All my indian friends all use Thinkpad

All my indian friends all use Thinkpad.

Why they like thinkpad so much?
they will punch you if you say anything bad about thinkpad.

Why are shitskins savage and ape-like?

They're tough business grade laptops with plenty of spare parts available online.
If you grab an X200/X220 and stick an SSD in it they will perform as well as new.


>Why are shitskins [...] ape-like?
Because homo sapiens is a primate?

Society is extremely violent. It's just that the violence in "civilized" society is much more delayed and indirect. People don't punch or shoot you for breaking the rules, they get you sent to prison, make you pay fines, call your employer and say shit about you to get you fired. Protesters are extremely violent people despite their claims of pacifism. SJWs commit extreme violence upon people who disagree with them, just because it's not physical doesn't mean it's not violence.

I'd rather deal with a "savage" who would hold me immediately accountable for my actions than some nebulous group of "civilized" people who selectively enforce rules.

t. shitskin

I just realized what that image is suppose to mean

No you wouldn't, you stupid faggot.

Because whites upgraded to Dell Latitudes.

Sure would. Those people are predictable, easy to avoid, easy to understand. With some simple precautions you'll never ever deal with them. If against all odds you do find yourself cornered, the violence comes with clear instructions on how to avoid getting hurt, and the losses you suffer are extremely small. These people play a minuscule role in your life. It's simple.

Better than some faggot getting some lawyer to throw frivolous lawsuits at you in an attempt to extort settlement money or getting fucked over at the workplace and/or career because of office politics on steroids. With these people, you don't even know a game is being played before they fuck you much deeper in the ass than the usual thug.

Because they just found /tpg/


Nice argument, keep it up, proud of you.

Is this truth or just an excuse so you could post that picture?

its truth.. more than 80% indian in IT company use thinkpad.

>Why they like thinkpad so much?

Thinkpad is bad.

>no love for the x201
>every single time

Overpriced for the specs compared to the X200 and X220.

>easy to avoid
They won't be anymore once they are like 30-40% of society. They are extremely hard to avoid already in the centers of large western cities, and not only there.

>With some simple precautions you'll never ever deal with them.
Again, maybe for now, but time is strongly against you and in their favor.

Because thinkpads are famous for being popular and durable, but current thinkpads are just a chinkpad like the rest of the industry

>famous for being popular
>popular for being famous


behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

>physical force

well, excuse my english, I'm not living in United States of Obesity or United """ Kingdom"""

>an MLA-correct quote
I got mad respect for anons like you.

See, you say that, but you don't seem to understand these are the people who will put your teeth on the curb and stomp on your head, or pull down your pants and make you into the little bitch you are with a pocket knife.

more like United Kuckdom

because they can't afford macbooks so they use hand-me-down stinkpads.

I never really thought about it that way. Most of my coworkers have thinkpads, and I guess I never realized that most of the the tech literate people I know are Indian.

In what dystopia do you live? You better leave that place. Avoidance is best remedy.

>cites the dictionary's definition of a complex concept

Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word. This definition involves intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces. However, generally, anything that is excited in an injurious or damaging way may be described as violent even if not meant to be violence (by a person and against a person).

I think even the above definition from WHO is lacking. It doesn't really discuss the why, the reasons people use violence.

Violence is what you do to people to get them to change their behavior.

When you want something to happen and people don't want it to happen, you have two options: (1) negotiate, (2) commit violence in order to force the other person to do what you want. Without the threat of violence, negotiation breaks down.

I'm willing to do the same to them. I've got firearm carry and training. I scan for threats before entering areas like parking lots. I don't give anyone the chance to get close enough to use a knife on me. I don't walk into the middle of a pack of thugs after rationalizing they'll leave me alone.

With other kinds of violence, I can't always respond in kind.

So you're going to shoot someone over a fistfight? Good luck having that hold up in court. They fuck you up after you're already down. Haven't you seen the videos where they swarm a poor little white guy? They don't take out their knives until afterwards.

the loo beckons, pajeet

Because maybe Indians are smart and poor at the same time. They arent like your average Stacy sitting in a Starbucks with a Mac. They value money.

>thinkpads(older) are great! Said everybody on Sup Forums
>Indians on Sup Forums heeded their advice and started buying used ones.
>All of a sudden thinkpads are bad.
Sup Forums logic everyone

But that's a good thing user, right?

Except dell latitudes are almost ALL garbage

Pajeets love laptops that they can poo on

I'll shoot someone if I fear for my life. I don't "fist fight" though. Assuming he's even close to me (things have already gone sideways), if the guy tries to punch me, I'll get away from him and get out of there. Disengage. If he pursues, it's not really criminal violence with the intent to rob me or whatever anymore, it's predatorial violence intended to hurt or kill me specifically. It's pretty simple.

Can't swarm me if I'm not there. I don't enter areas where such characters are present. That's largely the reason I've never been robbed. People walk into the lion's jaws and then complain about getting bitten.

Legal violence is different. Some guy just decides to extort settlement money from you and gets away with it because even though it's bullshit it'd cost more time and money to pay the lawyer and go to court than to settle.

Because that's what the agency provides them.

You can't shoot people chasing after you with the intent to harm you if they're brown and you're white. See the 2015 Minneapolis BLM protest where "white supremacists" gunned down innocent black men who just wanted to beat them to death because only black lives matter.



Because you can buy chinkpad from 20-100 dollars which every single pajeet can.
Never trust Sup Forums when they say "buy" chinkpads. Always buy the good ol' Dell or HP support AMERICA!

Protests are a form of violence, too. They obviously want you to stop defending yourself and will bitch about it until something gives. What's a protest to you? As long as you aren't convicted by law, that's all that matters.

It's best to leave such areas, though. If these people know who you are, they might hunt you down and make you miserable.

I'd rather deal with the aftermath than be dead. Good thing I never had to actually shoot anyone to this day. Unlike the woman who drinks herself to sleep at a party and ends up getting raped, I simply don't give them a chance to fuck me.

International space station top model is t61

I mean, if you need an argument to treat another person decently you're a special kind of asshole.