Learning programming

So I've decided to start learning programming so I can contribute to some Open source projects and to make my own programs.

What is the best way to learn? I tried watching Java tutorials on YouTube, but I'm lost after 5 minutes. I've been thinking about learning Ruby, but I don't know if that's the right way to go.

Please help.

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every fucking day

just go through this and see what you want to do from there

Try with something simple like Python instead (although python is not a programming language)

As this thread is here, I will just ask here... Where can I find good documentation on C?
Found a ton of C# and C++ but almost no C.. So if an user could help me out that would be amazing..

>I've been thinking about learning Ruby

Are the open source projects you want to help with written in Ruby?

>Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. An interpreted language, Python has a design philosophy which emphasizes code readability (notably using whitespace indentation to delimit code blocks rather than curly brackets or keywords), and a syntax which allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C++ or Java.[22][23] The language provides constructs intended to enable writing clear programs on both a small and large scale.[24]

but hey! some autist doesn't like it, so it must not be a REAL programming language.
>kill yourself


There are a few, but it's not that common I know. I'm just thinking that since it's newer maybe it's worth learning.

Cool. Thanks

Ok, that's fine, it doesn't really matter how you start. I would pick just one open source project for now. Learn its language. The project probably has an IRC or a mailing list. Ask how you can help. Ask how you can learn the language and the codebase. Maybe find a mentor in the community. Read the docs for the project, read the open bugs against it, read the code as much as you can. Just be as involved as possible in any way you can and it will snowball into being a code contributor in no time

looks good, but isn't there anything that is not as technical or at least better to look at?
Kinda lost my programming boner seeing that...

You're either from Sup Forums or India, and you need to fucking leave

This book is good for people who don't grasp how programming works yet. ida.liu.se/~732A47/literature/PythonBook.pdf

Sir, why are you speaking bad about INDIA?

Nope, never been to Sup Forums and am not from india.
Just looking for an easy to understand starting point for C.
I don't say I can't learn from this but there must be an easier way than an ISO standardization.

Because INDIANS think the phrase "all roads lead to Rome" is a reference to revolutionary Roman sewage technology

> not compiled == not a programming language
> follows all normal programming paradigms
> pretty much a C wrapper

I like C as much as the next guy, but Python is really fucking comfy for writing quick throwaway tools, especially web scraping ones

>So I've decided to start learning programming so I can contribute to some Open source projects
You mean so you can fuck it up with your noob code.

>What is the best way to learn?
not giving up after 5 minutes

python is a fucking mess, perl does everything python does but better
>inb4 muh line noise language
only skiddies can't understand perl

>*this is the end of the program, yay! XD*

>implying I only use python

I like perl as well, but python is my go-to language for quick programs.

Most of my perl is for modifying my sqeezebox these days anyway. still a really nice language though, just not as comfy as python in my opinion


I don't think anyone has a problem with people wanting to contribute to open source projects, but you need to understand the language like the back of your hand before you start committing.

I'm pretty new. I started with Python but I quickly found it to be useless. It was a good introduction to programming but it rapidly turned into "finding which library to import and how to stitch shit together". It's easier, sure, but it doesn't work for me. I feel this constant discomfort nagging at me when I don't understand how shit works, and Python obscures everything from you. Now I'm learning C and while it's certainly harder, I actually implement shit myself and understand how it actually works, which I think is worth the effort. Just read K&R, also you can check out this course. It's got lectures if you're into that, I usually prefer reading to learn stuff, but it helps to read it once, then watch through the lecture while I'm eating or something, then actually implement the concept myself.

Oh, and skip that first week where they use Scratch. I don't think there's any value in that unless you're a complete brainlet and if that's the case just give up now

>I'm pretty new. I started with Python but I quickly found it to be useless. It was a good introduction to programming but it rapidly turned into "finding which library to import and how to stitch shit together"
that's every programming language bro

Only libraries I've used for C this far is math and stdio.

And I bet the only programs you've made would have been considered trivial even in 60s

No doubt. I'm not trying to create some huge complex program, I just want to learn how programming and computers and networking works

You can do all that in Python. And if you use some library or built-in thing that you wish you understood better, just read the source code for that thing. I actually almost never look at the python docs. I'm either looking at the standard library (written in Python) or the built-in stuff (written in C)

And it is professional C and python code, you will learn a fuckton about writing good code by reading it


Anyway my point is that for anything non trivial you're going to end up using a bunch of huge abstract libraries, even in C

OP if you're having trouble learning coding through the more traditional methods try just doing a bunch of coding challenges. I was having trouble wrapping my head around arrays so I just looked up coding challenges; I'd look at what they wanted me to do, make an attempt, and then look at the answer. Eventually you start to pick up on things and it clicks like "they keep using that like that, ohhhh that makes sense now". Just practice, like anything else you need time under your belt

How to read code: worrydream.com/LearnableProgramming/
How to think programming: reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/2qznse/i_need_serious_help_learn_to_program_was_my_new/cnb1luk
Understand abstraction: worrydream.com/LadderOfAbstraction/

GCC and Make - A Tutorial on how to compile, link and build C/C++ applications: www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/gcc_make.html

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: greenteapress.com/thinkcpp/index.html
C Tutorial - Learn C: cprogramming.com/tutorial/c-tutorial.html
Learn C The Hard Way A Clear & Direct Introduction To Modern C Programming: c.learncodethehardway.org/book/
Introduction to Computer Programming, Part 1 - FREE COURSE: edx.org/course/introduction-computer-programming-part-1-iitbombayx-cs101-1x

C - For Dummies: dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/programming/c.html
C Frequently Asked Questions: c-faq.com/

FizzBuzz - Rosetta Code: rosettacode.org/wiki/FizzBuzz
Algorithm Implementation - Wikibooks, open books for an open world: en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation

C/C++ Programming Practice Problems: cprogramming.com/challenge.html
Project Euler: projecteuler.net/

Learn C

Good post user

My man