Shit Editors: Atom

Who still uses this piece of shit?

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My CS computer pool, unfortunately.

Visual Studio Code is best editor

It's okay, but I've used better.

Me, it looks pretty, works well on all platforms (Windows/macOS/GNU) and I can have Vim keys.

I was super impressed with the vim extension for Vscode actually. Plus they're adding in Neovim integration soon, which should be sick.

Okay so I use this right now because all its plugins and packages.
I'd use sublime but it costs too much and atom's ecosystem is bigger now anyway.

Basically I want a thing like Atom, with ALL the packages, but programmed in C++

I use it unironically.

t. webdev

not me

stop shilling that neovim shit

nice try, Bram

VS Code is also very decent. I ignored it for a long time because Microsoft, eventually I gave it a try and was suprised, it's a very high quality editor.

I'm already used to Atom but if I ever start having problems with it I'll make switch to VS Code.

Keep getting cucked by Bram when he releases vim 9 in another 10 years, adding shitty versions of new neovim features.

like what

I installed it last week and opened some reasonably large file (few thousand lines of text), it was unbearably slow

I think my time is better spent getting more adept with emacs. I'm not really comfortable with using electron for something like a text editor.

It's pretty good. I'd probably be using it more if org-mode didn't get me hooked on emacs.

VSCode is fine with a couple thousand lines (still shits the bed at more than 100k+).

Electron's not the issue; it's shitty javascript web devs that's the issue,

Thanks for reminding me to install it, it's the only free text editor with syntax highlighting for Kotlin


> Not using an IDE for Kotlin

>I'm not really comfortable with using electron for something like a text editor.
that's a solid >muh feels argument

it's not that bad, but vscode rendered it completely worthless

>it's the only free text editor with syntax highlighting for Kotlin
u wot m8?

sublime costs as much as a google query if you're a poorfag

Sublime text or notepad++

newbie here. which editor is good for me?

Sublime is proprietary you can keep that shit

Tell me Sup Forums.
Why is atom so bad?
I've been using for quite some time for PHP development, and so far it's done pretty well.

why would an user want software programmed in a particular language?

it's a clunkier and more slowly developed version of vscode

VSCode has the most momentum and fastest development right now.

>vscode shilling
>the one that used 13% cpu power to render blinking cursor

Nice try pajeet. I prefer atom because it has a sane license, more extensions, and no proprietary telemetry.

>all this vscode shilling
Did something happen to the botnet argument you guys normally have?

>Sup Forums is one person

Also, you should be able to tell when a thread is entirely populated with reddit transplants.

>botnet argument
Haven't you noticed? Nobody cares if the software is actually good. See also: Edge.

Is Edge supposed to be actually good? Since it's shit.

MS pajeets falseflagging Atom and pretending VScode isn't just a reskinned Atom

it's not reskinned Atom

fuck this stupid ass editor

>make a live party on one file
>code, do whatever
>one person leaves, the entire thing fucks up
>work lost

what the fuck

It's the numale editor of choice.


found it on google

Real Men use ed.

It is the standard text editor after all.

what are the pros/cons of using it over brackets, though?

>Who still uses this piece of shit?
Every nu-male I work with

Atom is a good editor that's let down by shit performance.

Loading the editor and opening new windows take for-fucking-ever, and at some point I just said "enough" and switched to Visual Studio Code.

And yes, I actually do have a Sublime Text license too, but the editor gets like a few insignificant updates a year and is nowhere near as flexible as Atom or VSC.

Sublime Text 3 is a dead editor that is way behind in features and only has a few insignificant updates a year. I paid for it, and I feel like I got ripped off.

Because editors written in C++ are faster, you imbecile.

I just use nano or gedit

should I REALLY be using something else? I don't see the point.

>Because editors written in C++ are faster, you imbecile.
being faster for its own sake is worth shit. what matters is being fast enough, which, for example, vscode and intellij are, even though they are not programmed in C++

depends on what you use them for

I admit Atom is shit on startup, it loads simple code pretty damn slow at the start, but I have so many fucking juicy packages and themes that I can't switch to anything else. Emmet, preview html, backslash Auto complete, pigment to view color codes as I type and change them, like once I open the code I never have to wait after that, it's pretty fast.

Hey bram, why is the vim website plastered with nignogs?

I use nano for really small things that I type up in a few minutes

I use gedit for everything else.