What RSS client does Sup Forums use?
What RSS client does Sup Forums use?
Liferea, I like it can catalog youtube channels
Opera Mail
CCleaner PRO
Quite RSS. might switch to something else though.
Tinytiny rss
Rss feed, basically just a chromium extension
Quite RSS/ spa RSS
Loved opera mail until opera itself became unusable
I dont use rss. rss is old man tech
I use twitter.
tinytiny rss, only downside is open source android version of client doesn't have search (not paid one on google play, but org.ttrssreader), but you can always just fire up browser for that.
Emacs with Elfeed.
gReader Pro. Even paid for it
µrss on laptop
scrollable news on android
People still use this failed technology?
The only use I know is for torrenting anime.
>routinely opening dozens of sites and checking for updates on each of them.
or worse
>using a social media feed as a poor man's rss replacement with censoring, throttling and sponsored content
or even more stupid
>polluting your mailbox with hundreds of update notices instead of having each feed neatly separated and processed to it's core value
is that a new type of wifi?
>following webcomics/video creators/blogs et caetera without needing to open their site unless they have new content
>getting a digest of multiple news sites in the same place
>getting updates on torrents
all of this at a glance in a convenient program. And in a way that can be parsed and presented neatly if you so desire.
The only reason it's dying is because the big platforms would rather you use their feeds in the same way so they can control what you see and so you're bound to the platform.
nextcloud news reader app
RSS Feed Reader chrome plugin on Vivaldi
looking for a rss notifiers I can have in the topbar as tray icon (linux). RSSbot but for linux.
I only want notifications and to be redirected to the source when I click on the feed.
Such an easy thing but I only found rss readers around
Most RSS feeds include links to the articles/pages as entry titles.
Sage is best. And pretty much the only reason I still use firecox.
go back 2 fac****oc
Twitter has more or less replaced RSS. Get with the times old man.
RSS feed reader
if you can't be bothered to write more than 140 characters, it obviously must not be very important (like, for instance most posts on Sup Forums) so there's not much reason to follow it. Anything I care to be notified about and read is going to be longer than anything on twitter.
I just want to pull media man. I don't want to need an accout for that.
I don't want to use a shitty website with shitty scripts, shitty arbitrary rules like character limit and shitty censoring.
I don't want to be suggested other feeds the system thinks I might like.
And over all I don't want cryptic messages contextualised only by hashtags to pollute my neatly organised feed of articles and updates.
I stopped using rss for news and just use Google Now cards.
I do still use flexget for media though.
I moved from tiny tiny rss to miniflux, only feature I miss is filtering.
CTRL+F'd Snownews
I'm disappointed /gee/
RSSguard. If you disable qtwebengine it's perfect.
Nextcloud RSS addon