Chrome is jew botnet

>Chrome is jew botnet
>IE is aging trash
>Edge is fresh trash
>Firefox/PaleMeme/etc refuse to acknowledge their performance issues
>every other browser is either trash, DED, or a Chrome clone

Use chrome
You know Google's motto, right?
"Don't be evil."

Trust Google.


That's not their motto anymore.

So? Still Google is better than those muh open source projects

>t. shill

Chrome is open source you stupid fucking pajeet.

>Firefox/PaleMeme/etc refuse to acknowledge their performance issues
Get better hardware. You can't unbotnet Chrome and you can't fix anything M$ poos into your loo, but performance is relative.

Chromium is open source. Chrome isnt.

yeah, this.

but it doesn't embody the spirit of FOSS in any way and has extensive integration with closed source, vendor-locked, datamining webapps

the guy said "Google is better than those muh open source projects". He's right. No Muh Opensource browser can even compete with Chrome, regrettably.

>patiently waits until site are accessed via command line using ssh

nah, firefox runs like shit on my netbook but Chrom* and Vivaldi run great due to Blink.

What difference will that make? Just like SSL but not integrated with the browser…

The key is not the transmission media but the actual media itself: is it a cancerous, bloated webapp, or a clean, informational forum/page/etc

>Get better hardware
>nah, it runs like shit on my shit hardware, but these data collection services work fine
Best of luck to you.

my point just went way over your head. firefox is unusable on it whereas other browsers are. so fuck them for writing shit softwaew.

Get cyberfox or syhunt community idiot

Just because it's botnet doesn't invalidate the fact that it performs better as a browser than dedicated non-botnet browsers

Those have only marginal gains compared to Firefox; they haven't fixed whatever the root of the problem is
(Whatever it is clearly originates from pre-v24, since Pale Moon is affected as well)

>Firefox/PaleMeme/etc refuse to acknowledge their performance issues

Is t. the autismiest maymay ever made?
>t. meme expert

Palemoon has the best performance out of all bloated browsers. Quit lying, OP.

Has been since time immemorial

>2GB memory

Does Firefox still have horrible memory leaks? It's what made me switch to Chrome two or three years ago.

I'll keep using Palemoon until it breaks.
TreeStyleTab is required.

Webextensions version of TST is shaping up to be terrible even Piro is unimpressed but there is nothing he can do.

>moved from a browser that had minor memory leaks to one that actively pisses memory down the drain.
wow. smart.

Chrome would literally be using 4GB to keep the same amount of tabs running.


>Being a RAMLET without any RAM to spare

I have plenty of RAM, but I don't get to keep having plenty of RAM by giving it away to shitty pleb browsers.

>$199 Notebook with 2GBs of RAM
I don't see the weirdness on it desu.

just use vivaldi

What's wrong with Chromium?

>every other browser is either trash,

It's mind-boggling how extension apis aren't really just html, css and js, including the complete gui.

It's so obvious, yet leluldi is the only one?


Palemoon is still hindered by performance issues but that is the least of all evils.

More RAM doesn't help in the case of leaks you cockmongler.

Create one.

What's better? Trusting that turkish data compression plugin with your traffic in Firefox or using Opera with Opera Turbo and trusting these people instead when using UMTS?

>Palemoon is still hindered by performance issues
() here, I'm still looking for an explanation about that.

It's open source. Go figure it out yourself faggot.

The UI locks up if a shitty website's JS hangs
Anything hanging in one section hangs the entire browser

No privacy increase vs Chrome

Man, it would be great for someone to create a simple and fast browser. There is one called lion which I'm liking quite a lot, but it's seems to be heading down the path of "chrome clone", so that sucks. Also, ya, everything take up a shit tone of memory

the main dev is in literal denial about it; that's problem #1

He's got an autistic fixation on "multithreading won't work" which, in his head, translates to "how we're doing it now is working just fine" ∴ "performance issues can't be real"

meant to quote