What's Sup Forums choice for a videogame console?
I already have a gaymen PC
>inb4 Sup Forums
That place is full of rats
What's Sup Forums choice for a videogame console?
I already have a gaymen PC
>inb4 Sup Forums
That place is full of rats
your mom.
PS4, xbox has no amazing exclusives.
PS4 because that's what my friends play
PS4 and Vita
I've been using a MacBook Pro with OpenEmu and a DualShock 4. The N64 classics are a favorite. A few GameBoy Color games, etc. But none of the current-gen consoles really appeal to me.
Nintendo Wii with USB loader. Video games are for children, regardless it's fun to have the occasional couch multiplayer session on the weekend.
Buying games is idiotic.
i both xbox one for a kid few weeks ago and i regret this decision ever since. Nothing work. It keeps crashing. Here are your free game.
>ahaha you cant download tham with under age account
>and no you cant transfer your half a year live subscription hahaha thanks for money sucker
i should have bouth him ps4 or better yet a pc its much less troublesom
I like my 3ds. Sometimes i play on my main computer. There i like text games.
3ds is comfy as fuck. Got banned recently so I sold it cheap, I'm looking now for an Old 3ds XL.
xbox + pc because you shouldn't own a console unless it's to play with friends. might break the rule and get a switch though because it has the only interesting games this gen (assuming a switch emu doesn't come out within the next year).
>you shouldn't own a console unless it's to play with friends
Don't forget couch and bed gaming
are bans even hardware? also im sure its usable without all these network features
switch + ps4
Modded PSP with micro SD memory card adapter. Thousands of games, decent screen and battery life (even better if you perform the LiPo battery mod)
>not a Vita
i play my pc on my big tv in my room anyway. i can also stream to my tablet via nvidia shield streaming and the moonlight app on android.
Vita sd adapter isn't out yet
Depends on price range I suppose. You can get all models of PSP for dirt cheap nowadays
So? It will be, plus it's not like it's unusable without a microSD card.
True, Vita's pretty cheap now too though and can do more
One old vita with the OLED and one new vita with the IPS
That's fair. I would want it for L1 and L2 buttons and the better screen. Although I haven't heard great things about the battery life.
L2 and R2*
I have a PS4, but the switch seems genuinely interesting to me. Waiting for E3 to see if any bundles are announced.
Switch and Xbone
PS4 just doesn't have any good games
I like my 3DS. My PC does all the demanding stuff but honestly I don't play games on it very often. I bought a GTX1060 a few months ago and I feel like I wasted my money because i hardly ever make use of it. Pretty much all my gaming lately has been on my 3DS.
name one good xbox game
Halo, Halo Wars, Halo Racing, Halo Tetris, Angry Halos
>that picture
One of these things is not like the others one of these things just doesn't belong
Forza series, halo series, rare replay, gears of war, etc on top of being a superior media center to the other consoles.
They're not hardware. user is just too stupid to unban himself. It literally takes five minutes.
Gears of War and Forza are also on PC.
Halo is the only remain exclusive, making it a halomachine.
>Superior media center
Really nigga?
>implying PS4 even has games
Sauce me
>Be Sony
>Own Blu-Ray
>Don't even include it in your own shit
Just online but I was having some really annoying hardware issues, console was constantly turning off for no reason at all, ban just made easy the decision to sell it.
Sounds like you may be retarded.
Wait for the new 2ds xl at least
Philips CD-i
Nintendo consoles will always be the best bet for a PC Gamer.
Because they are 100% consoles, and not a PC ripoff like PS4 and Xbone.
Nice trips, friend. I have a ps3 to play ps1&2 games.
Playstation 4
A PC with a 360 controller hooked up to a television
Don't fall for the recreational jew
I own a ps4 but it's a piece of shit and I only use it for Netflix. If I could go back I'd probably get an Xbox because that's where all my friend are.
But honestly this is the worst generation since the atari and I'm not being dramatic there's zero originality in the industry, only the graphics are better.
PS4/Switch depending on which exclusives you give a shit about. And buy a 3DS for cheap since they can't be emulated yet.
I've got an xbox 360 hooked up to a capture card so I can play through cheap older gaymes
Might buy a ps3 as well since used consoles and games are so cheap now (and there's a few exclusives I'd like to check out)
I'd go ps4 out of the current generation and maybe the Switch if it gets something more interesting than yet another instalment of mariokart and zelda
>Don't forget couch and bed gaming
A simple HDMI cable takes care of couch gaming, user.
I mostly play my Super Nintendo \(",")√
PC for the multi-plat games.
Switch for the Nintendo games and multiplayer with friends.
None so far, at least not from the current generation. I have a PS3 from last gen, that's it. I'm not averse to buying a current-gen console but up until now there simply aren't enough games which I find interesting on any of them, so I just didn't bother. My backlog is huge, I'm not going to spend money on a console for an extra 3 games I find interesting.
>still using consoles when computer gaming has proven to be superior in every single way making consoles completely and utterly obsolete
I don't fucking understand. I really fucking don't.
PS3 has best 7th gen exclusives.
To bad you'll get destroyed using a controller during online games on PC.
PC, it has all the consoles from up to 6th gen.
You're only supposed to play controller games on the couch. I'm not gonna play Battlefield 4 or any other FPS or RTS on the couch.
The PSP is the patrician choice.
PS4, PS3 Slim(PS1), PS2(wireless controllers, HD upscaler, hacked, network card + HDD), PSP Go(PS1), PS Vita(OLED)
Wii(w/ Gamecube, hacked), Wii U
XBOX 360S(never use it, honestly XBOX blows)
Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS Lite(R4 card)
Oh, and an Oculus Rift, because Oculus Home locks down your PC and turns it into a console.
You would THINK this is true, but hardcore PC gamers are honestly way more elitist than they deserve to be.
I play console and PC, but I always play PC FPS games with a controller when I'm just chilling out. I still end up within the top 3 players of the game whether I'm playing Battlefield or CS:GO with a controller. If only the people I was playing against knew that.
>>ahaha you cant download tham with under age account
Wew lad.
I want to play games you fucking faggot
not watch ciclejerk shows
>360 controller
no, use a ps4 controller through a 360 controller compatibility layer because 360 controllers have shitty sticks
I have a PS4 but I'm literally using it as a coaster right now.
Terrible purchase.
I'm considering buying a Switch too but I feel like I'm just going to stop playing it after 2 weeks just like the PS4.
gamecube and/or ps2
Or I could play what I want on the couch.
PS4. Xbone has nothing and Switch is already DOA.
The only winning move is not to play at all.