I am seriously thinking about buying this. This is not based on a huur duur macs are superior...

I am seriously thinking about buying this. This is not based on a huur duur macs are superior, but rather based on a need to have a Unix compliant system that does not break for some weird as reason (Linux).

Now I would like to make a survey aimed at developers:

>What sort of programs do you make?
>What tools do you use on a daily basis to program?
>Have you ever used a language aimed at MacOS / iOS such as Objective-C or Swift? What was it like?

>What tools do you miss from either Windows or Linux?

Build a hackintosh for $70

Why not a hackintosh?

do a g4560 hackintosh

Objective C sucks dick
Swift is alright but that next step horse shit still bleeds through making the language just as awful as objective C.
The ide lock in with xcode is real, that also sucks massive dong.

If you can't use Ubuntu for development I'd suggest a different career path and/or kys

The problem with a Hackintosh is that it suffers from the same issues as Linux, it may or may not work based on a set of conditions, and there is no guarantee that an update by apple will not make it impossible to continue using it.

I can use linux just fine, I am pretty comfortable with bash, but there is software which has no support in Linux and it does in Mac.

My current conjecture is that unlike Linux Mac is a Unix operating system that has more support from software vendors, which is a shame, but there is nothing that can be done.

>that does not break for some weird as reason (Linux)
Hello, pajeet.


why do people call osx unix

it's unix in fucking theory like how windows 98/2000 was dos in theory. you're technically correct but it's been so stretched and modified that it might as well be called something else.

holy shit read the motherfucking post

> does not break for some weird as reason (Linux)
Oh, is the internet down right now? No?

I guess you're that "weird ass" that breaks Linux for no fucking reason, then.

>ecommerce, streaming media apps, data visualization
>IntelliJ and Atom
>Not yet but will probably go the Obj-C route.
>I miss Notepad++

What advantage does Notepad++ have over sublime or Visual Studio Code?

It's much faster and I can also be lazy and have 50 tabs always open. Always. If the power goes out or I need to restart then everything in my unsaved files is still there when I restart Np++. Switching language formats is pretty fast too. Lots of advantages, mostly in the areas of speed and efficiency.

Programming on a Mac - like everything else - is miles ahead of what these Sup Forums manchildren have ever seen happening on their Anime OS machines.

Go for it, you aren't doing anything wrong there.

>break for some weird as reason (Linux).
Linux doesn't randomly break. Unless you count hardware failure, but that affects all OS.

Just get an SBC.

Software engineer for 20 years here. Of Winblows, Mac, and Linux.. Mac is definitely my workstation of choice for codemonkey work. I am honestly more proficient in Linux though (I use CentOS), you have to be in order to set up and admin all your servers.
But Mac for coding, hell yeah.

if you buy a mac, don't get that mac. The max mini is a piece of shit held together with "security" screws and it is a royal pain in the dick to get open.

>but there is software which has no support in Linux and it does in Mac.
So you read the Mac support and use that to solve any problems in Linux.

Why do people always think that they should pick one *nix platform over another because of software support?
There may be differences in what libraries and versions you have but that just means you might have to go and compile some extra stuff.

I am not intending to use it for anything aside from web development, for anything else I have a windows computer.

One of many reasons. If you're going to do it then do it right and get a Macbook.

no that's user error

>problem with Hackintosh
>update by apple
Why would Apple have any reign over your Hackintosh?

Still dude, don't get it. It is a piece of shit that will stop working in 3 years and you're gonna end up using a pair of wirecutters to open the metal grate under the black cover to get to the internals only to discover the SSD you need to replace is not m.2 or msata or a 2.5 inch drive, but some proprietary shit that you're gonna wait a week to get and spend twice as much money for only to find out after replacing the damn thing that the fan is constantly spinning at 100% and the fucker won't boot.

Don't buy it.

In the first place never ask Sup Forums about real life related issues.


>Unix compliant system that does not break for some weird as reason (Linux).

>t. mactoddler

Except that I am not asking about the Hardware of the OS itself but rather about the software used for programming, which is unrelated to asking for consumer advice.

I've Hackintoshed before. Triple booted OS X, Windows and Linux. Wiped the OS X drive and replaced it with Xubuntu. Don't do it. It's not worth your time.

I've also got a Mac Mini—2016. There's nothing wrong with the Mini. The technology's just a fistful of generations behind. It's not going to break like MacBooks will—it's too small and too stationary for you to break unless you're retarded. Just spec it out exactly how you want it beforehand.

>I don't develop on the Mini—it's just for video editing in FCP 7. I've messed around with iOS dev, though.
>Exact same shit I use on Linux.
>Objective-C is a fucking nightmare, but Swift is fun. You'll inevitably end up using a little Objective-C if you try Swift—a fuckton of documentation, guides, libraries and such for iOS are still in Objective-C.

That being said, I still really prefer using my Linux tower. Just pick an LTS version of Ubuntu.


OP here, I am going to install Sierra on a virtual Machine and then choose based on that.

the mac mini will break on its own as it is designed to, just like all Apple products.

But don't take my word for it. At least it isn't my money you're pissing away.

>I am going to install Sierra on a virtual Machine
For some reason macOS runs like utter shit on VMs, no exceptions.

From my own experience a hackintosh just isn't worth it unless you assemble a desktop with perfectly compatible parts or get an already 100% working tested laptop like the Thinkpad T420.

>the mac mini will break

No he wont you fucking retard

>what tools do you miss from windows
coming from macOS i'm missing a lot of tools when i go to windows.

Tell that to the client I just returned a 2014 mini to. They're designed to break.

Some of them have a so-called "Fusion Drive" which is really some stupid-ass partitioning over an SSD and HDD to create some sort-of virtual hybrid disk. Problem is, if one quits, you're fucked and so is all of your data.

Enjoy your little toy while you still have it. Should last you another two years, just as the warranty expires.

all kinds, it's my job
emacs and emacs accessories
objc/swift suck, avoid being an app monkey
I miss linux performance, windows sucks outside of gaming

You are literally fucked in the brain.

>I am not intending to use it for anything aside from web development
Why do you need a mac for that you fucking retard. Especially when you already use Windows. Just google installing OSX on PC if you need to feel like a special hipster cuck.

Buy a NUC

>t. mactoddler

>>You are literally fucked in the brain.

rly maeks u think...

>breaks for some weird ass reason

You may notice that being a critique of Arch, and Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora being among the "typical person's life".

>No He wont


Mom! He's downloading hentai again!

I usually make various utilities.
xcode, that's basically the only way to make native osx applications, but when i dont make osx apps i use a simple editor like Acme with node or ruby.
Objective-C per se is ok, but the nextstep stuff is so bad. same for swift, i actually like it but its practically bad

I don't miss anything from linux or windows.
ew Notepad++

Mac OS X is only partially Posix compliant despite certification. If you want stability, get Debian. It has most of the same tools and stuff available. I bought a MacBook thinking it would offer something special but I end up just using Sublime Text, GCC, and a shitty terminal emulator anyways. I should've bought something with better battery life like a Chromebook and just installed Ubuntu. XCode is shit to use and it's only useful if you want to develop for Apple platforms, but it still costs $99 a year to be a dev. Also Finder is a piece of shit that never works right for me and Safari doesn't play webms and lacks the extensions I want. It also uses a thing called launchpad which is basically a big app drawer. I fucking hate it.

I'm seriously considering installing Ubuntu on my Mac because the UI of OS X really grinds my gears.

>a need to have a Unix compliant system that does not break for some weird ass reason (Linux)

This doesn't actually happen, unless you run some retarded distro like Arch.

The Mac mini isn't a fast computer and the later ones aren't even upgradeable anymore. It's built using mobile-tier parts and gpus. If that's all you need though then it's fine, it's small and quiet and shouldn't break like some macbooks do.

>>What sort of programs do you make?
Enterprise web applications, web sites
>>What tools do you use on a daily basis to program?
Eclipse, Rubymine, git, bitbucket, sublime text, datagrip
>>Have you ever used a language aimed at MacOS / iOS such as Objective-C or Swift?
>>What tools do you miss from either Windows or Linux?
Paint.net for editing icons and ui elements

These were actually a pretty good option back when they had quad cores user replacable parts.

Apple got rid of all that and then even made them $100 more expensive.