Why does everyone prefer C++ over Java?
Why does everyone prefer C++ over Java?
because JIT
That's it?
Java is *supposed* to afford you a lot of convenience by skirting manual memory management and other concepts, but squanders all of its redeeming qualities by being shit at everything.
The execution times are disgusting. The standard libraries are full of retarded backward compatibility considerations (casting ArrayLists to an array, for example). All of the things that are supposed to make your life easier are all broken and quirky, and consequently rarely useful.
C# does everything Java tries to, except actually hits the mark.
Performance, flexibility, no forced OOP.
You know Sup Forums's opinion greatly differs from real life on this one, right?
good post
because they fell for a meme
there are AOT compilers for Java
Fuck ass syntax.
Java is un-necessarily verbose as fuck and the compiler is anal retentive (this is just my bug bear with EVERY SINGLE exception needing to be caught instead of just ending execution if it is uncaught).
C++ you can just get in there, write
void main() {
Fuck c++
>everyone prefer C++
no that's wrong
kek, ur retarded
Native > all
>Native > all
Why though?
garbage collection.
fuck garbage collection, let me manage memory on my own.
>don't even return
Envy breeds jealously. Java is the most powerful programming language in the world.
Because Java is popular
i am sorry that i upset you
Nice bait
>//dont even return
but you have to, the compiler adds it for you and has a default return 0 value.
I wish C# was more popular but in practice most companies use Java
Java is an ugly language and uses a ton of memory
Java is shit tier because it's slow
>Why though?
Performance. Nobody likes slow programs that waste energy.
>Jar vs binary
>can make a loose function that's not inside a class
Basically this
Java and C++ aren't even comparable really. You can't really compare the languages as if they have the same goals, there's a different philosophy underpinning them both.
The better comparison is Java vs C#.
Because if I wanted those features I would've used C#, not some slow piece of shit with terrible syntax
Java is fater than C# though
Read my post again, that's what I said
NodeJS is fast overtaking Java
Wait I can't tell if you're saying fatter or faster
Mistyped. Faster.
I think it really depends on the programmer, sure JVM JIT helps a lot, as do structs and erasure-free generics.
Imo Java is over-engineered
>I think it really depends on the programmer, sure JVM JIT helps a lot, as do structs and erasure-free generics.
You have a point, it's quite contextual.
>Imo Java is over-engineered
How so?
I value simplicity greatly so the general culture Java employs and it's verbosity push me away.
Java puts an Enterprise taste in my mouth and I don't like it.
Java the language is simple, it's so simple that you need to write a shitton of boilerplate to get anything done.
e.g. in C# you just have function delegates. In Java you need to create an interface that implements a single function with the parameters and return value you want and then extend and construct it with the implementation function you want.
Java 8 cleaned this particular case up a bit, but the same philosophy is present through the whole language.