Why do I keep coming back to Notepad++, Sup Forums?
Tell me how it is, I can take it.
Why do I keep coming back to Notepad++, Sup Forums?
Tell me how it is, I can take it.
Notepad++ is pure and simple.
Notepad++ developer is a moron with split personality disorder who defends terrorists.
Yeah it's pretty nice for Winfags. Kate is better though.
hell yeah, we don't need no FEMA camps, fuck the govt.
Because Notepad++ is the best code/text editor available on Windows
sublime text is better
It just works. Doesnt even need that much memory.
Who cares
>Notepad++ is standard editor at work
>Try other editors from time to time because bored and dark themes are leet
>always go back to npp when i need to be productive
I like it, but lately I've been forcing myself to use emacs
>who defends terrorists.
He is a gook living in Paris. What do you expect?
I'd rather edit binary code instead of using that idiot's program.
On Linux there's Notepadqq which is nice. The other one I use is VSCode and when in terminal Vim
Kate is available for windows actually
That's why I've deleted notepad++ from my Windows machines
lightweight, fast
I just installed Wine and use NP++ on Linux
VSCode ftw
Did you upgrade to a brand new octo-core CPU to render the blinking cursor without lag yet?
this was only on osx and it has been patched anyway, thats the good thing with vscode, they push at least 2 builds per day (Insider version), there is a dedicated team at MS, and a lot of contributors.
As much as I don't like Electron, MS is the only company that has been able to make good software with it.
m8 I use VScode on my shitty u series laptop and it runs as well as sublime and WAY better than other electron apps like atom, as
was saying. It's good software.
this. It has good performance. And you can extend it. You can have anything from a vim emulator to a hex viewer and editor. And the theming even improved more in the last update
because you're not edgy borderline """"geek""""
Notepad++ is fukken comfy.
The sublime and VScode drum beaters are like people saying skim milk is tastier than chocolate milk. You might drink it but it's not because it tastes better, it's because you're out of choccy syrup.
I don't get what you're trying to say. What is the chocolate milk and what is the skim milk in this situation? Either way, I disagree with your analogy. A text editor is not like a beverage. If I drink a ton of chocolate milk, I'm going to get tired of the chocolate milk and want to drink something else. You can replace chocolate milk with literally any food or drink and that statement will hold true. That is not how software works. Most people don't just get tired of software because they've used it so many times, that would be silly. And, finally, as someone who has chocolate syrup in his fridge and drinks lots of milk, I'd say I only drink one glass of chocolate milk for every 50 glasses of milk I drink, so suck it.
>which is nice
It could be, if it wasn't implemented using a browser engine but using an actual QWidget instead.
>using node for plugins
I would say notepad++ is to other text editors as having sex is to not having sex but then you would tell me you choose to die a virgin.
Using what you are used to is usually the most comfy when you need to be productive.
I'm sure VS:Code, Atom and Sublime are much better, but NPP just works for me.
That makes even less sense. How about you just say you don't like editors other than notepad++ rather than trying to make up and ill-fitting analogy?
One of Atom's qualities is that it chokes on large files
Literally stock Windows notepad.exe is better than Atom because notepad.exe can open any files while Atom can open files only under certain size
i moved to visual studio code and never looked back
>looks better
>feels better
>opens quickly
>has plugins if you want
>allows you to open an entire folder in it and navigate and edit things in there
>allows you to edit files side by side
>has git stuff built in
>is completely free, no trial shit
>open source
leave it to microsoft of all companies to make the only good graphical text editor for linux
only thing i dont like is how it -tries- to be an ide but fails miserably at that
just used as just a text editor it is fucking godly
For Verilog Emacs is pretty much a must.
>giving a shit about politics when it comes to technology
come on
desu I'm TRIGGERED that we still use the terms master and slave in technology. It's shocking that hate politics are so accepted.
it starts up fast
which editor doesnt tho?
If your text editor is a fucking web browser with a thousand Javascript libraries, that tends to happen.
people ACTUALLY use atom?
wow you must be actually retarded huh.
t-they dont???
freal what retard uses lincux?
The type that are too mature to use cuck unironically.
kys faggot