>4 years ago
>enter "g" on google
>no Sup Forums.org/g/
>3 years ago: still nothing
>2 years ago: nop
>1 year ago: still nop.
>enters g on google right now.
>3rd result. w00t
So i guess technology shitposting is getting pretty popular.
How does that make you feel?
4 years ago
fucking normies and Sup Forumsermin should get out and stay out.
>search g
>find the result that says Sup Forums *click*
>result page rank goes up
>repeat with millions of people every year
dum dum
Cant wait for Sup Forums to be above gmail.
Thatll topkek me.
back to you, buddy...
back to you.
Being Sup Forumsay is getting pretty popular.
He doesn't know about the filter bubble.
Google customizes search results with the user's browsing habits.
Isn't the botnet convenient?
youre logged in tho.
arent you?
pls say no.
>the syntax for googling "g" from duckduckgo is g!g
even if he is, that's the real google results
searx gives out the same with proxied google search, Sup Forums is that up on the results
She or he?
must be all of those screenfetch threads.
Men can't have big boobs like those.
Sup Forums Sup Forums catalog is the second result for me and Sup Forums Sup Forums page is the third result
im topkeked.
Why is gmail higher for me and why does the letter g need a wikipedia page.
>these screenfetch
It could be some mad gyno
>using google
keks were had
well played
>WM Theme: Broken
Ain't that the truth
who is this anime hoe
But it's the second result
nothing on my end
ha ha
It disgusts me that there are people in this board that need google to find Sup Forums
Fuck off with your conspiracy bullshit.