Using non-free non-open source software

>using non-free non-open source software
you have 10 seconds, user

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I have the freedom to use such software.

I'm happy

You have NO freedom when you use such software, fucking idiot.

I have nothing to hide

>using non-free non-open source reaction images
you have all day


Cropped from Pepper & Carrot by David Revoy, CC By

>tfw the software for Kizuna Ai is propriety

Sure I do.
I have the freedom to use it, just like I have the freedom not to use it if I find it unsatisfactory.

When did she say that. I want AI-chan to abuse me.

You have the freedom to be retarded.

>freedom to use it
>freedom to not use it

All programs can be free if you torrent them, user

>autist suffers a breakdown upon realizing that proprietary software does not, in fact, rob anyone of freesom

Proprietary software is immoral

I'm not a communist.

You don't even know how much freedom you could have and conflate choice with freedom like a bainlet

Well go ahead an explain how proprietary software is inherently immoral then.
And what about the proprietary hardware that you're using right now?

>p-people want money for their work
>t-they should work for FREE!!!!!!!!!

>let's hold computing back for decades because muh capitalism

It's a good thing that you're free(TM) to make something better and let it be free open source software then, huh ?

you do realize that everyone will be on GNU + Linux in the future and proprietary software will be dead within 20 years, right?

i have the natural right of choosing non dogshit software that isn't made by communists, stallman cultists are the leviathan they claim to hate

And so what ?
If you've managed to create *better* software that does a better job at its purpose than a proprietary equivalent in 20 years, then good on you, you've managed to spend your time on something worthwhile instead of complaining.
Until then, GIMP is still a fucking joke, Krita is unstable, Plasma is a broken mess, and the list goes on.

How about you use your love for free software to help them improve instead of complaining about proprietary software on a non-free imageboard ?

enjoy your botnet

not an argument

>touch test.jpg
>du test.jpg
>upload test.jpg to Sup Forums
>Error: File too large.

yes an argument

Who is this qt


nice rebuttal to all the facts stated on the page, Rajesh.

>muh capitalism
>greatest communist processor ever designed was a Z80 clone

I hate open source software.

so, you hate freedom?
you american by any chance?

Because there is no acceptable open source alternative to the Windows 7 / Steam / stack.

Linux is worse than Windows 7, and will be until it loses long term support in 2020.

Steam is pretty much the only acceptable gaming platform. takes giant steaming shits on Krita and GIMP while doing a fancy dance.

AI Kizuma, the anime girl who got balls transplanted on her head.

Nope, from Europe.

And fuck this "freedom" bullshit.

>Posting anime
Go to hell.

im not autistic

Plan 9 / /bin/games / paint

FOSS is always dogshit though

Go back to Sup Forums

It works perfectly without tinkering.

>GIMP is still a fucking joke, Krita is unstable, Plasma is a broken mess, and the list goes on.

Freedom to use software that doesn't respect my freedom.

Gimp is trash, but Krita has been perfectly stable on my machine. Minor bugs because of my older radeon graphics card, but it's been a pleasure to work with. I wish it has a photoshop preset for hotkeys so that people could move over easier though.

I don't restrict my choices, I use what's best.

but proprietary software is inherently shit

I'm not a delusional freetard so something being closed source doesn't make it shit in my eyes.

>closed source
>not shit
Pick one

I only used paid open source projects

I choose both.

enjoy your botnet wincuck/appleshit

>openly admitting that Windows and MacOS aren't bad
A rare open source truthpost.

Enjoy your shitty memes

>privacy is a meme

No, muh botnet is though.

Open source music production software sucks. I've tried ardour, lmms, qtractor, rosegarden, and others, and I even wasted a day of my life configuring jack to work on linux. The interfaces are all too buggy and clunky to foster a creative workflow. The free cubase copy I got with my sound card, by contrast, is a million times better.

So I guess I use proprietary software for the sake of art.

Do you hate art, user?

user those double dubs won't cure that autism

You can freely choose which shitty piece of shit software you are gonna install to suffocate on it
Wow, so this is what freedome feels like?

I use free and open source software...

In my guest OS.