I have a deep dislike for texting on a touch screen interface. It's a matter of taste...

I have a deep dislike for texting on a touch screen interface. It's a matter of taste. But I can't seem to find any decent QWERTY phones (except Blackberries) anymore; the latest and most up to date I could find was the Motorola Photon Q, but that's from 2012. I don't do any """"mobile gaming"""" or anything of the sort, but I need something that isn't that old and has some sort of physical keyboard.

What does Sup Forums recommend?

Pic related, that's what I used up to a few years ago. Great phone, would own another one again if it weren't so outdated.

jesus its not hard

blackberry passport

Get a keyboard cover faggot

>except blackberries

Jesus, millenials. There's text beyond 140 characters.

twitter is more popular with boomers than "millenials"

youre a fucking idiot. blackberry is literally the only company that builds smartphones with physical keyboards and the keyboards are famous for being fucking excellent and the devices have great build quality and the last few have run on android.

>hey guys I want a blackberry but i dont want a blackberry

I want to get a product, or brand some exposure, but I don't want to spend the money to do it.
Wat do? Make thread.

Why do you not want a Blackberry? It's exactly what you're looking for. The Key One runs Android.

Okay I'm sorry should've suggested taping a keyboard to your phone

>900 usd

Get a BlackBerry, I don't give a shit if you don't want one, it's what you want if you want a keyboard.

>posted from my BlackBerry Z30, BBOS10.3.xxx

>OP asks for keyboard phone that isn't that old
>tell him his only option is a blackberry because nobody makes comfy phones anymore
>jesus christ you millenials xdddddddd
Go off yourself faggot

And this also supports internet tethering (like in android)


>saying almost double the price for no good reason
You good user? Do you need help?

There's a blackberry style keyboard for galaxy phones IIRC

>Go off yourself faggot
you first cunt

At the risk of participating in a poorly veiled marketing ploy...

I've been eyeing the blackberry priv lately because I hate Swype, but I hate tap typing on android (it's pretty damn nice on ios, but I've been using android too long to switch). It's a couple years old, but runs android, has a normal sized screen, and the keyboard slides out.

Plus it's fairly cheap unlocked from the usual retailers (around 300-350 iirc)

Why? I'm not an autist you gets triggered over literally nothing unlike you

The priv is nice. The switcher looks like a Windows phone springboard if you've ever seen one.

I haven't, but the more I consider a priv, the more I seem to convince myself I want it. I just need to get it in my hands and see how it feels before I make the decision.

My nexus 5x has been a fucking disappointment since I first fired it up. Google killed the Nexus line on kind of a shitty note and I'm not paying for a fucking pixel.

Different guy here, the PRIV is nice, however I didn't like the build quality.. it doesn't feel like a BB phone compared to its earlier or later models. Personal taste probably, it still ran great though for being their first native Android device.

That's kinda what I'm afraid of. I like a phone to have a bit of heft and substance to it, physically.

A buddy bought the Droid X years ago when it first came out and the thing felt like a cheap, hollow plastic box... Absolutely terrible.