Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?




>Chick owns a slave that's on stand-by with another cup of coffee as soon as she finishes her first cup while staring at a wall
What exactly is wrong with that?


white "men" are emasculated beta faggots in the year 2017. Are you seriously surprised that white girls want nothing to do with you losers?

Mods, do your fucking job.

He's the black bull getting that rich bitch blacked while the low testosterone cuck husband is paying the bills at his fancy office job.

You have to go back

Muh safe space. Pathetic

Why do these companies feel the need to constantly shove nigger/white relationships down our throats? You're a retard if you don't think it's intentional. This is from the same company that put a fucking man in a dress on stage to unveil a certification.


kys schlomo

They do the same shit as blacked as well with the blindingly white room.


Jewgle is worse to be honest famalam.

Is Pajeetware Windows the only major White man's operating system left?

Why is what allowed?


niggers joos and fags


Every company does this either blatantly or subversively (showing black man/white woman in frame together signifying that they're together)

>can't even Sup Forums correctly


It's the Jews g you understand this.

Nah, they are just bring back slavery in a very hip fashion.

im going to imagine that just out of the bottom of the frame theres a gun on the counter and he's holding her hostage

To be fair, she could be very light-skinned

they could at least be more subtle and put a niggra with a white dude or an asian with a white dude but they don't even give a fuck

wouldnt be a keynote with the liberals ramming down some interracial couples down your throat, im surprised a semen sample wasnt included in the welcome back

Are you talking about slaving the Chinese or that marriage is slavery and the black man is falling into the white woman's trap?

>balck man

You gentlemen understand Interracial Cuckoldry is the number 1 fetish in the US correct?

This is simply a marketing strategy, nothing sinister about it at all

I'm talking about having a black man as your personal manservant. Or if you own a cotton farm, you can have it both ways and earn some money.

that is just a bad joke
should've been:
doctor: you drink too much
Patient: tell me something i don't know
Doctor: jamal, shaniqua, and jarone
Patient: who?
Doctor: your kids