Why did my utorrent just open itself yesterday and updated itself?.
Is this happening to anyone else?.
Why did my utorrent just open itself yesterday and updated itself?.
Is this happening to anyone else?.
No. Stop doing drugs.
it's either due to
1 a bulid in feature
2 that furry porn with long file name that you downloaded lately
Use qbittorrent, m8. uTorrent is botnet.
Enjoy your RIAA botnet
Can I save your cat picture? You can have this one in return.
Already have yours, but thx anyway :3
Here's cat bait!
>just open
Why isn't it open all the time?
stop using utorrent botnet and install something like qbtorrent or picotorrent if you want a small footprint
>retarded memes keep me from using good software.
My µTorrent 2.2.1 doesn't have this problem.
Exactly. Why would anyone let one autistic freetard screaming "botnet" stop them from using uTorrent 2.2.1 -- a client that has had zero exploits found in six years while freetard clients are pwned every couple weeks?
It works for me (:
My niqqa
>not using tixati
enjoy your bitcoin miner