ITT: we talk about the greatest empire in history

ITT: we talk about the greatest empire in history.

Based as fuck

the Finnish Empire?

This looks like a historically inaccurate map


Damn they surely went far

what they never conquered somalia, they were in a friendly relationship

Nice meme map, you should color every country on earth green for maximum lulz xD

considering how iceland is greened out (guessing barbary slave traders), this map probably encompasses any troops anywhere, not necessarily soil claimed

>map horribly inaccurate
pic related is the real map.

Based Osmanli

What would've happened if the ottomans and the Persians teamed up?

>getting shia and sunni together

they would collapse and secede then turn on each other which would result in civil war in both of them and both empires would crash and burn in a glorious fashion. all of this would happen in less than a year

>under the Turk


turks never reached us, only the arabs did (and fucked us really hard)

>greatest empire in history
>literally the only nation in the world consistently losing against Russia

>and brits with their oversea slaves cant beat this empire even in their weakest era

They could have if the captains had been willing to do as they were ordered.

>the only times the turds won against Russia was with outside support

that's pretty impressive

>not being able to conquer Persia