>Hacker? That's a bit glib
>I'm a "Grey Hat"
Hacker? That's a bit glib
I'm wet
>a bit glib
Fucking Gnome devs
Not good enough. Get to sopping.
These pictures always crack me up
why the hell he shaves his mustache?
if you have a sloppy beard, just let it be a full sloppy beard
That seems a bit mean spirited. Why do strange clothes and awkward walking warrant turning and laughing at randoms?
What's really funny is how easy it is to fix this awful style.
0. Shave that disgusting neckbeard
1. Ditch the fedora
2. Use a plain t-shit
3. Ditch the fingerless gloves
Voila, now he looks like a well-adjusted geek instead of an autistic one who gets laughed at by girls in the street.
>being insecure
>Dawkins' gospel
top kek
All the confidence in the world isn't gonna get you any pussy if you dress like Chris-chan.
I'm a 'no hat'.
Wearing a hat too much damages your hair.
do you see that smirk on his face? do you see how he walks upright, rather than slouched?
newsflash Chad, he doesn't give a fuck, and is confident in doing whatever the fuck he wants. now go fuck your wife, pet your dog, and get ready for work tomorrow.
He smirks on the street but when he gets home, you just know he's a gonna spend the rest of the day on /r9k/
Normalfags are animals.
>he needs pussy regulary to validate his self-esteem
they be mirin
>He needs to wear video game apparel in public for... some reason
is that really a tweet? i like Dawkins, but that seems rather ignorant. theological studies are as worthwhile as Classics. at my Uni, if you studied religion, you were doing pretty rigorous study of multiple holy texts until you've picked a concentration, history classes, etc.
hell, that autist who debunks ancient aliens is well versed, IIRC, in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, etc, and was a theology major. there's definitely a layman in religious subjects and an expert.
>he needs a reason
>not having logical reasons behind his actions
>virgin walk in action
>What do theologians study?
Maybe theology
The other user does have a point.
No, just grab a random and wear it.
>retard Chad who has to second guess everything he does out of fear of being laughed at by Stacy
>thinks he does anything with logic in mind
you'd wear full fingered gloves in cold weather, despite losing the utility of your finger prints (as opposed to if you wore fingerless), just to avoid potentially being silently mocked by a Stacy.
kys, m8. you're the kind of pansy who'd spend 20 minutes in front of a mirror combing your hair "just right." you're in no position to accuse anyone of being a hole.
You just saw all of Celebrity Atheism in one glimpse.
I've always laughed and made fun of people like this, but it wasn't until this image did I realize my actions. I feel awful now.
They wish they had his confidence. Look at the facial expressions, the body language. Who would you rather be around?
I'd wear fingerless gloves if I had an actual reason to like if I was working with my hands. If you're doing some actual manual labor, they don't ridiculous. If you're just walking from point A to point B in public, you can and should just wear full gloves.
Because he enjoys video games. It's like you're retarded.
There is no value in theology if you are an athiest. The problem with that statement is that it's him REEEEEing about something he doesn't like existing at all, rather than just expressing contempt for it.
With that kind of logic, flaming homos should be able to walk around with dildo hats on because they really enjoy cocks and no one should laugh at them.
And with your kind of logic, nobody should be able to express themselves in any type of clothing. Only black and white garments should be acceptable.
See? Anyone can take what you say and exaggerate it x100.
> and no one should laugh at them.
Everything up to this point was following "that kind of logic", this line is an addition tacked on by your pathetic insecurity.
No, but staying within societal norms is meaningful lest you end up with sick degenerated society where no one know how to behave.
>knowledge in my artillery
I am _pretty_ sure he meant to write 'arsenal'
It's been shown time and time again that human "morality" can and does exist in the absence of such things, but people still don't believe it.
>morality exists in absence of societal norms
Give 1(one) example of this.
>There is no value in theology if you are an athiest
There is if you're supposed to be arguing against it like Dawkins and co pretend to do. Not knowing your opponent's position means any attempted debate will be nothing more than name calling and strawmen. No surprise his books are just that.
Monks/Hermits living out in the wilderness.
well another thing too is that not everyone who studies theology in a university is a believer.
Monks strictly follow the norms of their little enclave society so that's obviously false. Hermits don't even live near other people so they don't have opportunities to be immoral. Show me a large society where societal norms were completely eroded and the people of said society were still moral people. I'll even help you out a bit, something like 90's Somalia but without the rampant rape, murder and cannibalism.
>ugly whore mocks people on the street
I bet she's pro refugee
I would laugh at that guy too
>is that really a tweet?
You should fucking look at his twitter. He literally sits around bashing muslims and college all day.
>Who would you rather be around
The girls because there'd be a non-zero chance of getting my dick wet. Espescially the one on the left
As far as I'm concerned people studying theology are no better than people studying anime or videogames.
didnt know there were other pictures of this guy
He is quite the opponent till I set his stupid hat on fire and portal him into the UUURRPP!! butt realm
What's wrong with studying art and programming?
>people studying anime or videogames
holy fuck they are people doing that?
you are retard, i know people who studied theology and have good jobs (with decent salaries), a degree in theology is better that any shitty liberal art degree
>Hermits don't even live near other people so they don't have opportunities to be immoral
People/travelers occasionally pass by.
People also sometimes go mysteriously missing.
>not putting youth pastors above devryweeaboos
>studying anime
literally studying animation. that's a useful skill.
>study videogames
have you ever looked at a curriculum for vidya at a reputable, accredited university? it's a standard CS curriculum, but with classes that compliment game development (AI, building game engines, etc).
it's not a bad field of study at all.
It is basically a liberal arts degree.
its ok user, blame the women because they are too stupid to apreciate your classy style and your inteligencie
Fuck off libcuck. Your girl lost.
This changes everything
Is she holding a purple vibrator?
me irl
I usually post on Reddit from my riced arch thinkpad
that's a water bottle
>rigorous study of multiple holy texts
Isn't that the kind of thing that a historian might do?
Isn't it a matter of perspective? A person who studies religion in a secular environment would be a historian, or maybe an anthropologist, isn't it?
That's what religious studies departments are for.