What the fuck is this happening Sup Forums?
AMD shares are down for the past few days. Who is doing this....REee
What the fuck is this happening Sup Forums?
AMD shares are down for the past few days. Who is doing this....REee
Instead of buying it when they're dipping you're complaining.
Pls. You already know why.
That's odd. I'd reckon the price boom in cryptocurrencies would rise amd's stock price as well, the graphics cards are flying out of suppliers like hotcakes.
Then again stocks are not a representation of the market, it's what investors think the market is.
Fuck off. That shit is a fucking myth. There's no faggot neet controlling tech related stocks.
Go back to /x/. Magic autists with control over the stock market is the most retarded thing I've seen outside of /b.
You do realize how difficult it would be right?
Maybe not magic autists, but magic jews certainly.
Why aren't you buying the dip retard, Infinity Fabric Vega reveal at computex is gonna shoot it up
Maybe, but believing that a single neet autismo posting on image boards can control the entire stock market is just completely retarded. Stock prices dropping after some cryptic post made within the next few days is just coincidence.
I love how AMD's stock goes 30% up/down every 10 days.
You should expect it to continue falling, at this point investors know everything about AMDs product map and upcoming releases, so the hype is over, now you have to wait for increased revenue over the next year and a half, so it will be a slow increase.
How do I buy stocks? /biz/ will only shill current alt coins and trips to the moon.
>he fell for the pump and dump rypoo smoke screen
For fucks sake. To see that people on Sup Forums believe in a darknet boogeyman. I don't give a fuck if the guy is supposedly 100% accurate there is no way it's real.
Delet this. If not I post more sliderinos daddy.
Stocks are down because the rumor that Intel was going to license Radeon Graphics for its iGPUs turned out to be a bust despite it coming from a normally trustworthy source.
people fell for the hype again but once the real world product came out they realized it was shit
any gap they create gets filled by better tech from Intel and Nvidia pretty fast
Fudzilla posted fake news that AMD would make a GPU tech licensing deal with intel. -> stock rises.
AMD and Intel both denied it. -> Stock falls again
AMD is being manipulated heavily right now. Any rumor will make it go up or down 5%.
Also greedy analysts are mad AMD doesn't have 60% profit margins like Intel or Nvidia.
Other anyone already explained. Rumors and hype didn't pan out, and slot of folks decided to sell yesterday. People who tried to ride out yesterdays drop decided to sell today.
>Other anons already explained. Rumors and hype didn't pan out, and alot of folks decided to sell yesterday. People who tried to ride out yesterdays drop decided to sell today.
AMD said today that 7nm CPU and GPU products will be taping out later this year, meaning launch next year ideally.
>AMD said
So no-one in their right mind believed them, and sold shares instead.
Because this has nothing to do with technology.
Why can't mods rangeban all /biz/ crossposting shits?