/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Captain Jean-Luc Van Der Beek, Commander Danny Riker and Counselor Siria Troy boldly go where no /ptg/ thread has gone before edition.

Previous thread News
>The thread that was promised, cucked, but not forgotten
>The Jean-Luc Van Der Beek meme transcends, hilarity ensues
>77777 blessings be upon the denizens of /ptg/
>Inspector Sherlock user gets to the bottom of who's been behind all the recent shit-posting
>Distinguished Professor of Tracker Economy publishes 2nd 3-part paper
>anons struggle to find the meaning of AHD's life
>alienhippy's autistic presence confirmed in /ptg/
>No, it's poolshark
>samefags abound
>Distinguished Professor of Tracker Economy schools neon that wandered over from /r/trackers
>Official Sup Forums torrent client guide resurfaces
>PhD student supervised by Distinguished Professor of Tracker Economy publishes findings of research
>The anti-Kyle makes its existence known, cataclysmic collision imminent
>Danny's godly presence still watches over us between fucking models

Have a question?
>FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
>WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
>IRC #opentrackers.org irc.opentrackers.org

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

I have an online.net box but it has horrible peering/connection. My home connection is like 1mpbs to it and even my university with literally 6 hops to the server caps out at 2mbps.
I'm thinking of trying out a kimisurf in Canada to get a better connection (OVH network) and a closer box. Is it worth it? How much do I lose by moving away from the datacenters in euroland?

>no kyle
kys OP

>The anti-Kyle makes its existence known, cataclysmic collision imminent


thanks for the news OP!

6rd for uTorrent is best girl!

This. Very nice OP!

most breathtaking run of memery on /ptg/ since nostream

kill yourselves

Anyone has experience using downthemall on AB?
Keep getting error 429, but cannot find any way to download with small delay in chunks rather than all at once.

CmonBruh BibleThump

Retard, i told you its stupid idea. You wont hoard buffer like that!

are we gayming now?

alienhippy seems like the smartest person in this thread

You can't keep all the buffer to yourself!

That's a different user than me, user

t. alienhippy

/ptg/ is officially dead

god I wish that were me

You don't fucking need buffer on AB. They do not give a damn about your ratio.


long live /ptg/

MODS! Tear down this general!

t. Commander Danny Riker

t. Counselor Siria Troy

t. Captain Jean-Luc Van Der Beek


i for one think it's more alive than ever

This general needs to be deflated

Best post so far ITT!!!

like an impotent old man that just discovered viagra

Why would you be a recruiter (myr) if you don't even recruit people? It takes literally a day

lmao. best post in weeks. good job, son

>Princess Tutu: the best encode

for what purpose do i need a PT?

A real reason.. Everything I look for is on TPB or Google..

The top one looks "kawai uguu", i like it.

Im trying to save youre time, user!

Enjoy your mainstream pleb shit taste.

the spirit of fr died when he saw OP

Yeah. I can only find faults with Princess Tutu in terms of encoding issues. I'm not rukia or anything. But that's just a single release I'm aware of.

OVH is shit. Online is shit. Feral is shit. get a seedhost server


exceptional performance user

i don't believe you

What am i missing? Enlighten me please



please answer

What are you using, mpv? It's anamorphic. It displays in 4:3.

What are you getting at?
Why wouldn't you find an open seedbox on your prospective seedbox provider to test?
Or are you talking about loosing peering when seeding?

well your dl ability gets disabled under 0.2 and you need something like closer to 1 if you want promotions

so you shouldn't completely fuck it up

but uh you should be able to get enough bonus points by just downloading freeleech HD anime that you want to see and keepin' on seedin'

Screenshot from the torrent page.

get evo seedbox


The resolution of Tutu is 714x480. Not sure how you managed to get it to 540 there.

>waited 15 hours in a queue to interview for RED. >failed within the first 10 minutes on the first set of questions...

hurrrr durrrrr xDDDdddDD

of rukia's release of tutu*

go back to pooloo and stay there

A 16:9 DVD will display in 853x480. A 4:3 will display in 720x540.

Anyway, I was thinking of my unreleased V2 of Tutu. I should get that out one of these days. V1 had a lot lost due to overaggressive debanding.

upset, cuck?


DVD will play your 10bit rip?

Why do people encode DVD rips in 10bit anyway? It doesn't make a nick of sense.

rukia damage control? Press alt+i and upload result here.

fuck off nigger lover

Smaller file size. No other benefits literally. They will meme on you with muh banding and muh rich colors, dont believe them.

But DVD rips are already small enough.

it's not a meme

High bit depth debanding is nice. You don't want to encode 8 bit dither.

Post the screenshot already.

Then why not encode in 24bit?


You mean 32. The only reason ATM is speed.

how? you just need to know that
flac,wav->else good
else->else bad

rukia didnt post the screenshot as expected, hehehe.

I'm a fan of larger pieces if you catch my drift.

Invite to Blutopia please.

>He's not kingpin class on H4H

*unzips dick*

>tfw cant login there

How long do I need to suck it? Really want that invite.


t. blu***** shill

Best way to get content to upload to pornbay so I can get an empornium account?



When will AB open up again?

april 25th on red

December 32th

July 17th

>Kingpin of Asha's Yoga Buffet
What really goes on there?

Did PTH let their https cert expire?

pooploop staff hacked them in retaliation for the ongoing tracker DDoS

>tfw you are a massive ratiocuck

>using the smiley with a carat nose

pooploop irc died again
these fucks couldn't be more curry if they were wrapped in a roti and dipped in daal

I don't know why they switched sites without sending out an email

Any general tracker. There are billions of porn videos.
