LGBT flag emojis (leak?)

I did some digging and found some data from the latest unicode/emoji update (as far as I can tell it's not out yet). I managed to load it, and sure enough, there they are. What should I do? I'm not really one to leak, but, this is big. I can provide more pics related to this on request.

Oh and sorry for screen capping on my group chat

Why are liberals always so violent and constantly promoting violence?

This SJW era needs to die
There's a difference between tolerance and encouraging mental illness

they're just trying to make more people satisfied, that's just it. bloating the emoji menu is not a brilliant idea tho, and will lead people to use only famous face emojis
2007 and afterwards was a mistake.

Is there a hetero one?

yeah the white flag you hetero LOSER

A hetero one? What? Are you a Nazi? How dare you say that? Triggered......aaaaaaaaaaaa


fuck off to gaia

Holy fuck I hate you all the posting quality keeps nosediving.

Tfw the world will end soon

lol wow did you really leak something that's part of the unicode standard lol good one m8

someone need to purge me from this world

>what i assume to be YoI
>getting upsetti about lgbt flag

chose one.

>this is big
How? they're just fag flags

>company that makes money from millenials does something to appeal to millenials
colour me shocked, op

>no triskelion
>oh but hey
>Mozambique, The Concept of Anarchy, and the House of Bourbon are represented

Great, more virtue signalling.

Why is the tech industry so full of leftist cucks?

>mfw pol gets ripped out of their safe space into the 21st century

>butthurt because sane people recognise you need a pampering room to save you from reality
>get so emotionally vulnerable you just throw the insult back when it makes no sense

Tactic worthy of a merchant.

I'm not upset I'm just anticipating backlash, you know? Also yeah that's YOI, my friend sent me that comic

I'm considering posting this on other threads, not sure if thats a good idea or not but fuck it, honestly. Any ideas?

>haha those sjws sure do get triggered easily
>reee the fucking sjws are making me look at flags

If you want I can get the unicode values for these, I'm guessing they might be made of two values and a joiner character. I think thats actually how they introduced the rainbow flag.

*scoffs* deal with it, bro. umad?

This isn't even some shitty RP
At a time people could put some text between "*" without being considered role-playing or anything
You're a retard who needs to die

>open borders globalism now
>and here are some flags we came up with

I bet you haven't even gone there once.

Putting this on Sup Forums, which me luck

This holy shit, it's the most brigaded, targeted, and divided board on this whole site.

Literally when? That stuff has always been a bbs forum thing. It was always cringy on Sup Forums. People shit on it more because of the hating Reddit meme, but it was never ok.

i use only free software so most emojis are question marks or just a box with numbers inside it.

>fuck off to gaia
>complains about post quality
newfag, much? just because you found ed doesn't mean you know shit

I thought that was France's

what did they mean by this

Ok that ones good

You can neck yourself

>legbutt emojis
Who gives a shit? Only straight people use them.
t. degenerate


Attempted corruption of established symbols.

We are binary people, btw. There are only 2 genders.

Safe spaces are nice because I can play D&D in them without christfags shrieking at me.

This. One face is just fine, we dont need every color of every face and different combinations of clothing for every color of every face * 2 for every gender...

also why they fuck would I even need a flag emoji, let alone one for countries with 13 inhabitants, half of which are goats

A bigger question is why do all of the faces have 2 eyes?

Not all humyns (aka people) have two eyes? This policy is very exclusionary to the blind and partially less vision abled.

We need eye patch emojis in both right and left variants, along with a blind from birth emoji

Dont forget the holiday variants, why is there no blind santa.
And for that matter, where the fuck are the brail emojies? And the sign language ones too.. this is unacceptable.

Also how can we forget people without noses, clefts lips, no chins, ect?

What's the context for the comic? Is the joke just that viktor thinks he's better than that other guy(JJ I think?)?


>the year is 2021
>phone updates
>it's the weekly 31gb worth of Santa emojis appropriate for all newly discovered and formerly known gender, race, religion, disability, weight category and kin combinations
>Christmas is illegal under sharia so I'm not sure what's the point
>try to cancel download
>accidently press and select obese transatlantic polarkin elbowpainsexual version of skiing guy
>my state appointed emoji appropriation supervisor notices
>tfw in jail for cultural rape
>jail is mostly castrated white guys reading books and developing linux distros
>thanks unicode

JUST rollin'

Close, but you failed.

yeah it's just the gay flag but in grayscale

country flags are useful for things like language selections, shipping locations, etc. it means you don't have to store a copy of every flag on every website--it's already on the user's computer. the same reason any non-alphanumeric non-box-drawing unicode glyph exists really. try stepping outside the culture warrior mindset for five minutes