I suddenly have the urge to buy an iPhone and a MacBook and just switch to Apple's ecosystem for a while...

I suddenly have the urge to buy an iPhone and a MacBook and just switch to Apple's ecosystem for a while, just to try it out. I don't want to be a MacFag but it looks really, really appealing.

Talk me out of it, Sup Forums. Is it just a "grass always greener" type thing?

Other urls found in this thread:


The iPhone 7 is already more than midway through its product cycle. You have to be a real cuck to pay full price for it at this point.

>I want to become an LGBT sponsor just because why not

I'm asking whether or not I should bother switching over, or if I should just stick with Android + Windows. I'm starting to hate them both.
What are the pros and cons of being locked into Apple's ecosystem? I'm genuinely curious.

32 GB iPhone SE @ $160 is the sweet spot right now when it comes to price/performance

Stock apple is better than stock android by miles. Fully customized/loaded android is unbeatable. How much time and effort do you want to spend is the real question. I'm too busy now, as a teenager/college kid I would've loved the flexibility and versatility of android, but when I switched I was working 50 hours a week and busy with other shit, and the last thing I wanted to do was spend a few hours a week trying to min/max my phone. Other people feel differently and that's totally fine.

If you have other apple shit then the ecosystem is nice. My job gave me a fully loaded 2016 macbook pro retina, I got an ipad pro refurb last year, and my iphone 6 plays really well with both of them. tethering is incredibly simple and easy. just got those fucking airpods because it'll be nice to fuck with that shit too.

give it a try friendo. I've done both, and prefer apple immensely. shit works better, I have more important stuff in my schedule than to min/max my phone.

Stop lying, Teem Cuck or gimme da proovs!

Fuck you Aplel shill
Go back

Daily reminder to please sage and report apple shills. Ignoring them won't make them go away.

Help Sup Forums be less shitty than it already is.

>tells you the pros/cons
>implores you to make up your own mind
>admits modded android is superior

wew yeah another $0.92 deposited into my shill account, soon I'll be able to get a HomePod™

No, I'm just tired of blaotware and ads all over the place. And it seems like Apple has set up a really lush ecosystem where you can start a task on your phone and finish it on your computer. Google doesn't really seem to have a lot of continuity between products. Even if you use a Chromebook, still, your phone and computer don't really talk to each other and seem to live on separate planets. Plus, I hear Apple's tech support is really nice.
If I fuck up my current phone, there's really not much I can do. I like the idea of just being able to take it to one of the dedicated stores and letting them sort it out for me.


just get it unlocked if you dun wanna use boost

I was an android guy since the HTC Hero, up until I got an Iphone 6 at release. Had a long stream of anti-apple until I actually tried it, and really enjoyed the ecosystem, Imessage and facetime are great, and yea there is a walled garden, but there is much better integration between the hardware and software than android.

Switched to the nexus 6p for a bit on and off and while I did like it, I always came back to IOS. I recently switched to a 6S+ and love it even more. Not to mention the amazing standby time, which android always seems to have a problem getting down.

Google is incredibly inconsistent with it's software, and leaving things to the care of the carriers for updates doesn't help. I'm also past the point of doing anything crazy like rooting. modding, and custom rooms.

Apple has it's issues as well like no drag-drop for music and files, and the notification center is a disaster compared to nougat. IOS 11 is bringing some much needed refinement though.

That said, I've seen android improve leaps and bounds, and it's strength lies in it's versatility, choice, and freedom.

Oh, so you're just looking for consistency.

Today was the Apple keynote you knobcock.

Same here OP. I just put my laptop and desktop up for sale. I'm tired of Wangblows and Linux and all the epic le pcmasterrace!!!! XD bullshit.

No shit, why do you think we're being flooded with all these shills?

Wait until Google axes Android + Chrome OS and replaces them both with Fuchsia. Then they'll finally be able to achieve Apple-like consistency.

So are we just supposed to just not talk about Apple at all, just because you don't like them?

Would be nice if Sup Forums had a dedicated apple board so Sup Forums can be used to discuss actual technology.

The least we can do is sage and report the blatant shill threads like OP made.

Is "actual technology" limited to programming homework help, /soc/-tier battlestation show-and-tell, and used thinkpad with flavor-of-the-month distro shilling?

I never actually understood what Sup Forums was supposed to talk about in the first place. What the fuck do you want?

I'm not even shilling. I just want to ask people's opinion before switching. It's a big risk to take.

Keep it used or refurbished and it's less of a risk.

You can get a regular 6S for between $325-$400 depending on your storage.

I would honestly start with trying out the Iphone first before diving into and ipad or macbook.

To fucking discuss actual technology. Shill threads like these talk about promoting a product not technology. Don't think that I like those tech support threads and battle station circle jerk threads either.

>blatantly same fagging this hard
Can't you at least attempt to be discreet?

Why is Sup Forums so angry all the time? Fuck.

You didn't answer my question, faggot.

Define "actual technology".

>I suddenly have the urge to buy an iPhone and a MacBook and just switch to Apple's ecosystem for a while, just to try it out.
To be honest, I've had this idea for quite a while and if it were not for the overly steep pricing, I would've purchased them. I'm tempted to see how it'd feel using a laptop that looks good since I've been using one that looks really subpar by today's standards.

Trolling or legitimately frustrated, you're a sad one. Go get some fresh air.

So they're training you guys to do html edits now? Apple is that serious about promoting their iAids huh?

Computer hardware, software, and technology in general. You know, what the sticky mentions.

>he explains pros and cons
>I got him right guise??xDD right? xDDD

That thing looks like a catfish, lmao. What weird tentacle alien cartoon porn is that shit from?

Sup Forums: Still incapable of calmly having normal conversations like functional people.

fuck off apple shill

OP is considering an iPhone or MacBook.
To switch to Apple's "ecosystem"
>technology in general
Wants to know about the appeal of Apple-branded tech products, and see how it affects his life.

What's the problem here?

>I suddenly have the urge to buy an iPhone and a MacBook and just switch to Apple's ecosystem for a while, just to try it out.

I'd say go for it. I did back in 2009 and it's really advanced my life in a lot of ways.

Way too expensive and limited these days, but probably still a good investment if you enjoy the finer things in life. (Like sexual intercourse with another human being.)

>wanting an iPhone
We've all been there man. You just gotta remember to come back down when you're done with your dalliance.

The best way to know for sure is to try it out for a while. If you like it, cool. If you don't like it, then you can just go back to Android.

It's not that hard.

The only two posts even coming close to being a serious response. The rest of them are just memeing for (You)'s. Instead of "Fuck off Apple Shills" why don't you guys give us an insight about why Apple sucks and give us an alternative.

the problem is that macbooks and iphones cost big bucks so it's not really wise to try them with that logic.

>What's it like, using Apple products? I'm curious.


This is why Reddit is good sometimes.

OSX is far superior to Microsoft botnet. iOS is far superior to the Google botnet.

If you're going to just use Linux and not own a phone, fine. But you'd be a fool to choose Windows and Android over OSX and iOS.

>is stupid
of course

iPhones hold their resale value and Mac Minis are a bit long in the tooth but still good to try out OSX

It was the only smug face reaction image I had on hand. I appreciate that you think I'm an all-out "Trumposter", even though I'm really not.

Still, you're only insulting the memes but not answering the real question: what the fuck is the problem here?

iPhone + iPad


iPhone + MacBook

What's best combo?

literally brain damaged.

>replying to the image and not to the crux of the discussion
>wants technology discussion

There isn't really a best combo. If you prefer mobile devices then it's better to go for the 1st. I prefer having a laptop with a physical keyboard and some i/o. So i'd prefer the second one.

iPhone + iPad + MacBook

You'll be all set for the full iOS/macOS experience.

nobody needs an ipad

Neither, since everything Apple makes is utter worthless trash.
Name ONE (1) positive way they've ever influenced technology.

iPads have been extensively useful to sound engineers, but outside of that, you're right. Nobody needs an iPad.

i'm aiming for sex engineer, so i can't cut any corner, i need a full-blown mac

pic related, it's what i'm typing on right now

The answer is iPhone + MacBook, however don't buy that new meme touchbar one and don't get the new MacBook either because its a piece of shit. Get something used but not too old.

Locked in it may be not so bad (don't know, am not locked in, won't ever ever ever be)
But if you just want to dabble in or have to do a specific task it's nothing short of horrible.
Also in my experience it's BUGGY AS FUCK. In my experience the "just works" is more like "just nothing works" unless you plan on using a browser and nothing else.

Thing about iOS is, if you're used to Android, iOS is much more, closed source I guess is the way to put it? If you want to customize and download non-official apps you HAVE to jailbreak it. Jailbreaking it makes it unstable which to me is what iOS is all about. After having 2 iPhones over the course of 7 or 8 years I got a Pixel a month ago and I'm glad I did.

Also got a 2016 base MBP and it's been good, too.

higher resolution screens + bringing high ppi to the forefront. no one gave a fuck about that before the iphone 4 raised ppi above 200, everyone was shitting around on low resolution screens. displays stagnated for monitors too, 1080p was "standard" for far too long. Now their retina meme is putting 5k screens in all in ones.

if i'm going to spend top dollar i'm getting an iPhone. android absolutely rules the low-cost part of the market though, where you can get a $50 prepaid phone that absolutely rivals an iPhone as far as functionality.

> Has never used a Mac in his life
> Complains about it being buggy as fuck

I've been a long time Windows user with many High-End laptops, but my mid-range 2015 rMBP is still the best laptop I have ever used. The screen, the trackpad, the build quality. And it's the last generation to still have HDMI out.

I've owned loads of Apple products, and my opinion is always the same(3Gs,4,4S,5c,5s,6). Android is cheaper, and offers a more rich app ecosystem, and is actually open source. I didn't see much use in the Airdrop feature, and none of the stock Apple apps make a difference unless you're totally cucked for Apple and are already a steady consumer.

OP, here's what you do: buy an iPad or Mac or whatever at the nearest Apple Store. They have a 14-day no-questions-asked return policy. If, two weeks later, you decide you done fucked up, just return it. Personally, I did what you're doing now between 2013 (when I got my first Mac) and 2015 (when I got my iPad/iPhone/Watch). I don't regret it at all.

My one iPhone-specific piece of advice for you is this: AVOID the iPhone 6. It's the worst iPhone that's still supported. That goes double for the 6 Plus.

Honestly, at this point, being "locked in" to the Apple ecosystem is like being confined on Earth by a lack of space travel. Sure, you're technically constrained, but there's still a shitload of things to do, and you'll find you can do almost anything you would want to do anyway. Just about the one thing you can't do reasonably well on iOS at this point is programming.

Android user from 2011-2015 here. It's only superior if your time is worthless.

Sketchy as fuck. Don't rely on these shitty MVNOs' unlock policies if you don't have to.

Honestly, we've heard all of this shit before. "Just wait until Google rolls out _____! It'll blow out all the competition!" And it never happens. The carriers, the OEMs, or Google themselves inevitably end up fucking it up somehow.

Honestly, if you're thinking about it, you probably won't regret it. I know I don't.

Seconding this. The iPad will surprise you, it's the world's best tablet.

Tell that to the multitude of people I've met whose iPad is their only computer. They seem to be getting along pretty well, especially at the $329 price point where iPads start now.

Killed Flash. Man, that was easy.


how to filter pointless shill threads, someone help me out with the filters

>AVOID the iPhone 6. It's the worst iPhone that's still supported


You're totally cucked by Apple. Apple in the tech world is a "code with Klossy" tier.

Now is the right time faggot, they just halved the storage of the base model 13" MacBook Pro.

lmao, weak bait

Go ahead and try it.

I personally did it once and couldn't stand it, sold the iphone I had bought after a month.

Get a macbook, based laptop

After that if you like it you can go full macfag

Recently bought an iPad Pro for upcoming Summer work and school in the Fall. While the Apple pencil not being included is shit, it is definitely a very good machine. Super zippy, and there's an app that records lectures as you take notes, and then plays back the recording for whatever part of the notes you choose.

The other shit Apple practice is the 32 gb of storage as the standard minimum.

Shit camera, no real improve, bends-ish.

6s Has 3d touch and better touchID (Fingerprint scanner) and better suited for the iOS updates/

Not op

It is good to live on both sides of the fence. It helps you understand what you really want and need in a phone/laptop, and it will improve your quality of life.

You might find out you can't live without expandable phone storage. Then you'll know to not buy a phone without expandable storage in the future.


Nice thread shill.

You don't need iPhone but MacBooks are very nice laptops indeed.

Bastardised burger.

>proving his point

Keeping it chinky

>Apple has set up a really lush ecosystem where you can start a task on your phone and finish it on your computer. Google doesn't really seem to have a lot of continuity between products.


Stop shilling ifaggots.are you women or gay or a drug dealer a mid price android does everything..

>figured the same thing after contemplating for a few months
>bought an iPhone
>regretted it a month later

All the usual complaints about iPhones are entirely true. It's not efficient navigate, can't change default applications, etc. The only thing that I like is the app support, otherwise, the phone is trash.

When its time to get a new phone, I will not be getting another iPhone. Unfortunately that won't be for another 2-3 years.

Only if you want to be a part of Google's botnet bloatware

>I can't offer a reference because the web site requires nonfree Javascript code.
oh stallman...

This so much. Android is fun to tinker in college or if you're mildly autistic, but iPhone is the best for no frills usage.



>doesn't even bother changing filename

This guy is fucking right. Is you wanna customize and rice your phone and you have time to spend on it, go for it. If you want out of the box experience and don't have to ask if your phone is gonna work tomorrow go apple