Have you payed respects to the mother of computer programming Sup Forums?

Have you payed respects to the mother of computer programming Sup Forums?


>western women look up to retarded celebs instead of people like her



>actual accomplished white woman who helped invent modern computing
>(((Hollywood))) makes a movie about some stronk black independent secretaries at NASA instead

I'm learning COBOL since a month now. It's a pain and very interesting at the same time tho.



Awesome, I hope Klossy does a special about her.



What amazing things she accomplished.

She didn't do jack shit, she only got promoted because she's a woman for a diversity quota and/or she slept with someone for promotions.

Here, a (You) for (You)


Rest in peace granny


Even though you're baiting, she accomplished more than you ever will



you guys look up to people like RMS and Terry Davis; how is that any better?

>diversity quota


I look up to Dijkstra, Von Neumann, and Turing, myself

okay I guess
>Von Neumann
the guy who offered suggestions to an established system then proceeded to call said system "Von Neumann archicecture"?? He's a charlatan.

Von Neumann more for his mathematical work, and Turing being gay literally doesn't matter.

cool lady


I look up to neither of them. I'm more interested in things like robotics and diy in terms of tech so they have nothing to interest me.

>I'm more interested in things like robotics

Well Stallman is a kind of robot, an IRL spambot that gets invited to universities to say the same thing over and over.

Self feeding as well from what I hear.

Yep, just make sure to use the correct moisture setting in the shoe area to ensure maximum fungal growth.




White knight cuck


She actually contributed something to the world. Women nowadays aren't worth a shit.


>a..and that's why I'm still a virgin!

I lost my virginity at the age of 15.

t. cuck

She was badass
Wish even 10% of the women in tech were like her
Wish the men were like her too

She's a cunt who invaded a man's space.

>mother of computer programming
Programming back then was secretary work for the real brains doing electrical engineering. I could care less about glorified punch-card punchers. People like Dennis Ritchie are more significant.

Which compiler are you using? I have run with inconsistencies like implementations missing SCREEN SECTION, it is like compilers did not follow the standard (that isnt in the standard btw).

Exactly, fucking SJW assholes trying to make a bitch secretary bigger than she really is.

>computer science is for brainlets
kek, this kill the programmer