Redpill me on loonix

Redpill me on loonix

Other urls found in this thread:

>cancerous community
>buggy drivers
>no games
>can't draw circles
>complains about file fragmentation on windows when the entire community is fragmented into one million shitty distros instead of one good

I mean, I feel better than windows users. And isn't that what technology® is all about?

its pretty fun I guess if you're into those things

Security, customization and "stability".

Just an OS with added ideology.

>can't draw circles

Use a VM and try it out.
But since it's clear that you are a pathetic cuck who can't make up his mind on his own then please stay on Windows.

GrDraw(,, 100, 100);

gimp and krita (which are the most popular design/editing programs) only have elipse tools. you can draw circles with them by setting the radii to 0. like everything else on Linux it's user unfriendly

Shit, meant GrDrawCircle, I believe

better OS
cancer look how much effort I put in arch/gentoo community
use a ready to go os with your choice of de and ignore the autists that don't realize the point of gentoo/arch

or by holding shift

More exploits than Windows. Poorly upkept code.

Holding shift while using the ellipse tool is the same way to make a circle in Krita and MSPaint.
t. Windows Krita user

>t. to smart to understand analytical geometry


Pretty much the best thing you can put on your silicon if you know what you're doing. It's also a lot of fun to learn.

>>complains about file fragmentation on windows when the entire community is fragmented into one million shitty distros instead of one good

why you do dis

>poorly unkept
Ah, good, it's well kept.



The best thing about Linux as an Operating System is that you can run a Windows VM in it to solve most of your problems. It runs slower than running a full install of Windows, but you get to be on Linux.

What about KVM with GPU passthrough?

>cancerous community
There's no more cancerous community than the microsoft fanboys community, just check the "PC master race". Also is not that your comment is not cancerous by itself.

>buggy drivers
It's true not all devices are as well supported as on linux but as long your hardware is well supported (95% of the hardware i've tried) it works better than on windows.

>no games
That's a funny way to spell +2000 games.

>can't draw circles
There's a lot of programs for painting and image manipulation on linux if you're referring to gimp. Check:
Inkscape, Krita, LibreOffice Draw, Pinta, etc.
Hell, you can even run and photoshop on wine if you want. At last, the claim is not even true for gimp, it's true that gimp doesn't have shape tools and it would be very nice to have them, but mind that it's a image manipulation program so it's not so terrible. Webm related disproves the claim that making a circle on gimp is hard.

>complains about file fragmentation on windows when the entire community is fragmented into one million shitty distros instead of one good
Your argument is pretty bad from the moment you're comparing enterely different things, if you're talking about FS fragmentation you should at least accept that any FS on linux including ext4 kicks in the ass NTFS. Also you fail to recognize it's not fragmentation but different operative systems that shares comment components because they're available under free licences but that those distros are crafted by different people. By issuing this statement you're failing to recognize that people has the free will to start any project they want.

>no games
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

Never ever.

Pasta but relevant to your post:
True but consider the following:
- Microsoft has deals with hardware companies, so most laptop and desktop computers comes bundled with their products.
- Most people uses whatever comes bundled with the hardware and i can bet a lot of them doesn't even know what is an operative system and that you can choose it. If the brand "Windows" were related to quality then WP would be the most used mobile operative system because the demand would be high.
- Microsoft has deals with schools, so people is trained from a young age to use microsoft products. For a lot of them it's a question of being a comfort zone, not even about the difficulty. I can say this because in my own experience most windows users never solve their own problems, they ask other people to solve their problems.
- Microsoft has a huge lock-in with their formats and APIs. Independently on if we can consider they products are good or bad, the fact is that they use anti-competitive measures to lock their users and developers. For example their document formats doesn't honors the "ISO standard" they supposedly issued. If they care about interoperability with competing solutions they would use the well documented version of their format. But no, they uses their dominant position to push a version of the format only they know exactly how it works (interestingly and despite this, i have gotten problems even with different versions of MSO). Most of the documents in this format are created with MSO and most people doesn't even knows about the strict version of the format, this makes their format a moving target for competitors at best. Their development tools is another good example if a lock-in, they only care about compatibility on markets where they're losing like server or mobile.

too much for the average Sup Forums .. erm .. Sup Forums kid to handle

Can I get you some fucking fruit juice?

>Redpill me on loonix
Take the following as a suggestion in case you're looking for alternatives:

Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2
Davinci Resolve

Enemy of freedom.

You forgot no filepicker

why didn't you call is ellipse?
There there, I made a real circle for you.


And so on and so on

the english linux doesn't

Just press shift like on any other program or choose any fixed proportion you want on the tool's options (1:1 for a circle obviously). The point is that gimp has path tools that can be stroked with a pair of clicks which is something usually ignored when issuing this kind of argument. Check by yourself if you doubt a perfect circle can be done.

Well it opens your mind up for one. Windows users are stuck in the box that they came in. You can for the most part compleatly customize everything, but no one is telling you that you NEED to do that.

It does :).

How does your locale change the fact that there is a filepicker?

Use ranger you casual.

Linux is ok.
You should use a computer that you like. Maybe you will like linux. Maybe not.

There is a ton of free, high quality developer software on linux, but its pretty lacking in media creation (especially audio). For normie uses it will have you covered as well as a mac would.

Linux devs fix problems they encounter, and create software they want to use. If there aren't many linux devs who do the same shit on their computer as you, you will have a rough time.

No matter what software you pick OP, we all love you and support your lifestyle. See you at Pride this year ;)

>>no games
>no games is bad
fuck off underage


It doesn't spy on you or feed you ads. Distros like Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and others are for real work. Stuff like Arch, Gentoo, Solus, and stuff are for neckbeard NEETs. Don't use anything except for Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS for home servers.

Desktop environments are basically a window manager, fonts, some apps (which differ between DEs), panels/docks, and other things that form the UI. If you don't want to use a full DE, just use a window manager like Openbox and configure a panel like Tint2 to easily launch apps. Bad DEs include Gnome, KDE, and XFCE. They tend to be buggy and bloated and they just work like shit. Good DEs to try are Cinnamon, MATE, and LXDE. They're user friendly and easy on system resources.

If you're a beginner, try out Ubuntu MATE.

>>cancerous community
Only for some distros like Arch.
>>buggy drivers
I've never had a problem with this. Is this some sort of 90s meme?
>>no games
Not as many as Windows but it still has a lot of native games, mostly through Steam. You can also run a lot of Windows games in PlayOnLinux.
>>can't draw circles
>>complains about file fragmentation on windows when the entire community is fragmented into one million shitty distros instead of one good
There are a few solid distros and a million hobbyist distros. Choices are a good thing.

>There's no more cancerous community than the microsoft fanboys community
I'll agree with this. I once visited Razer forums to ask about Linux support before buying and I saw some kid asking if they would include Mac OS X support because in his mind it's based on GNU/Linux. It really pisses me off that these people don't know how to use Wikipedia.

>can't draw circles
top fucking kek

I don't think anyone actually likes Microsoft
There's just no other viable options

It's a good OS, but switching isn't easy. If you use a lot of software that's only on Windows you're gonna have a hard time for a while.

"no games" isn't true but don't expect to get all games there are. If you just want to play games semi-regularly you should be fine, but if you're big into gaming already you're gonna run into quite a few games which just don't work.

WINE (the "windows emulator" if you can call it that) is actually starting to get pretty good; it's grown a lot since I starting using Linux full-time a little over 5 years ago.

For professional tier creative software (i.e. image editing, video editing, CAD software, music production etc) Linux is pretty bad. If you rely on that kind of software a lot you should definitely at least keep a dualboot.

Basically what's the most difficult is the switch, but that's just innate to switching OS; by now I'd find switching to Windows a lot harder than I ever found switching to Linux.

All I see is Mark Hamill

I mean lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that linux does not have. You have those two buttons in linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

Everything is free, most everything works fine, and it has no viruses. All the software is 15 seconds away. Also runs great on older stuff that Windows has abandoned for the new 600 dollar standard with RAM that isn't backwards compatible.

It's fun to play with it if your time is worthless.