Why do they think that stupid incorrect code ads will attract us?

why do they think that stupid incorrect code ads will attract us?

It attracts the normies.

It's like the poorly written spam emails.

It's not meant to attract anyone who actually has a brain, it's meant to lure in the suckers who don't have two brain cells to rub together.

>that open bracket at the end


and the missing parenthesis


and the assignment operator in the if statement

There are languages where '=' is the operator to check equality.

which ones?



sql doesn't look anything like in the op though

is there a c++/java clone that uses = in if?


:= is the assignment operator.

no but if sql can do it, so can others

Standard ML

but you're right, the language in the pic looks more like some pseudo javascript shit.

> { }

as it should be tbqh

F# too

Regardless even if it's allowed, it's bad practice.

Error: Unmatched ( at line 5

the = in an if check is actually legit js

a = "abc"? true: false
assigns a, evals its value, and outputs true because a non-empty string is trueish

I never said pascal looked like the OP, the guy who i replied to only asked if there was.



really got my joggin noggin
