Password managers

do you Sup Forumsuys use them?

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No. I have a memory, and all my important pwards are on pen an paper.

I use keepass

I have 6 different passwords, all with 10+ characters all in my memory

recommend me a good self hosted password man


>10 passwords only

I have a 52 character master password and all my other passwords are 20+ or maximum length allowed, unique with upper, lower, numbers and special cases. My master password and database never leaves my local computer and never sees the internet. Please explain how you think you're more secure?

i write all my passwords on a piece of paper then burn it.

that's good if you already have gpg set up and you know how to keep backups.

Just a crypted plain text. All password managers are the same thing but bloated.

I keep all my passwords on a encrypted SD card which is disguised as a dildo which I hide in my rectum.

yeah, it's called MyBrain(tm) and it's always connected to the cloud, so i can access all my passwords no matter where i am or what device im using. neat huh

y-you too

>My master password and database never leaves my local computer and never sees the internet.
tell that to the nsa



isabella something

are you retarded?
>4 passwords only

nope i don't trust them.
i have a plaintext file (stored on an external drive) with all my passwords and login info but only for my aliases. to make internet easier to use i sign up to a bunch of social medias and rotate them every 6 months or so and for slight anonimity. I almost never browse with anything that has my real name also all important passwords/login are never written down.

word, the mobile functionality is a+

Yes, because I've got 110+ accounts with random generated passwords that I use privately and 450+ accounts for work, also with random generated passwords. I've created some email addresses that are only used for certain accounts, mostly for companies that are known to have been hacked at some point.

Using Passpack at the moment to store all of this.

You're all so damn retarded. Just use a regular fugging notebook

I have about 16 passwords all just slight variations of each other, all random characters numbers and symbols. No reason for a PW manager when I've been using them since I was like 10.

(Am 24 now, never had an account hacked.)

No. Google stores them all.

I have passwords in a text file on my desktop

can't copy and paste from a notebook

just put them on your desktop

you can copy paste them from your brain to your computer when you read them

slow af

>using a password manager
You may as well just use one password for everything

lol at all u guys memorizing ur passwords

gl when u forget them