Hey Sup Forums what do you use as a media player

hey Sup Forums what do you use as a media player

op uses pic related.



1by1 still the best. Has support for Winamp plugins so plays anything.

for video mpv
for audio DeaDBeeF

Win-side, good old 199 vintage winamp.
Unix-side, audacity.

i used this for a while on my linux laptop.

Started with windows media player, switched to Winamp when it was already dead and now i use foobar2k on windblows and clementine on mac

foobar is great too

I think you mean audacious, audacity is a tool to record and edit sound.

Clementine has become my favorite player and music manager. Configurable, good set of plugins and possible to import database and settings from previous machines.

>He doesn't use audacity to play songs one by one and tweak them to his liking.

winamp of course

music: foobar2k
video: mpv/vlc


Yet to find anything that works this well across systems without the need to physically download songs.

Foobar for Windows
Quodlibet for Linux

Clementine of course.

MOC of course

music: cmus + cli-vis
video: vlc

music: winamp
video: mpc

Winamp because I'm a man of simple tastes and low-footprint music players.


cmus, mpv

MusicBee because it lets me build a nicely organised library for my 400+ GB library and can apply clean design to it, every setting is stored in a lightweight ini file which can be easily transfered between machines

still needs some work layout wise but it's already comfy as heck with some tweaking.

Winamp, qmmp or moc depending on use case.

I use Winamp when I'm dusting off my old Flacs. That spotify just don't sound right sometimes.

Is there any other acceptable choice than Windows Media Player with the Toothy skin?



>opening a player/application to play music
>pre-set playlists
>current year


mpd with custom WM integration.

mpc-hc+madvr+xysubfilter for video. Foobar for audio.


MPD with ncmpcpp and kmbmpdc.

Audacious with the Winamp 2.x skin. I'm so pleb it hurts.

kotonoha is bad

Winamp for music
MPC-HC for video

I wrote my own in html and javascript. But sadly i didn't got playlists to work :/

Used winamp since 1998.

Switched to foobar2000 + deskband control since 2015.

Music. Nightingale.
Video : MPC


Foobar for music, MPC-HC for video.

cmus for audio
mpv for video

ma boy

pic related.

one of these is my music player

What's a good Foobar2000-like audio player for GNU/Linux?

I've tried both Amarok and Clementine, but they were just alright.

I want a customizable graphical player where I can see a song's album cover and lyrics.

Note: I have mostly loose tracks in my library—not full albums—if that makes a difference.



Audacious is the one I use. Small, simple, and just works.

My nigga.


mpv master race.



foobar2k. I remove all pictures from my files.

I started using it too. The default one with Ubuntu, musicbee I think?

Well it would crash importing my 10k songs

dir en grey still a thing?

>Broken on everything but autisrch

Yeah, theyre great. Give a try to UROBOROS (remastered). My mind was blown.

top choice bro

Winamp as well

What the fuck.



dey call me the doorway

I too use pic related, it's simply the best audio player around. Either that or the only one with hotkeys that I remember

I have moved to the Russian successor in spirit since then, but otherwise I still would use Winamp.
My garage shitbox still runs Win2k + Winamp 2.95 as a jukebox.

Zune 4.8

Winamp is good, but which music player is better? I want a music player that recognizes multiple artists in one song like this:
>Artist 1 & Artist 2 - Arse
>Tag (Artists): Artist 1//Artist 2
>Tag (Song): Arse
>Artist 1 song: Arse
>Artist 2 song: Arse


Something like this?

>retro PC
>play music from Winamp
>launch Doom
>either the Winamp music cuts off, or Doom throws message "the Windows Sound System is in use by another application" and there's no sound effects

Wat do?

It's the original 1990s Doom btw (if someone was in doubt).

fubar of course

mopidy-spotify + ncmpcpp

video: mpv
audio: cmus/mpv


Musicbee on Windows
Deadbeef on GNU/Linux