This is the RAID key you need for the new Skylake-X series...

This is the RAID key you need for the new Skylake-X series. Without it you can only use RAID 0 - and you must use Intel branded SSDs.

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No one's going to buy jizzlake-x anyway. Not when thredkekker exists.

so this key "unlocks" new features?

Yes. RFID chip on jizzlake-x is exactly for that.

is this even legal?

It's Intel, user.

Yeah. This was a common practice before

why wouldnt it be?

>buying jewtel ever

good goyim

It's like buying a car and having to pay $50 to go past 80mph

It's made that way so your car would not cannibalize sales of the same, but pricier car.

why would that be illegal?

That wouldn't be illegal either dumbass

Welcome to the wonderful world of unregulated capitalism.

It's not real unregulated capitalism until air strikes on the other guy's fabs are fair game.

>You want a RAID? How about an air raid, bitch?

Ever seen enterprise grade equipment and servers?
It's the norm.

Consumer hardware can fuck right off with this shit though.


Umm user... The key for full support is $300.

I dont see anything wrong as intel ssds are vastly superior to all competition anyway


Joke aside. Even linus shat on optain.

Software RAID too don't forget.

[Lisa Su laughter intensifies]

that is pretty much what Tesla is doing right now.

i'm not a shill and i'm right.

>unironically using on-board software raid solutions in the first place
you deserve to get ripped off by Intel off if you actually pay for this key.


Do they even make NVMe RAID cards?

this is a terry.

you need terry as your pastor and without him you can't be enlightened and go to heaven. you must accept this.

>company x releases car
>company x spends several million dollars designing a firmware that makes the car go faster
>they gotta make that profit back, and offer it as a $50 update so that people who want the feature may buy it, as people who don't care won't get charged, because they have to make that money back somehow

Updates =/= Locked features unlocked with physical access keys.

Liken it more to:
You buy a house.
But you don't get every key to the house.
If you want to unlock more bedrooms in your house, you need to pay the original builder $10,000 extra per room you wish to unlock for your usage.
Keep in mind, these rooms exist already in your house that you bought, but the doors are just locked until you pay for the keys to them. The company is not "saving money" by locking these doors, as they've already spent the money to include them physically, so any money you spend on the house, obviously covers their cost plus original intended profit. The house could have been sold with all doors unlocked for that cost. But instead, the "Value" of that house, with all doors unlocked, for the price they're selling it to you with the doors locked, is too low compared to what they COULD get. So they feel they have to charge you more, because, you know, value and stuff.

It should be noted that the RAID 1 key is $100. The RAID 5/10 key is $300.


Nah buddy, it's more like this: you pay for a 2 bedroom house, but you get a 5 bedroom house with 3 bedrooms locked. Is different, or worse than paying for a 2 bedroom house, and getting a 2 bedroom house? I would argue that it's actually better because you can add capability later.
You know what you're getting, it's not like they're lying to people. It's just a way to charge customers with higher-profile needs higher-profile amounts of money.

is the base device cheaper? without the extra features unlocked?
does it cost the same as it used to with all the features unlocked?

So who exactly is going to buy this shit? Feature-wise, it's all over the place, not to mention the insane cost.

You sound alot like an Intel shill.

I can't tell if you're retarded or just a shill.

>pay for a 2 bedroom house, but you get a 5 bedroom house with 3 bedrooms locked.
wrong, since all houses are being delivered with 5 rooms, all patrons Are indeed paying for the 5 rooms, more or less what previous user tried stating.

your example also doesnt fit because you cant show that an equivalent skylake-x with 2 bedrooms by Advanced bedroom devices has a similar cost, its a new type of residence, sold only by intel construction.

whats even worse, RAID of allkinds have been avaiable embedded on consumer products before, so this high profile enterpise use is bulshit excuse, in the end its just a shady marketing tactic to falsely make the skylake-x superior to similar products compared by price range, which wont take the addedd cost of unlocking keys into account.

That's pretty much what cars already do.
Almost all of them have speed limiter chips.

You don't pay the manufacturer to disable the governor though, it's there because they don't want you going faster than that.

In your example, company x started working on the design of a new firmware AFTER the mainstream release of the car.
Not what Intel is doing right now

Tesla does

There's a bit too much fud being spread on this on.

Bootable raid0 through NVME is standard. Need to pay 100 dollars for raid 1 and 1+0 booting. Then 300dollars for raid5 boot.

It's still shit but not as big an issue as most people are making out. Delid lake still sucks most days of the week though.

jewed out again

wrong image

shut up you stupid goy

That's not everyone though, if they put a 155mph limiter on a car it also has the benefit of them not having to worry about 155+ mph incidents or (potentially) full testing at those speeds. It's never intended to be turned off because the manufacturers literally don't know if it's safe to drive at those speeds.

From that perspective I guess it also makes a tiny bit more sense why Tesla would charge for higher performance, because the R&D going into testing the car at higher speeds/with the extra power might cost enough to warrant it.


"Intel can W boot RAID without Optain?"
For the low low price of $100 goy!
>small print
RAID 1 & 5 an additional $250

It's not especially clear, but Linus did say $300 *on top* of the $100 for the key, so you probably need to shell out $400 total for RAID5/6.
So if you want a top of the line workstation, you'd be paying $2000 for the chip, $400 for the key, and I'm guessing $400 for a decently capable motherboard.
You don't have much of a PC and yet you're already up to $2800. Meanwhile a 16-core TR is going to be like $850 and with a $400 mobo that amounts to $1,250 no extras needed... see a difference?
Even if Intel's offerings will ultimately offer similar performance, they'll never compete on price.

The better key is $300 total. But...

>RAID 10? What do you. Need RAID 5 for? Raid 1 is enough goy. You mean raid 0?

Why would you even use intel's raid anyway? Just use LVM or btrFS like an intelligent person and be done with it.

>car analogies

This guy needs some hand rubbing lotion asap. Being on Intel's booth, hes at the right place to get world class products in this regard.

How long till someone in China clones the RFID and sells a pirated version of this?

Like, two seconds. And it'll infect your PC with malware somehow.

Just Pay™

You do on a BMW for example.
You have to take extra lessons to get a mild unlock and then there is some second step as well to get it fully unlocked.

Come on now, this doesnt require regulation, it requires competition which AMD is more than happy to provide. Fuck off.

jej. /r/equesting a photoshopfag replace the hands