will die either way, only that you will have a worse death with 230V.

>live in co-opted America Israel vassel states
>claims America is not the world
how many US bases do you have?

The whole argument on lethality is just that. And its bullshit.

In a house, you're standing on carpet, and likely its one hand that gets the Pence. So the circuit goes through your body into the air, as well as, the carpet.

Due to the lower voltage, there will be half as much current going through you as with 230. And with such a poor path to ground, of course you will be fine with 110 in most cases.

It's with 230 and generally higher voltages that increase the efficiency of transferring to the air and carpet, as well as. More amps through the same resistance. So theoretically, it's a bit more then double the amps through you really.

>he doesn't just buy a brand new iPad Pro to use whenever he arrives in a different country

around 56%

>Quarter of the worlds GDP
>Biggest military in the world
>Most influential culture in the world
Yeah I'd say we basically are the world.

Type I here.
We're gonna take over mang.

Because China.


>Why dont they make a universal standard?

They did.
The result was that we now have one more competing standard.

Singapore has the outlets that let you put in most standards. I've only had to buy one adapter to keep in my bag for the odd U.K. standard still floating around at old shops.

>Biggest military in the world
no, no. that goes to Asia

>with some help from the Soviet Union.
>with some help
Yeah, opening the Western front when the result of war was determined is surely a win.

>Asia is a country
>"while the US single-handedly won the war"
>"with some help from the Soviet Union."

American education.


>US single-handedly won the war with some help from the Soviet Union.
>he actually believes that

neither is yurop nor it actually is USo'm

>Most influential culture in the world

>Neither is Yurop
What is the European Union?
What are European Battle Groups?

We're making fun of you.

>all these butthurt non-Americans jealous of our cultural influence, military, technology, theatre/entertainment, and electrical grid prowess.

It's ok, you may have the "safer" plug but that won't console you from the fact that America BTFOs you in literally every other category, ever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

t. A M E R I C A N

btw mods please ban me

>America BTFOs you in literally every other category
name one that isn't related to cancerous mass produced "cultural" shit
i'll wait




>Say retarded and historically false things
>Get called retarded


>What is the European Union?
that still does't make one country, you moron

because wannabe kewl

>Conflating country with nation

Man you're not just retarded, you're a fucking idiot.

Americans are just too full of themselves to care.

>using a system that doesnt even make sense
>"""""" cool """"""