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Technology #607
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Another week, another AMD stock rally based on absolutely fucking nothing
What distro should I install on my laptop Sup Forums? I'm ready for something new
Could I gut a CRT monitor and put in a high end PC with a nice monitor all in the box for maximum
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What will Sup Forumsbrit do after this election?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I will never be a good programmer, right?
Is this a new communism mascot? Fucking seriously...
Go to router
Redpill me on the best beginner friendly gamer linux
Pneumatic or electric drill/rotary tool discussion? tools are technically tech, both have their downsides
What DE do you use on your GNU/Linux home server?
So I bought two used ssds and decided to use recuva to see if the previous owner had any pronz or something
When you see it
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's the point of having updates if every iPhone becomes an unusable laggy piece of shit after a year of updates?
I'm getting into the buying-refurbished-business-grade-computers-for-super-low-prices scene and it's making me smug as...
/mg/ - Mice General
Anyone else fucking tired of gaming and gamer bullshit in hardware related stuff...
I just noticed Sup Forums pages starting to grab XML requests from this site
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Modern GPUs
Screenfetch thread
This is the ideal case. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
I've been forced into a situation where I have to use wi-fi internet on my desktop computer. How do I go about this...
Why is no one acknowledging Crystal?
For a board that doesn't like apple products, you sure talk about them a lot
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Pen testing thread
Screenfetch thread
Ipod was the first mp3 player
When did you grow out of PC and realize that apple were the good guys?
Why doesn't Elon Musk just charge more for his Teslas since they always sell out and then he can build more tesla...
Thinking of buying a raspberry pi for emulating NES/SNES games. Anyone have experience with this? What emulator...
Mah Linux
He uses an ad HIDER made by an incompetent developer instead of the much superior ad BLOCKER called adblock plus made...
Black Satan
I did a big mistake. I was using fucking apple music that is not available on linux...
Daily reminder that if you can't speak Mandarin Chinese within 10 years you won't be able to find a tech job anymore...
I fell for the 32 GB RAM mem—
Macbooks are overpriced
Programming Languages
So I just bought Windows 10 Enterprise for ~5 USD
Why XFCE is so fucking blazing damn fast?
Daily Reminder that GNOME is the greatest chance there is to year of the Linux desktop...
User needs a new browser
There is literally no reason to not using GNOME in the current year
Be me
IM General
What OS are you using?
People call arch a meme, and i3wm "for skiddies"
So what does Sup Forums think about lenovo's legion y720
Chrome is jew botnet
Just received 2k from my grand parents and I need a new computer
What do you think about a GTX 1070 FE with a motherboatd Gigabyte 970X-DS3P rev 2.1 and an FX-8370 processor...
Macfag ignorance thread
State Department Begins Vetting Social Media For Visas
The AMD Marketing Team Faked Vega 10 Die Shot
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Python is nothing but a worse version of perl
I'm planning something illegal(in my country) so I need tips on VPN/encryption
Your daily reminder this is $1000 and has 4GB of RAM
Commercial e-ink PC monitors when?
/wdg/ Web Dev General - Sponsored by jQuery (the /wdg/ frontend framework of choice) Edition
Moving to China
Unpin from Start
Friendly reminder to improve your Sup Forums experience by adding these filters to uBlock Origin
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
Using veracrypt instead of truecrypt
Which assembly languages do you know?
Sup Forums hates Google
What's your online handle?
I've designed my own CPU architecture
What is the best bang-for-buck CPU on the market?
Why is retro technology so aesthetic?
Ransomware CryptoLocker (NEW)
RIP firefox
How do you feel about Nvidia selling more GTX 680s and 780s than AMD sold 290s and 390s, Sup Forums?
If node.js is so bad, how come there isn't anything better than node.js?
IPhone 8 Design Concept Leaked and people are forming their opinions
Windows 10?
Why are male engineers sexists?
Want to install a new OS, what the best OS other than windows?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why is everyone and their uncle trying to learn 'coding' these days?
Do you use it?
Got a python programming job
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
IBM company: 30 billion transistors squeezed into a fingernail-sized chip
ITT: create your own software license
Windows 10 vs Windows 7 on a x220
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
It is possible to connect and communicate (even telepathically) with other people during your dreams/while sleeping...
When did you out grow out the laptop meme
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What coding language should I learn first?
Wait WTF, I just bought a 3T, now they have a NEW MODEL. -One Plus 5- Launch 6/20/17 5.5-inch display with 2,560x1...
Why is he wearing a MAGA hat though?
Essential Android apps?
Which DE is least like Windows & Mac? I want a new experience
What is that second chip on the package?
Go to graduation
Gaming PC, good for other video-related things?
Are any of you else "naturally nocturnal" ?
When will single core performance be improved? why do they insist on multithreading?
How old is the tech you are still using as a primary?
Deesktop thread
Can anyone remove these?
How screwed is intel:
Offical guts ryzen hard edition
How can i use the new ipad pro with 120hz panel as a display for my hackintosh?
What's so good about thinkpads?
How do we fix the "nu-males in tech" problem?
Can I get a rundown on the different linux distros?
Is this the new mobile meme?
When you see it, you know the codebase is shit and want to stab the previous dev
How does Sup Forums make their usernames?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Arcane pgn files found in PDF. Does anybody knows what they are?
What's the most comfy programming language?
I need to install distros on my frat computers as a prank, what's the worst linux to install?
Using windows 10
Your router LED's aren't safe
What's the fidget spinner of programming languages?
Windows 10 removing Cheat Programs
So if Linux is the kernel and gnu is the corelibs and utilities, why does he call it gnu+Linux...
/wt/ watch thread
Is FLAC a meme? I have a 256gb micro sd card so space isn't an issue
Mom teaches middle school
I have windows updates turned off. How the fuck is MS downloading and installing AM_Delta_Patch_1.245.438.0...
This is Jeff Dean. He's Google's most valuable engineer. He is behind every big invention at Google...
Fine. Riddle me this then faggots, if Macbooks and Dells and everything else everyone lists are shit, what laptop isn't?
Firefox without XUL
Red pill me on the imac pro
Thread Ripper
Can you even find a decent tech job these days without being fluent in Mandarin?
Give me one reason why Ubuntu is not the greatest Linux distribution there ever was or will be
Thank you for your interest in the position...
New Macbook pro with Kaby Lake
/pmp/ thread
Linux is really gnu. Linux is just the program that runs gnu
As a linux developer, what's your excuse for not switching yet?
Raspberry Pi case by adafruit
How would you create an off-the-grid long distance communication channel...
Welp Sup Forums, it's all over. We've reached the end of the line
Ubuntu has officially canned Unity. Only GNOME is included in Ubuntu
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How am I supposed to write programs in 10 kilobytes?
Github outage
You have 7.77 repeating microseconds to explain why you aren't programming in COBOL:
Apple fell for the wait for vega meme
Screenfetch Thread?
Name a better computer with features as this one?
In this thread we list things that we would like to see on macOS that these fuckers actually forgot to include in High...
What old software do you use Sup Forums?
Tfw there will be no better mobile OS than this
Im sorry Dave, i'm afraid i cant do that
Does Sup Forums like arch-anywhere for arch installation
What could I automate for profit?
Do you prefer that your desktop wallpaper be only OS related?
What do you use for learn?
Apparently these fucking red things are called paper washers, why do computer case manufacturers give me this shit...
"Keep making apps. The world is depending on you." - Apple Computers Company
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Do you think qualcomm have a chance at taking marketshare from intel?
Pirate Radio
BSD And Other Things
I need a new gaming monitor. Recommendations?
You have 18 seconds to explain why you aren't using Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
Digital Camera and Lens General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why are you not using the best mouse + keyboard combo Sup Forums?
JOURNALIST: Cops stopped after typed 'helicopters' into APPLE app at benefit concert
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I made some more progress on a Game Boy emulator for TempleOS
So, intel is selling optane memory, for what i understand it works as a ram cache
/csg/ Chink Shit General
First job in the field stories
Specs / Speccy thread: main machine pic 1/5
WWDC17 vs Google I/O 2017
Smartphone suggestions?
It's kinda weird having a laptop with no limits
Holy fuck, I just learned that all class members in Java are not private by default, they are "package-public"...
Terry is live
How the fuck are there people who can't touch type in this day and age?
Be me
User, why do you use a GNU/Linux distribution?
IOS 11 now tells their users to kill themselves
Clean Windows 10 installation cause im switching from Nvidia to AMD GPU, what would you recommend me to do next?
Guitar suggestions
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
Android phones are obsolete the day you buy them
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
How the fuck do I compress a 4 minute video into a 4MB webm for Sup Forums and make it look good?
NSA LEAKER caught because of spying printer
Ok we need to settle this
E-ink displays
Bleeding edge thechnology
Daily reminder that Macs:
Since mega disabled downloading files more than 5GB in size what is the best option for cloud backup storage now?
Early - Mid 2000s Dumb Phones Thread
Why would anyone need military technology like encryption or software like linux...
Considering buying a 27" 5K iMac
You want 15 inch computer?
Now that MP3 has been retired by its maintainers, the attention has been moved to AAC...
Is dual monitor worth it or just a meymey?
I love this meme client
Disruptive tech
G3 Power Mac
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's your opinion on The Verge?
Do you have a funny SSID?
I have a bajillion ebooks that I wanted to read for a while. I had an ipad air but gave it to my mum
What does Sup Forums think about this
Boot windows after more than a year of using Linux in dual boot
Does Hiro have any idea what he's doing?
Helo there my friends :))
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Stop using Microsoft Windows
Hdd 1 installed ubuntu
Ok Sup Forumstards i took your advice
I5 Skylake for Video Editing, Gaming, and Rendering
Unsure about my new license. Any thoughts?
How can this company still be in business? Who pays for their shit? If they were to disappear tomorrow...
/wt/ Watch Thread
Give me one fucking reason why you think you need more than 4 cores
Screenfetch bread
Using Windows 7 in 2017
I have ascended Sup Forums, I am now part of the masterrace...
R9 290 for GTX 980 TI
More sandbagging?
Cryptocurrency mining
/dg/ - De/g/enerate General
Do google and Microsoft actually care about what you search up and do online besides advertisment purposes...
What os do you use?
Why is Linux so terrible?
I9 general
The Cloud Is Finished Guys Who Is Going To Pay For A Virtual Machine When You Can Struggle For Hours To Get Your...
No speccy?
IBM Launches The 5nm GAAFET Chip With 30 Billion Transistors Per 50mm2, 75% Power & 40% Performance Boost
I wish I was this intelligent
Want to buy a cheap laptop with an IPS display and ideally a Celeron or Pentium AKA not an Atom
How to bypass limits
God tier search engines
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I suddenly have the urge to buy an iPhone and a MacBook and just switch to Apple's ecosystem for a while...
So some of my ram is no longer showing up
Why does Sup Forums is suddenly sucking Apple ?
Notification Program
Why has the price of RAM literally doubled since July of 2016?
Help me out, what can i do with a 1 core 1.6 ghz processor?
IOS Metro
What is the best GUI library for C++?
Installing programs on Linux is too ha-
Take screenshot from iOS 11
Linus from Linus Tech tips is more famous than Linus Torvalds
How do I stop playing vidya and start learning how to program?
Intel are getting it in the neck from all sides
/Guts/- boring guts edition
Most aesthetically pleasing programming language?
What are they listening to?
Thinking of dumping some FreeBSD/OpenBSD zero-day exploits
What's the Thinkpad of smartphones?
Is Debian-Testing any good?
Is intel dying? - No fanboys pls
Free parts. Should I take em? Maybe I can make a very cheap build
2nd outage in a week
If I have a shit internet connection (25mbps down) what would be the best way to back up 20TB of data?
Novideos fanboys GOT BTFO!
Anyone loaded a bootmanager into a late 2011 macbook pro?
Apple HomePod
Which one do you prefer?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why don't PC's have a locked EFI like Macs do?
He uses gnome
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
IMac Pro accessories
Election officials using Windows enabled the Russian hacking
MacOS High Sierra only works with Apple-branded RX 580
G...guys we made it into a Linusgaytips video
I need to know if I'm using my roommates WiFi is there anyway he can see what websites I visit...
I'm about to buy this beauty (macbook pro 13 inch with touch bar)...
WEBM file manager
Who here practices "proper" typing? Pic related
Coffee Lake S delayed until February 2018
Where were you when
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computers and tech
Thank you for your time and effort. I am sorry to say that we have chosen another candidate...
No offense boys, it's just business, you know how it is
LIVE WALLPAPERS | Wallpaper Engine
WebM is DEAD!
The big youtubers are turning on Intel. Oy vey it's another shoah
IMac Pro vs Ryzen Build
4 years ago
Does linux make animetards completely insane? Just look at this shit
Watch a master at work. templeos programming stream
Why is this allowed?
Why $1200?
/wt/ - watch thread
Why can't they make alexa cortana siri sound gender neutral?
Why is Gentoo a meme?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
I wanna build a gaming pc but I'm not sure if I should wait until the inte x series comes out...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why is this bug 13 years old?
16:10 aspect ratio
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple adds a tracker blocker to desktop Safari
You clicked on >200 posts thread, dont want to read all the shitposters...
Travel laptop
We're on Linus Tech Tips now
Ein LISP, Ein standard!
Programming as a job sucks ass
/cosg/ - CloverOS
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Dare I say, this is now /our/g/uy?
He is paying for use linux
Yeah, if you coin miners could stop buying all of the RX cards, that'd be grrreaaaat
Screenfetch Thread
So, are iPhones finally worth buying?
It's unbelievable how deep apple is fucking themselves in their own ass...
120Hz iPad Pro
So we're (my friend and I) are putting together a new PC. We have it able to start up...
Used PC components
NEW Apple WWDC 2017 - live thread
Why are you using the best CPU?
Why does firefox use so much ram? I have 4 tabs open and it jumped up by 600mb usage
Is this the new 2500K?
New ios ui
No WWDC 2017 Threads?
Told 7700k is a housefire
Ouch. He's right though. Google's own stats back it up
Post your cpu and gpu history
$4,999 iMac
IMac Pro
Apple chooses AMD Radeon for its Machine Learning kit
Get memed by Sup Forums into linux
But I'm already using WhatsApp
Need a hand with some JavaScript
Apple WWDC 2017 - live thread
It's 2004. How do you listen to music on the go?
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
Unfixable vulnerability found on all windows versions
Your daily reminder this is $1000 and has 4GB of RAM
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Recovering an SSD
All memes aside, what is the best browser to use right now?
People still bought iPods when phone with MP3 playback ability existed
Alright Sup Forums I need an opinion
I'm looking for a laptop with i7 quadcore (6th or 7th) WITHOUT a fucking discrete nvidia/amd card
TFW feel for 5.5" smartphone meme
Theresa May wants to ban crypto: here's what that would cost
IOS will get File Management
Microsoft Edge General
Perfect cases don't exi-
Browse a pajeet's GitHub profile
Can Vim be used with layouts other than qwerty?
How does it feel to be an audiophile?
Learning is fun
DE thread
Is it possible to be a programmer with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ?
ReFS support in Windows 10 Creators Update v1703
So the internet as we know it is over...
MEGA and GOOGLE VIDEO are no longer viable forms of piracy after recent major crackdown
What's the point of using photoshop?
/wdg/ Web Dev General - Put on your programming socks edition
Net Navi
>mfw PRNTSCR key will not simply take a silent screenshot to directly clipboard in Linux
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Barely faster than a 6950X
Chromebooks are for ______________
Covfefe Lake
Whats the best image viewer for win 10?
Sup Forums proves AlfaBank/Trump DNS logs manipulated
The Official Sup Forums Router Thread
Be me
Apple is being edgy by lying, I never had a problem with my op3T regarding speed or security. Pic related
/wt/ - watch thread fine examples of horology, non-shitterz edition
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is it a good idea to install Windows on a Macbook...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Psshhh... nothing personnel kiddo
Be me
Clearly Microshit's last great operating system
Is a good place to start learn coding and HTML? Or do you know a better site?
Are we the bad guys, Sup Forums?
Mouse Thread
AI n shiet
Nostalgia thread
So... this... this is the power of GNU/Linux..!
/wwdc2017/ - WWDC 2017 General
Wtf I hate photoshop now
Why the fuck is it so big
Dedicated GPS unit or cellphone/tablet with Google Maps for driving?
How is this done?
SDR thread
I've never bought a smartphone before and I'm looking at getting something mid-range...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Female coders here?
Using Google browser over Mozilla browsers is like hopping out of a frying pan and into the fire
This is the RAID key you need for the new Skylake-X series...
/sog/ - show off general
Web Design
Technological """"advances""""
Hello Sup Forums
Don't mind me, just pirating his money, it's not like I'm stealing it since he can make that money back
ElectronConf postponed due to all speakers being male
Portable Media Players
Why isn't my IP address changing every time I reset my modem anymore I rang my ISP and they said I still have a dynamic...
Altering Flash Drive
I just got a Google Home. What can I do with it?
DevFox or Nightly?
Why does this still exist?
He uses gtk
How did it all start for you?
Scrap yard PC vs raspberry pi: which one would you choose price /performance wise?
Screenfetch thread
What bag does Sup Forums use?
Is this art or a mistake?
Thinkpad retards would rather pay ~500 bucks for a 720p TN panel or even more for a 1080p screen when they could just...
Stop naming your shitty program "foobar"
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
JPA + Spring + AngularJS
VR marketshare falls for third straight month on Steam
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So I don't browse Sup Forums hardly ever, so this may be a kinda meta thread...
At my work there is an ethernet outlet in the room right next to me...
This thread is about the appreciation of horology...
WWDC speculation / wishes thread
Just think of the power
Sup Forumss thoughts on Signal ?
You miss me yet?
Websites that will never lose popularity
Leaving it all behind
"Oh, so you think the cores are your ally. I was born in the cores. Molded by them."
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Apply for entry level IT jobs
Sup Forums mobility
Internet Vigilante
Native fullscreen program crashes
Windows embedded 8.1 industry pro privacy
Don't mind me, just blocking these ads
Name one thing wrong with Krita
Powerline ethernet adapters
Hey Sup Forums, I want to learn some stuff about electrical engineering
Applied to Google as a transexual with zero qualifications
Redpill me on the core i9
Is Linusgoytips Redpilled now?
Laptop for travelling
Why do people obsess over uptime...
How does Sup Forums prefer their Enter keys?
So Sup Forums, what did you do with your Raspberry Pi 3?
Mother's Macbook Air isnt working
Upgrade help
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Is there anywhere I can buy an RX 480/580/570/470 that isn't being sold with a 300% markup right now?
Google now wants to control all the ads on every website on Chrome
Every single time registration is open to anyone
What is the oldest functioning mac you own?
This kills the iToddler
Meanwhile, in 1960s Sup Forums
What tech youtubers do you watch?
Can we all agree that the Apple ecosystem is the best?
Using a password manager instead of hashing an easy to remember password with SHA-256
How do i protect myself from cold boot attack?
How to website?
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
Is bing the best porn search engine?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The madmen at Microsoft just baked an game anticheat directly into the windows 10
ElectronConf Postponed due to lack of women speakers
Ruby = dead
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What's with all the Macs?
Best Linux Distro for Beginner with T420s
Why are we still using MP3s and not replacing them with .opus?
Intel’s 18 Core Skylake-X Won’t Be Available Until Next Year – 14 & 16 Core Parts To See Delayed Availability
Well, shit. Looks like I have to pirate the botnet--er, Windows 8
Microsoft is selling windows transparency like they are reinventing the wheel
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why use this when word exists? It is literally trash. Doesnt even have a good user interface
NAS thread?
ElectronConf postponed until a “more diverse slate of speakers” can be delivered
Reminder that the terrorists of the London attack were only tracked down and killed thanks to surveillance so by being...
C# is vastly superior to Java
Malwarebytes vs. Avast! Antivirus
The Future of Human Computer Interaction
I've finally fell for the Debian meme. Stable is nearly finished installing, what am I in for?
See goyim? We told you the free Internet was bad
Linus finally comments on intel situation
Speccy/cpu-z thread
Where would one need to use x86_64 assembly in real life?
Friendly reminder that an open internet primarily enables terrorism and pedophilia
He uses fuuuubar to organize his shitty music library in the most disgusting and chaotic way when musicbee exist
Where did AMD get the technology to finally BTFO Intel?
What is the best css framework?
Are cryptocurrencies the future? Why haven't you bought in yet Sup Forums? It's literally magic free technology money
Daily reminder to throw these out before 2020
Are Apple products really a botnet? They seem to be quite serious with privacy
Why aren't you using Windows Server 2012 R2 as OS, Sup Forums?
When did iPhones become popular amongst poor people?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's wrong with it?
What's wrong with GIMP?
To fuck shit up general
Why don't you rewritte everything in rust Sup Forums?
What are some minimalistic photo viewers?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Intel Core i9 will be software upgradeable with scratch cards
What's the best firefox replacement?
What are some the best open source software?
Where do I find good IRC channels to become a good hacker?
Sup Forumsuts Ryzen edition
Screenfetch and Neofetch thread
Anyone else here actually using a HEDT? If so do you plan on buying a new one soon with the two new launches?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I'm researching microphones and want one I can attach to my existing headphones without any modification...
Is it a bad idea to buy the biggest external hard drive I can find?
What is the best laptop to buy for ~$1000?
Why do we hate windows 10 again?
Girlfriend's out of state this weekend...
Onahole Technology Thread
Previous >>60723558
Is threadripper /our cpu/?
What do I do about dust in my server?
Brought ryzen
AyMD ThreadRipper
Windows and Linux users can't have a player this beautiful
Hey, Sup Forums, deciding to buy a laptop with $670 range
Who here AMD CPU + Nvidia GPU?
Windows 7 tweaks ?
If I copy a FLAC file to my phone will the file quality be the same?
Which programming language is best for coding video games?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is there software which can automatically produce seamless stitches from screenshots taken from a panning shot where...
Should i sell my 1080 and buy this ?
Which one wins?
Stallman was right
Where do i get e-mail adress without a phone number?
Unlimited budget
Decentralized internet fucking when?
Home screen thread r8
What type of technology or sorcery is this?
LinusTechTips done it
How many games efficiently use more than 4 cores? I'm waiting
Linus confirms X299 launch will be a mess
What's the Sup Forums approved electronics of 2016/2017?
Hey Sup Forums, Can you tell me where to learn c++, cause I want to learn it
Screenfetch thread
Walk into your room
What do linux-fags have against C++...
Ultrawide monitors
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I7 BTFO by r7
Is there even a DE that can compete with GNOME?
How is this possible?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Windows 10 version power list:
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Best SSD size to buy?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
He doesn't use the world's most advanced os
Indian tech boss: Trump's H-1B visa curbs 'will hurt'
/wt/ watch thread
Out of the loop
Languages to learn that will be applicable in the future?
When did you wake up to the realization that Linux will forever be irrelevant, insignificant and utterly useless?
SpaceX CRS 11
Which DE should i use in my new install? Dubs decide
Fucking online traffic school
How much is google paying this website to keep shit captcha?
Email providers
Hey guys, i have an i7 920 @ 3.8 ghz. Should i jump onto ryzen 1600x...
Remember when Sup Forums said this was the future?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/retro/ - retro, vintage, old computers and tech
Programming is a job for idiots. Anybody can do it, but nobody wants such a tedious and unfulfilling career...
What's a UNIX program that's popular but fucking garbage?
"I didn't even know what a pancreas was"
Who are the best programmers of our time?
How do I prevent ransomware?
What's the best looking 24" monitor I can get for around $200 or cheaper?
This is the best NVIDIA card. What's your excuse for shitting on this card?
Tfw you wake up in the morning and another app has disappeared from your android phone
Accidentally destroyed production database on first day of a job
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Computer science isn't a me-
I'm going to make a paint program, one that will far surpass GIMP in every way and rival Photoshop
Latest commit 4d498e9 on Apr 17
ATX and the future of motherboards
When will normalfags stop calling the GNU operating system "Linux"?
Spend 20 minutes BTFOing my friend who just bought an iphone
Look what I found at a thrift store for 5 bucks
Heh. What's wrong, kid? Get stuck at a dead end internship this summer? Can't say I know the feeling...
There's 20 billion stories about people going from linux to windows, and windows to linux
I'm setting up a little server in my house
He doesn't use visual studio code
How do i mount a cpu cooler to my gpu...
Sup Forums, my retarded friends won't understand how valuable privacy is, they keep chanting the "nothing to hide...
White House approves social media checks for visa applicants: report
How many suckers will buy this?
What do you do with your computer? Could be what you do daily or every so often
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
Comfy Winblows
What about those cheap ereaders? Why do some have retarded 1024x758 displays? That's not a typo, it's 758
News that Google intends to install an ad-blocker in its Chrome browser shocked the tech and publishing world in April
Post yfw first SSD
Dont mind me, just pirating your GNU/Linux operating system
Verizon are jews
Reliable USB charging station
Remainder that proprietary software is inherently immoral and you are contributing to the problem by continuing to use...
Don't mind me, just pirating your car
All women deserve rape
CNN: Nevada man Terry Davis arrested by FBI on charges of criminal hacking into DNC servers...
/tdg/ Terry Davis General
Itt dealbreakers
I use adblockers
His SSD is not made by BMW or Lexus
At what age did you grow out of firefox?
I stole few facebook accounts in the past
/mpvg/ - mpv General
Who pirates without a vpn? I have been doing that for over 4 years and haven't got email notice yet. I have Spectrum...
Is Public-Key Crypto a lie?
Are Mac colors the most accurate on the market?
Android Custom Rom Thread
No gentoo
Why do appletards look down on androidtards?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
If Windows 10 is free, why did I pirate it?
Crypto currency miners buy out all the R9 280X in 2013
I quit
Why isn't more R&D being put into penile enlargement? It seems like a goldmine waiting to be exposed
He fell for muh privacy meme
Why do young people feel entitled to own hardware without any legal obligations...
Are you using software that does not respect your freedom? If yes, why?
What's the best free IRC client?
Admit it, Linux is fucking shit and designed for no-lives
ITT : wallpaper of Sup Forums
What was the internet like in the early days? I mean the early early days, like 80s and early 90s...
WWDC 2017
What the FUCK happened here?
Chrome or firefox?
About to get my first rack server
Essential Firefox Extensions
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Use ubuntu
Self awareness
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Be atheist
Why do power companies measure your usage in kilowatt hours rather than joules? Joules is more straight forward
Explain to me why running two of these as a server isn't a cheaper performance alternative to some IBM/Dell rack shit...
Is the Surface Book the best "laptop" on the market?
20 years old
So uhhh... How will I apply thermal paste on this? pea sized still?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
Are these guys shit?
Are Samsung smartphones automatically made to collapse after a certain period of time...
/cyb/ /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity
Holy fuck
What the fuck Ethereum ?
Post the worse tech companies
/tdg/ Terry Davis General
Why would you ever need 18 cores?
2x 1366 Xeon Club
What's your go-to syntax color scheme?
When did you wake up to the realization that 8GB RAM is not enough anymore nowadays?
Paying for Open Source
How come all kinds of companies can make their own versions of gpus but only like 3 people make cpus
What's Sup Forums choice for a videogame console?
Unlimited internet connection
Is it possible to pull this off?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
I am a python developer and say i only have one shot
US Internet
Second pirated UHD Bluray Disc has been released
Recommend a laptop or desktop
Frustating moments
Whatever happened to direct die cooling like this...
Your preferred language and framework for web development
Using a cuck text editor
Screenfetch thread
So are we excited for VEGA!!??
RELEASE: CIA 'Pandemic' Vault7
I found this phone on the subway how much is it worth lol
Do tech companies really pay 170k?
BSD And Other Things
Want to order pizza online
Strange Sup Forums Feels
Are they selling your data?
Are these idiots even aware of the crimes their beloved ideology committed...
African developers celebrated at Facebook’s annual F8 conference
Girls Kode
Terry A Davis Deleted YouTube Account
If not firefox then what?
New Threadripper
What is the best backend framework?
Linux Vuln - Make sure to patch, boys
Post them
Where does Sup Forums get their news from? Without filler?
Sup Forums humor thread
Why are Corefags so concerned about corez when in fact 99.999999% of these degenerates will never use more than 2-4?
What is your opinion on php7?
GOOGLE faces $9 BILLION fine from EU
Everywhere I look its businesses encouraging "women coding programs", and its a colossal waste of money
Ublock Origin = Ad HIDER not blocker
So Sup Forums, "Sequel" or "S Q L"? Also general SQL thread I guess
Is win7 still worth using?
When will people drop Rust for this?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I how I convince this person other wise?
Leaving Linsucks behind
NAS building
He doesn't use the two must have of browser extensions
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forumspill me on Ableton
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Bitcoin is the future
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
He's a big boy
How much unreplaceable data are you hoarding?
/mkg/ - is it dead?
Most useful firefox addons
Using non-free non-open source software
Not staying hydrated while building god's temple
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I'm a Sup Forums degenerate that was digging into the Seth rich murder. I found this site
Putin = l33t h4x0r
/hpg/ - Headphone General
AMD Ryzen Threadripper Entry Level 16 Core, 32 Thread Processor To Cost $849 US
Why aren't 4:3 resolution monitors industry leading if the majority of pc users are gamers and programmers?
Should I learn Scala or Haskell?
Is win32 worth learning?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...