
Hi guys,
I'd like to build a computer but I don't know what to buy. My budget is limited to about 800 pounds. I can pay more if it is a must.
I want it to be able to run the latest games but also be used at an office.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ryzen 5 of some sort, whatever fits in your budget
At least 8GB DDR4, higher speeds will improve performance with Ryzen because higher RAM speed means higher Infinity Fabric clocks
Get a B350 motherboard, don't buy from shitty brands like Biostar, but Asus, Gigabyte, MSI are fine
RX 570 will run pretty much anything high or ultra at playable frame rates at 1080p
EVGA B2/G2/G3 PSUs are best bang for buck, however much you might be tempted don't cheap out on the PSU because a cheap PSU can ruin your components
Case is up to you, it's a personal preference thing

Buy an SSD if you can afford it
so convert that to your teabucks. i didn't really try. i just picked parts that looked interesting but work together to give an idea.

anyone who tells you intel is a jew. nvidia / amd for gpu eh either. i am biased for amd though.

when you say you don't know what to buy, do you mean the parts in general? because either way you're apparently too stupid to ask google prior to killing a thread that was probably better than this slop.


well amd is off the cards, for gpu's anyway. just get a 1600 and gtx 1060 or maybe a gtx 1070.

I'm not sure how that translates to bongbucks but this is what you should be looking at. If you need more storage later a decent 1TB drive is ~$50

not to mention there's already a pc building general. go look there, op. (or /r/buildapc... they have a good beginners guide)

Is this post satire? The majority of threads currently active on this board are flamewars, tech support, or some form of general or meta thread.


for the price of a 570 he can get a 1060. amd radeon is not an option in europe.

You were saying?

Here ya go OP

can't tell if genuinely retarded or just trolling

anyway OP, here's a good build:


Forgot link

Enjoy your shit DX12 drivers

>tomb raider is every game in existence!

>higher speeds will improve performance with Ryzen because higher RAM speed means higher Infinity Fabric clocks

Won't matter unless you get a GTX 1080 to play gaymes at 1080p on a 100Hz+ monitor.

That pic
AMD fans won't admit to AMD gimping dx11 performance though

>3gb 1060
nigger that card is not only slower clock for clock than the regular 1060 thanks to less cuda cores, but is heavily vram constraint. virtually all new games now will gladly use more than 3gb of jewram. even bf1 will use more than 3gb at 1080p.

buying a 3gb 1060 is the equivalent of asking someone for a swift kick in the balls. 24/7.

really that is very unprofessional from a reviewer and i own a 1080. he should have simply stay out of it. all he did was light more fuel to the fire and help spur more flamewars.

no it's not. he's balancing the fanboyism. why is only ok to say nvidia is "gimping" when amd's cards to the exact same in different scenario's? he's finally bringing some logic to all of this nonsense. good on him.

YouTube comments act like bumps, twas deliberate.

Total = £735.20

My bad. I didn't see the 4GB on the GPU. Spend a little extra on the 8GB model. Brings it closer to the £800 mark but still under.

>balancing the fanboyism
a reviewer who gets paid to review is balancing the fanboyism by joing the fanboy flamewar. brilliant.

why should, would, a "professional" tech journalist stoop to the level to join a fanboy flame war? how is that helping? all that's going to do is piss off amd fans and fuel them to continue to go around and label every single "tech journalist" as nvidia fanboys. he did nothing to help that discussion when in reality it isn't EVEN a dicussion. its a loaded dick waving contest spured by a bunch of neets to have a reason to fight with one another.

and he joined right in trying to act like he's some how on higher, more moral, ground.

buy only open hardware. its not worth the hassle to use proprietry garbage.