/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• Seller addresses him by his full name in the feedback causing user to panic • Mintfag advice • I shill the battery life of my Redmi Note 4x • user gets a spinner, AGPTEK M20 and a patch for on his hat • user messes around with his Benjie T6 and discovers a USB Dac mode • During the Mi Max 2 reveal they had Mitu dance to Michael Jackson's Beat it • Another user has fallen for the Asian tea meme • user receives pictures of North Korea's dear leader • More useful Gearbest coupons are posted one of a Tevo Tarantule 3D Printer youtube.com/watch?v=XIk-w5OSVh8
• user repairs his Zircons • Also on sale the FNF iFive Mini 4S for $109.99 which was highly rated by Techtablets youtu.be/RQR-SZ0Rh08

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1st for Jar Jar Binks wall vinyl.

Xiaomishill OP.

Threadly reminder to never ever buy the Mi5 or any Xiaomi phone ever again:

Xiaomi has literally fucked up the Mi5 with the last few updates.

During the last few ROM updates, Xiaomi managed to fuck up literally everything.
Currently I am personally facing:

1. GPS sometimes locks, sometimes it doesn't, and it's unsure for how long it stays locked. Also, it almost never works when plugged in to my car's QC charger.

2. Super high idle battery drain. It used to be awesome, now it loses 10-15% every night while just sitting.

3. Ram issues, apps seem to close way faster than before.

4. I cannot use Bluetooth to play music anymore, it's broken. Before you ask, I've tried 2 different speakers and a headset, paired/unpaired/reset everything, no result.

5. I cannot use a wired headset to talk, as the mic doesn't work. Tried 3 different headsets, and 2 of them were Xiaomi (piston 3s and hybrids).

6. Google Now/Assistant doesn't work properly. Always some weird permission bs when you try to play a song / navigate home / set an alarm etc. Practically unusable.

7. Overheats af if just loaded with apps with a ~25 degree ambient temp. I've seen the 45 degree warning quite a few times.

8. The performance has degraded rapidly. Sometimes it feels like my old HTC One M8, with the sluggishness to switch apps and the inability to even draw some apps without 5 seconds passing with a blank screen. It even freezes up on the Google Now launcher when pressing the home button when it's loaded..


LineageOS fixed literally all of that.

>tfw Redmeme Note 3 SD
>tfw everything working perfectly for a year and a half already

Xiaomi never disappointed me.

its all software though
just install resurrection remix

i dont have any battery problems + google now works. it overheats but so does every other flagship.performance does not degrade.

only GPS and bluetooth problems exist because of MIUI

So... I've decided to give in and buy me a mech keybord.

My main requirements to it:
Low profile keys, low travel time, Backlight, external keys (not embedded into the frame, for easier maintenance)

I've found all ever wanted in Gram Spectrum, but the damn thing is way too expensive. Are there any cheap chink analogues of that?

Got a phone stand and a voxlink cable today
they don't burned my phone/10

just bought two different bluetooth headphones for the gym. i find them better than my jaybird x3.

one step closer to perfect camo autism

August EP650
Mpow Bluetooth v4.1

that pattern makes me want to puke

>27 inches, 2k, AH-IPS monitor, which I paid 1089RMB a few months back
>it's a Tuopu, if you need a brand.
Thanks, I'll check this brand.

>$200 printer
>$100 shipping
Gaybeast a shit.

I've bought a 5S plus for gf couple months ago, and it has been running without any issues at all so far.

Yea or Nay? Opinions welcomed.



I don't think I will use the screen but fuck they are kits as expensive as this without the screen so why not.

Free shipping to the UK

No one here uses MIUI if they have any sense.

buying this one
any recommendations on a battery for the pi and screen?

Reccomend some self defense stuff

Why did you just take a picture of this page?

You won't find anything worthwhile from chinks, all they have are those dinky cathead keychain thing(made from abs or some other brittle plastic) and some flashlight 'batons'. Mostly because most of stuff is illegal in China.

Nice micoSD card!

When you have to copypasta an obscure reddit post which immediately gets debunked in the comments to make your dead Lenovo sub-brand look better. Pathetic. You're pathetic.

I know who's acting like a shill here and it sure isn't RegularOP.

Just bought a redmi note 4 global edition, after using my galaxy S3 for 5 years :D
The best deal in my life

REEEEEEEE. It's the same price on ali with free shipping, so whatever.

Jesus dude just fucking recable them if you like them that much. If you do a good job the cables will last way longer.

tactical dildo

what is the blue water drop character icon on taobao search results? sometimes it's gray.

who makes these nice csg graphics?



it's interesting

buying from aliexpress for the first time.
do they accept paypal?

Is the Kingdian S280 still the go-to cheap SSD, or is there anything better and cheaper out there?
What about the new Kingdian series?

I'm looking at a 60 to 128GB SSD for linux.

Nope, you have to use alipay. If you're that afraid about chink CC security, just use prepaid credit card/visa gift card.

Are the flashlight batons good tho?


Kingdian S280 is generic TLC SSD, it's fast until buffer runs out. But every TLC SSD will have that issue.

you can go to ali and check something so basic yourself

So, what should I buy?
I only have experience with MLC (a Transcend mSATA SSD).

You'd be better off with wrapping some bike chain to electrical tape or carrying a D cell battery and sock with you if you had to go nigging.

Literally me, RN3P is a Chink classic


Anyone ever buy shit from Wish?

>All flash sale stock has sold out

Kill me. Fucking kill me. I wanted to order that thing yesterday but fell asleep. Now I'm home from work and it's fucking gone.

Are there any decent alternatives to the Xiaomi Air?


is for normies, aliexpress shit with a markup

Im pretty sure there was an user here yesterday bitching about ali asking him to credit their identity when buying with a prepaid card

Any cheap chink soldering iron approved by /csg/?

I need to fix some headphones.

Cube Thinker i35

Yup, but what else can you do besides trusting that alipay handles their shit properly(which it afaik does)

Want a smartwatch, is Xiaomi Mi Band 2 for €20 a good deal?
Also, how good is the waterproofing? They say it's IP67, but can you actually go swimming with it?

>what else can you do
Buying from sites that accept Paypal?

It's a pretty good watch. The waterproofing seems solid. I've had it underwater for quite some time with no ill effects but I imagine it's only rated for 30 minutes or so

Just get a hakko fx 601, cheap and reliable

you again....

but that's even worse than alipay

i had gotten a 10 dollar pair for the gym, they lasted 3 workouts before bugging out

Nice display but downgrade in everything else for the same price.
Eh, guess I'll wait more and hate myself.

what is alipay

You sure? It's still showing 587€ for me, 10 left. If you're talking about the Air 13, that is.

Yes. If I try to checkout it's telling me they've run out.

>i blindly trust jews because everyone does it

It's 596€ with the coupon GAirS13 btw

It was a bit disappointing in the beginning, but now the firmware upgrades made it fucking incredible.

It works great for workout and has integration with Sleep as Android. The waterproofing worked for me, but I never swimmed with it.

Gearbest doesn't have this problem.

You can't buy it nigga.

I'll try that then

Smashed my pebble to bits yesterday
Is the "No. 1 G3 smartwatch" any decent?

Yes the Kingdian S280 is still the go-to cheap SSD the 240gb one is currently on "sale" for $77 and 120gb one is $61

Plenty of anons have them for a year or so now and no reports of them shitting the bed and the speeds are still great.



Awwww shit nigga, that fucking worked.
10 bucks more but I actually got one.

The "flash sale stock" has run out was the message, your coupon made it a non-flash-sale purchase and I could order one.

Chinked out of 10 bucks but I fucking got one. Thanks man, you made my goddamn night.

Should I get the 120gb for a linux or barebones windows installation, or is 64GB enough?
I won't be storing much data on the disk, just the OS and maybe some PDFs.

so you really want everything spoon fed?
Is it so hard to google for 5 minutes and find out how much space a distribution takes? Next you want us to tell you which one to install and how you prepare the flash drive?
>current state of Sup Forums
I need to get off this ride

Just a reminder, this time last year the 120gb s280 sold for $30 and the 240gb one for $55

Have one of the earliest Chinese SSDs and it's still going strong.

Touch Screen Tactical Gloves Military Armed Army Paintball Shooting Airsoft Combat Anti-Skid Rubber Knuckle Full Finger Gloves
(from AliExpress Android)

Is this good?

Which is why I said on ""sale""

to be fair, the 120GB EVO 750 was 15 bucks less this time last year, too
But there is no denying that we memed the price up, just like with the sharks

kingston, adata, sandisk, drevo are cheaper tho

but only htc owners have sense

64GB is more than enough for Lunix. 128 is probably better for Windows because Microsoft keeps shitting out fuckhuge updates, plus you will invariably end up installing a bunch of games.

i have a 120gb with arch on it and didnt install any games.
really makes you thonk

well you have an useless shitnux os, even 2 gb is enough when you dont have stuff to use on it

how much of that is comfy screengrabs

Step aside Sharks, meet the Mixza Chicken.

>Shame they're still overpriced like the Sharks

>tfw it's counting writes correctly
>tfw 99% condition after much more writes than on mine
>tfw Kingston(r)(tm)c() is worse than your chink shit


sauce on the lady?

perhaps he uses a bloated distro


Step aside chickens.

man these threads are so dead

is there really no good chinkshit left

That first one is so fucking terrible

emojis mean different things and we read them different ways based on what company made them

its a complex language with many sub dialects

I got a random set of thin, clear, rubber cylinders about 3" in length. I checked all my orders, and nothing I ordered even slightly resembles this.


sweet hot glue sticks

looks like hot glue

huff it

The tracking on my order says Shipment Cancelled
What's next

Dumb Asukaposter

wait for your money.
