Putin = l33t h4x0r

>"IP addresses can be invented, a child can do that," he added. "Your underage daughter could do that. That is not proof."

Sup Forums actually believes him.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's right

he's right you know

Well, he's right, it's nice of him to admit that russia is significant source of prefix hijacks as well as spoofed traffic for reflected DDoS.

Is this thread for Sup Forums retards asking about "what is BGP prefix hijacking"?

Oh boy here's the Russians.

Data was stolen. IPs were collected from the breach. Those IPs couldn't have been spoofed. That's not how the internet works.

what the fuck are you talking about?

>Data was stolen. IPs were collected from the breach. Those IPs couldn't have been spoofed


what is a VPN

>IP can't be spoofed
How new are you?

No, you fucking idiot. He's saying the addresses could be made up. That you can just decide what your IP is.

And seriously, is VPN the only buzzword you know? It would have just been proxies through infected machines.

Okay, faggot, you go spoof an IP and show me how useful it is when you can't receive any response traffic or even spoof packet sequence numbers anymore.

asscrack, that vid was faked

Is that you Hillary, you evil old cunt?

>ben garrison

>That's not how the internet works.

ITT: americans about how internet is series of tubes

I beg you pardon, but you most certainly can sit a 6 year girl in front of router console, and let her type in the route to announce it in the global table.

//Shitposting aside, half of those IPs were Tor nodes. I have no fucking clue why putin blabs nonsense about this, but there's sure some 4D chess master plan to it i'm sure.

Please get off of Sup Forums, you fucking reddit-spaced retard.

Education has failed. You need to go back. Instead posting blatant false information, maybe you could do research first. At least people would respect you more in you sad existence.

>And seriously, is VPN the only buzzword you know? It would have just been proxies through infected machines.
same difference
>No, you fucking idiot. He's saying the addresses could be made up. That you can just decide what your IP is.
he's a fucking normie you dumbass, that's normie talk for proxy/vpn/whatever

he does not know the proper technical terms

You're right, Putin posted 100% false information.

..............a VPN and a proxy are not the same thing.

Speaking of dumbasses who don't know proper technical terms, wew lad.

he's talking about logs and reporting you twat

>..............a VPN and a proxy are not the same thing.

To a normie they are

stop being aspie

No, he's not. He's not at all. Nice spin though, Alexei.

But we're not talking about normies you fucking idiot, Putin never once mentioned VPNs or proxies. The dumbass in this thread did, who doesn't know the difference in them.

The quote is misattributed from some meme source (fake news lol). The real quote is:

“I can imagine a scenario that someone is conducting the sequence of attacks in such a manner that it appears that their country of origin is Russia,” Putin said. “Modern technology allows this to be done, and done easily.”

Ie, the 4D chess is merely implying false flag, and leftards are predictably chimping out at the notion by twisting it. He's getting pretty pro at this.

who else loves the feels of living in a techy era where tech and politics intertwine together to cause happenings?

>But we're not talking about normies you fucking idiot, Putin never once mentioned VPNs or proxies. The dumbass in this thread did, who doesn't know the difference in them.

Putin was just saying they IPs were probably faked or not the god damn fucking home IPs of the hackers (no shit)

you are the one with assburgers who can't get that

>completely changing the quote

Wew, Russians are scared today.

>yet again moving goalposts and trying to change the meaning

No, son. You already lost.

> (You)
>>yet again moving goalposts and trying to change the meaning
>No, son. You already lost.

The only goalposts were your autism

>inb4 what is i2p?
>inb4 what is tor?
>inb4 what are botnets?
>inb4 what is research?
>inb4 what are the CIA leaks?
Your option has been disregarded.
Start fucking reading.

Actually he is right. I guess he meant that the ips aren't the real ips of the hackers anyways. Everyone could use some proxies and shiet [sic]
in russia.

Well, it's trivial to verify by putting both quotes in google search. Or maybe google is hacked too? One leads to RT, another leads to your spam site and your original Sup Forums thread.

... yes, what a odd man staying in the English country side.

Sup Forums is far superior to the scum in here, they don't allow shitskin pajeets, underage gaymers are not visiting Sup Forums.

>>inb4 what is i2p?
Free2Play for applefags
>>inb4 what is tor?
The german word for Goal Post.
>>inb4 what are botnets?
The hemorrhoids in your ass. Use some retardcapsules.
>>inb4 what is research?
creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.
>>inb4 what are the CIA leaks?
The flat earth it is.

I don't even know why I made this post.

Considering the existence of vpns, proxies, and other such things (the most likely situation being a compromised computer somewhere in russia being used as a remote agent), as well as the CIA's massive suite of 'leave evidence that makes it look like russia did it' tools, anyone can basically claim whatever the fuck they want.

ips can be spoofed, you don't remember when boards.Sup Forums.org was blocked by AT&T due to a prolific spammer being butthurt that his spam messages were being blocked on Sup Forums?

Well yeah, Putin is correct.
Its very simple to frame another country, specially if you have access to CIA tools.
Not that I'm implying anything.

He's not far from the truth.

>the CIA's massive suite of 'leave evidence that makes it look like russia did it' tools

I don't really understand why everyone seems to have already thoroughly forgotten that.

I feel sleepy

Ok is this a new meme? Or is it one faggot trying to bait everywhere? I've seen this kind of post all over Sup Forums today.

>IP addresses can be invented, a child can do that,
What the fuck is this mouthbreathing midget on about?

>Those IPs couldn't have been spoofed

In this context proper translation should actually be "spoofed", OPs source is literally retarded.
t. interpreter degree

I'm here to spew reardation and to lick Hillary's asshole clean.

And, hard to believe, I'm just about out of retardation for today.

series of tubes is actually a pretty accurate description of the internet

>No, you fucking idiot. He's saying the addresses could be made up. That you can just decide what your IP is.

Well yeah, you can.

I use a VPN, magically my IP address is different. I hack into someone's computer and I can pretend to be from their IP address. I reset my modem and get a new IP address from my ISP.

It's trivial to get a new IP address, spoof an IP address, or fake yourself as someone else's IP address.

So called libertarian.

>trump has been president for 133 days
>months before he actually assumed presidency he won the election
>it's closer to 200 days since hillary and trump were in a campaign against each other
>she doesn't even hold a government office
>still daily strawmaning hillary

please explain I checked out of this election as soon as it became choosing between two giant piles of shit but this doesn't make sense FOR WHAT PURPOSE?

I honestly don't understand.

You, Sir, are a mongoloid. Using Tor to spoof your country of origin was (and still is) literally Sup Forums tier knowledge. It's commonly advised to choose either China or Russian Tor nodes to execute a hack because the governments there won't lift a finger to help in an investigation. Not that they could actually provide any useful information if you were using Tor, even if they wanted to. I used to get admin hashes off of Indian and Vietnamese servers all of the time, using Russian Tor nodes. Now I'm too scared to use anything Russian because of the frenzy retards like you have created with this false-flag bullshit. Hillary lost because of a pissed off government insider, not Russian interference. If the Russians were going to create problems for anyone, it would have been for Obama, who Putin obviously hated.You, Sir, are a mongoloid. Using Tor to spoof your country of origin was (and still is) literally Sup Forums tier knowledge. It's commonly advised to choose either China or Russian Tor nodes to execute a hack because the governments there won't lift a finger to help in an investigation. Not that they could actually provide any useful information if you were using Tor, even if they wanted to. I used to get admin hashes off of Indian and Vietnamese servers all of the time, using Russian Tor nodes. Now I'm too scared to use anything Russian because of the frenzy retards like you have created with this false-flag bullshit. Hillary lost because of a pissed off government insider, not Russian interference. If the Russians were going to create problems for anyone, it would have been for Obama, who Putin obviously hated.

You cannot spoof your IP you dumbfuck Sup Forumstard nigger. The server you are communicating with needs your IP to reply to your requests

>it is I M P O S S I B L E a russia-based proxy was used

Why you still can't believe Trump is the POTUS?