Programs are now called Apps

>Programs are now called Apps

Where are we going

Like all life must end in death.

Application is the word Windows in its early days used for program with native UI. App is short for application. We've been calling programs apps for more than two decades. You are mentally challenged.


Only the useless ones.

How disconnected with reality must one be to make this image?

App is short for Apple, the people whomst invented apps.

probably an appfag

windows 10 a DESKTOP OS has more focus on tablet and touch features and large icons

i hate it

Only one of those is right, mortal faggot.


>windows 10 a DESKTOP OS
it's a tablet OS that happens to also run on desktops.

An application is a type of program. A program is a list of functions that a CPU performs to generate an output without any further user intervention than running it, and does not require an OS to run. An application is a program who's function varies depending on a users input, and requires a framework around it (typically, an OS) to be usable. is a program. minesweeper is an application.

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you do not understand this difference faggot? And why the fuck would you demonstrate your complete lack of technical ability by not even googling "difference between a program and application" before you started this shitty thread?

I call only Mac and mobile software downloaded from the"app store" since what you buy on an app store is an app by definition. Generally this means small programs. However on Mac this also includes serious stuff.
Oh and stuff on the windows store. Not the one in the Ubuntu"software center". That's software. Found in the software center.

they are actually called progs.

still more correct than

I don't really mind since it's a very short word

How can you get mad at a short word

you now remember java applets

The term comes from "applications programming" (as opposed to "systems programming.") So it's older than two decades.

I still hate it though. It sounds like caveman speak: "me App you Jane."

>>Programs are now called Apps
>30 years ago

Where are the versions that portray how taunts/epithets of certain kind are all replaced with either "autist" or "cuck"?

The term has been used synonymously with program since at least the fucking 70's you dipshit. Even the term "killer app" is at least that old.

it's obviously meant to be exaggerated

>buh buh it's just a word!

It's a word that represents, is part of, and is mainly used in the context of mobile shit culture, where adware isn't malware, programs don't need to have any user-configurable settings, you need to use some bulshit hack to control your own device and everything needs a separate online account to function.

Infortunately it looks like "mobile shit culture" is TheNewComputing(tm).


>Where are we going

Programs finally being called Apps is just the rest of the world finally catching up with Apple. Where Apple goes, the tech world follows. See: Smartphones, mp3 players, USB-C, Ultrabooks, high DPI monitors, etc.

just like web2.0, right?

X-Y-Z gen shits say "app" because they are too retarded to say "application program".

How is it that every company can call their programs Apps when it's Apple's term? Did they just not copyright it?