Is software engineer a cool job now?

Is software engineer a cool job now?

It's still considered a boring job, but it might be slightly cooler now if you do some web shit. Still not even near the ballpark og graphic design or any arts related work.

Literally everyone wants to be a Software Engineer
Its the medic of the 21th century

How hard would it be going from a hardware engineer to a software engineer?

> software engineer
> computer scientist
Being a code monkey in a hip web startup that makes widgets is cool. You get to pretend you're smart, drink and play half the day, and sell your overpriced broken product to people too stupid to figure out which end of a nail goes in an electric socket
Doing real engineering or science is still uncool, and probably will never be.

Depends, have you any familiarity with programming at all?

Yep, it's going to have a huge influx of retarded normies. Everything in the future will be written in JavaScript on Electron.

Computer Science majors that don't want to have their education and experience devalued should now look into graduate school and become a real computer scientist, doing research in academia. Computer theory and algorithms. You know, the hard stuff that most normies won't be bothered with.

by this I of course mean making it your career to participate in research and be employed in academia.

I welcome this. Real engineers will get paid more money in addition to more libraries and frameworks being compatible and easy to use.

not worth the shitty pay

>get paid to research
>have largely control of your research
>not worth it

This. But

>Doing real engineering or science is still uncool

Depends on who your audience is. If it's other software devs, or Sup Forums, or a tech company, being a kernel or native application developer who is still very up-to-date with web technologies is cooler. For example if you're working on Chromium or some desktop applications/developer tools, you are certainly cooler than the typical web dev.

I would also say that the coolest software one could write these days would be something for SpaceX or Tesla, and those guys don't give a fuck about the web at all. Go into an software engineering interview with SpaceX touting your web dev experience? They would laugh you out of the room.

web "developer" and app developer is considered cool.

If you do real software engineering though you are still a sad geek not a cool geek.

you can fool some people by using a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar for development though just make sure you don't do anything serious in the Terminal because then you will be a loser as the web isn't command line.

Depends on your priorities. Most of the people I know that are doing graduate work could easily walk into high-paying industry jobs, but that would stop them from being cutting edge. Instead they get to do hard graphics and AI problems, become familiar with the state of the art, and control what they work on. So you can't just say it's not worth the shitty pay when you consider that industry jobs get to control your time 100%, and Academia lets you do wtf you want.

true computer scientists will always be in huge demand. You can make yourself very expensive. You aren't limited to just being some freshmen professor. There are a lot of things you can do if you have education and experience.

>just make sure you don't do anything serious in the Terminal

This, so many web devs use point-and-click editors and stay as far away from the command line as possible. Sad really, because usually they despise the command line instead of seeing it as a tool they've yet to master.

goog offices are in another league desu

There's only one engineer and it's mechanical one.

Programmers and train drivers are not engineers.

That's true. Programmers are more like digital architects.

Well, yeah, these things are very cool in my opinion.
I try to do things I would consider fun, cool, and engaging at work.
But I wouldn't expect anyone who isn't autistic to share my enthusiasm.
If SpaceX would have an opening for me and I'd need to kill someone as part of the application process, I'll go buy a firearm.
But there's cool, and there's Cool (TM)

Must be purely front-end if they don't ever use the terminal.

It's essentially a window into the computer, and anyone who doesn't appreciate the powerful simplicity of a proper *nix terminal obviously doesn't have a job doing anything that requires any extensive technical knowledge.

Personally, I can't imagine having to do my job without it. It would be awful having to click and peck and dig through a million GUIs just to do one thing when it's just one tool invocation from CLI away

System/network engineering is the real deal. I can't get bored of being paid by cartload to just fuck around all day until the servers are working good enough that my client won't need me for another 3 months or until the next time they decide to get an upgrade.