What do I have to learn before learning Assembly?

What do I have to learn before learning Assembly?

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well the fuckin x86_64 instruction set would be a start

Literally nothing, get cracking


this kills the crab

Imperative programming. C would be a good language to learn since you can very easily compile your progrmas and see what instructions it converts to without too much abstraction obfuscating the whole thing.


maybe start with something more simple like MIPS or even Z80

crabs are literally the cancer that kills the internet

This could be useful

how could this possibly be useful

They do god's work.

Depends on the architecture and operating system. If you're doing bare-metal programming on x86, you should know important BIOS interrupt calls and how to enter protected mode. If you're running on top of an OS, you should learn the syscalls and their respective interrupts. Knowing how memory works is also important.

>polluting the internet

the basic of digital (synchronous) circuits, karnaugh tables, signal feedback, flip flops, hazards, basic electronics especially transistors/FETs, some knowledge of IC fab / lithography, machine/micro codes, cpu architectures then start with assembly. Preferably pick a simple instruction set and work your way up

heard that the old c book preaches bad practices. why should people still read that

>bad practice
what faggot hipster do you get your advice from

i haven't read it but i imagine what it teaches isn't bad (it was written by the creators of C) but simply outdated. i've seen some anons recommend it and then recommend reading "C programming: a modern approach"

K&R is THE C resource.

I don't think a lot of that is necessary. ASM can still be learned with just abstract knowledge of the architecture you are targeting, its ISE, and how the computer's memory is managed.


employed faggot hipsters

I reread it a second time, it is amazingly useful. First time many things went over my head, it goes on and on about code maintenance and how it is written for people to read etc.

K&R is shunned by people who would suck Uncle Bob's and Martin Fowler's dick

gdb. Learn how to debug seg faults, look at registers, insert breaks, step forward (si) step over a call (ni). gdb makes asm as easy as any other language.

yes, but what is the point if you don't know what is a register?



The crab is already dead though

Poor little snipper


did he die?

>LEA assembly
t. fbi

No but it was extremely painful.

learn python until you have a firm grasp of logic and data structures

learn C until you have a firm grasp of low-level computing, pointers, registers, memory allocation etc

learn assembly

nope, learn c the hard way should be avoided iso-9899.info/wiki/Main_Page#Stuff_that_should_be_avoided

>Too many factual problems and a presentation that gets you to do things wrongly before being shown how to do it correctly, and not even always then.

They should make a crab guillotine so they can be killed instantly and not have to suffer.

MIPS, my dude. MIPS.


Zed Shaw is a full-on retard, though.

>capable of suffering

It's a meme

Do you know of a website like that for c++?

>that pic
x86 is disgusting
