Create useless distraction

>Create useless distraction
>Market it as a way to keep short bus kids from being distracted
>They fall for it
Damn why couldn't I think of some get rich quick scheme like that.

Other urls found in this thread:

>make a spinning toy
>it gets popular

Whoa, like that totally hasn't happened a bunch of times before.

its certainly not the first time it has been done.

>Whoa, like that totally hasn't happened a bunch of times before.
need to make a quick mental note for the next bitcoin after this one crashes completely

>short bus kids
I only see college age white girls using this shit

And the 90s was full of these fads. At least you don't have to collect 300+ of these.

Kids love spinners man wtf did you think?

When I worked at a school they were obssesed with some blade shits and paper spinners.

I see a lot of kids playing with them. It is just another stupid fad, it'll die out soon.

It must be the fakestream media lying to us again. They said it was special kids buying these to concentrate.

found the poor nocoiner

>I only see college age white girls using this shit
Well I work at a short bus school and I guess come to think of it, I only see a pretty small percentage of kids playing with it. I've only seen the higher functioning ones with it, and even then only a few of them.

Does anyone remember this shit?
Basically an umbrella cap shaped thing with a hard plastic cap that you turned inside out and threw on the ground to make it spring up

It may have been, now it is just another cool thing for the rest of the dumb kids to buy just because they see their friends with one.

Remember that time the niggers got into spinners?

These things weren't invented by some chinese corporation, they were originally a free project for kids to make in shop class at school. Like it became popular long before people started selling it to you, you're just out of touch.


They are definitely more popular now than they ever have been.

>btw please please keep mining for muh bitcoin

Im 30, and have no idea what you're talking about.

pic related is my guess though..

The fuck are you talking about?
How bubbled are you?
>i made this similar thing in shop class that means it was always as widepread as it is now and everyone knew about it

stay mad and poor :^)

Not him but those weren't it.

My school didn't have that.

Actually it took a while for it to catch on.

Nigga, why do you have to be so edgy. Honestly I love my fidget spinner, it's way better to play with it than to click a pen back and forth or pretend to be playing drum with fingers. Someone had a nice idea and earned some money for it; that happens over and over with many things. I paid like $4 for mine so I don't feel I "fell" for anything.

>tfw everyone keeps acting like spinners are a new invention

we were making these like 15 years ago, there were also beyblades and spinning rings for your finger, slap bracelets, the list goes on.

it's just a toy, relax.

These things could fucking hurt when placed on the wrong places.

>it's just a toy

It's a skill toy. Except it doesn't take skill to use, so normies love it.

wow you took that one personally. yikes.
No, this shit spread the same way anything does in current_year. There were probably thousands of youtube videos about making these before you could ever buy one. It was basically the new slime except it was just barely harder to make than to buy so suddenly people saw an opportunity to sell it.

Is Sup Forums full of underage kids? Why is there a thread about this children's toy every time I open the catalog?

i really dont get these things, they are not toys, they dont do anything, so wtf

Name a toy that actually does anything. It's the whole point of a toy that it doesn't do shit and leaves everything to one's imagination or shit.

how would you use imagination with those things, what could you possibly imagine to have fun with them, i can think of more ways to have fun with a stick than these things.

it was originally meant for special kids
now it's being marketed as a toy, and thus being banned in class rooms, and now the special kids don't get to have them because of it.
It's kinda fucked up in all actuality

sounds like an episode of malcolm in the middle

I don't understand how these things are so popular?

I see these signs popping up all over town. There are suddenly tons of places trying to cash in on the fad. It makes me fucking sick. I don't care if people like these or sell them, but the way they are being covered in the media and marketed is disgusting and shows how shitty human beings can be.

Then you have the chinks that smell blood in the water and spam every social media site with their ads like they did with those fucking scooters last year. Where are those scooters now? How much money will people waste on stupid shit? Fuck this gay earth.

It's pretty similar with what i remember.
The difference is with the ones i recall is that you threw them into the ground and they popped up in the air
The designs i've seen the most had a clover shaped plastic thing on the part that is supposed to snap and i've seen them in opaque rubber but it looks like those things you posted

>no women
>no adults with a social life
underage kids or overage manchildren, yes.

desu some spinners looked kinda cool in NFS.
then again no one has the money to buy them.

> tfw 25+
> tfw you know any recent car is 90% plastic
> tfw any bit of bump or scratch destroys half the car
> tfw you realized it's a waste to buy expensive cars

I mean I do love the topped out Ford we have but then again it's just not worth it.

or college rejects

>like 15 years ago

>Stress ball of current year
>All the edge lords make short bus jokes
You are what is wrong with this society.

Buzzfeed and the other few media sites that 99% of the people have liked/followed on FB or elsewhere..
Not kidding.

They could make dog shit eating popular if they wanted.

>out of touch with fading normie trends
I'm somehow totally okay with this

Are these really for autisic people? I have diagnosed asperger's and I don't see the appeal. It's ridiculous and retarded how people find joy from those.

These things, can't remember the name but they were the shit 6-7 years ago

>>Stress ball of current year
Only louder.