/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Life is suffering edition.


Was getting mount part of your plan?


New work battlestation. Super exciting, I know.


Same old same old.




what trackball is that? seems comfy

Kensington Expert, been happily using them for a decade now.

drop wallpaper please


drink in moderation kids !


Wish I had mounts for my monitors

and a better camera than the fucking absolutely horrible one on the galaxy s4. I mean holy shit look how bad that looks.

isn't this the exact same room you were in before that coffin with that shopping cart?



Is my current set up, pic related is my set up this time last year. I had sold all my old shit so I was stuck with this trash and a first gen i3 toshiba. The white case is hollow.

Your camera is doing you favors but that said the computer it's self is nice aesthetically and while the single monitor looks aesthetically superior to two spending $90 on a ~23" secondary will change your life. You used to have to convince people of the value of a second monitor back in the day but it's well known now.
I don't think you should have spent so much on the laptop when the desktop could have used the extra $500. I got a 1080p 13.3" touchscreen, fully user serviceable, with an i3 6100u and 6 hours of battery life for $400 new in box on ebay. Monitor mounts.
Looks old school, Single shitty monitor critique, get another. Why did you treat the room for audio yet use shitty logitech speakers? I think like $200 gets you insane speakers+amp/dac off amazon.
Envy. It's so well lit and your floors look way better than mine. Matching tables would do wonders. Second monitor holy shit what is wrong with you people.
I approve all round except for shitty keyboard choice. Deathadder feels incredible in your palm but that keyboard makes me think you just ordered it because razer.


>I approve all round except for shitty keyboard choice. Deathadder feels incredible in your palm but that keyboard makes me think you just ordered it because razer.
It's not the Razer keyboard, it's the Corsair K70 RGB because Razer uses shitty cheap chinese switches, but corsair still uses Cherry MX.

Are you talking about the mbp or the gaymen laptop?

Mbp because software in my industry have always leaned more toward Mac, although these days that's not as true but I continue to use the apple for work because I always have and its what I'm used to. Gaming laptop because I travel a lot for work.

Boys helm me out,My wall can not support more than 120 grams of weight so i can not wall mount
but my table does not have thin side for table-mounted monitor.
what opinions are left except standard monitor stand?


where you at user? looks like CO

Northern Idaho

Didnn't see the gaymen laptop, I was talking about the mpb. If you use it to earn your income I retract all previous statements and put fourth "macfag".
This doesn't change my stance, I was aware that it was corsair. I feel that corsair overcharges for their keyboards and they should not be branded for that price. You can get a clone board(gateron) for $40, a cherry for $60, and a cherry rgb for $75. I hate gaymen marketing, it needs to die.
I don't want a gaming keyboard, I want a good keyboard. I don't want a gaming mouse, I want an accurate one. I don't want a gaming chair, I want a comfortable one, etc

pretty comfy. hopefully the neonazis stick to the east

Fuck, so I was going to set up the arm but I realized I only had two ports open on my GPU. Need to see if my GPU is compatible with DMS-59.
Another issue is that the arm is tall as fuck, so it may cover part of the bottom frame.

>I was aware that it was corsair
obviously you fucking werent. just read what you wrote.
>that keyboard makes me think you just ordered it because razer

what do you do for work user?

I'm man prostitute,I dinne with old men and if they offer enought we have sex. One bought me car.
What you see on the picture is just my hobby because whoring got me rich.


>New BST.jpg

Why do you always post the same shit over and over? I've actually grown to dislike your station. It looks so fucking bland, empty and boring.

>Why do you always post the same shit over and over?
Because I haven't made enough major changes to make me take a new picture. If you notice everyone pretty much posts the same shit.

>I've actually grown to dislike your station. It looks so fucking bland, empty and boring.
Cool, I don't give a fuck.

t. faggot

It's okay, aspie.

Waiting for my third PG279Q for 165Hz surround


batttlestation circa late 2006

is that dog shit you disgusting fuck


I've had 2, 3 & 4 monitor setups in the past - all depends on requirements at the time. Right now I'm not using a desktop & just have my laptop, so with the laptop's display & the one external monitor I have two 1920 displays, which is plenty. And with only one external monitor, I can have it centered on the desk & between the speakers, which is much nicer than always looking to one side with a two monitor setup when watching a video.

Second desk is my old dining room table, I wasn't about to buy a new desk when I already had that one to repurpose.

>sleep at parents place on the countryside
>wake up nicely
>get back home to my apartment
>waking up feels like a hangover

Must be the air.

What kind of desks are these? I can only find shit like this for sale in the boonies.

Just search for 'cantilever desk'. Look for proper office supply companies rather than home furniture companies.





I really should have gotten the embody instead of the aeron but that is one hell of a masturbation station

Are you using a cardboard box as a desk o.O?

Need to clean up a bit

The backlights really make the setup shine.


are you a dirt poor third world-er or are you a first world-er squatting somewhere.

R8 me

Where'd you get those paintings over your TV?

Aaaaahahahahahahahaha, nice """"desk"""" m8. Look at that sag you faggot. Get rekt pleb!!!11!!

nice try, user, but you don't have the trip


>$3000 faggot canon lens
jesus can you tie a noose out of cardboard? you should try asap

what monitor arm are you using there

the 2.8 IS II is a fantastic telezoom, my friend
way more worth it than the faggot chair


heyhey mind posting that wallpaper pal?

great meme usage

the artist of the one on the green wall over the TV is Mary Staby

>two tablet sized monitors instead of one real monitor

>expensive Macbook, camera lens, and chair
>can't even afford a desk
Nice priorities, faggot

Your average 2-joint desktop arm.

Many rebrands.

that space, that empty space hnnnnnngggghhhh

at least he posted an image that corresponds to the theme of the thread

nearly perfect

Live in grandma's closet. Although it's a big closet

well i guess it keeps the rain off your head

How do you like those Mackie monitors? I've been considering getting a pair.

Eternally jealous of your comfy simple life.

>dog shit and beer everywhere
Disgusting. Sorry you have to use one of those shitty "portable" AC units. I hate those.

This looks like a porchstation. I like your mineral. I've got a piece of iron ore I found while hiking as a kid that I used to keep on my desk.

Kinda dim, but looks nice. What keyboards are those?

What a nice, clean station. I too have an atheist flute. Have you tried CBD?

What mouse is that?

Nice view, but with natural light like that you gotta dust more often.

Either needs moar art downstairs or needs to be organized better. Upstairs looks great, though you could probably use an actual tv stand.

Looks good. It's a shame Razer has memed the color green into nonexistence.

I feel like there's a story here and I want to hear it.

Love your monitor setup and clean desk. Not an applegoy but this looks sharp.

I wanted one of those Digitech pedals so fucking bad when I was in middle school.


>I feel like there's a story here and I want to hear it.
It was from r9k, guy was talking about how he was 30, hugless kissless virgin NEET living in grandma's closet. He said it was a big closet though.

Doesn't sound that bad. If it was clean it'd probably be cozy as long as he doesn't have to leave to rub his grandma's feet or bathe her or anything.

I have a tv like that in my bedroom. It screams "Late 90's/Early 00's Business Man/Coke Addict" for some reason. I'd say add some more wall decorations and replace that curtain that looks like it belongs in a shower. Other than that, cozy af boi.

where do you live? looks like Washington state

Won me over with the Dopesmoker figure

and then you lost me with the alister crowley garbage in your living room so you can fuck right off.

link to that umaru fig??


Here you go bud



Thanks, comfy always trumps aesthetic for me

Not gonna bother with the curtains or wall decorations, my dad and I bought a new house inna woodz and we'll be moving there next year
It has a a second single car garage that's attached to the house on the main floor, I plan on converting that to a fuck huge bedroom with a separate entrance. I'll finally have enough room for a second desk and my 32" Trinitron

/blog post

>try to make a jab at /bst/
>forget anime mousepad
well i screwed that up

hello everyone

Parent's house. Not going to invest in it since I'm moving to my own house soon.

there is an HDD behind the screen, also HP T610 TC behind the desk working as a server.

>How do you like those Mackie monitors? I've been considering getting a pair.
I like them, but I've never owned nice speakers before so I have nothing to compare them to. Definitely a step up from my shitty 2.1 logitech setup before

are you using a laptop external gpu adapters?

uhm, yes, that's an eGPU

very interesting.

I like

What's the skin on the MacBook?