/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


What file browser/manager do you use?



What tiling WM should I use to replace Kwin besides i3.

wine explorer.exe






lol, only gayboys don't use Thunar


There is literally nothing from with liking dick.

Yeah but there's also nothing gay about liking dicks either.

I said "gayboys" not dick lickers.

How do I install Icecat version 52.0.2 (Ubuntu)?

I have been running it from an executable while I have the package installed (an earlier version)

But it's buggy as shit. How do I update my icecat package?

sudo apt-get install icecat?

I already have it installed and appearently it is at the latest version (version 32.x.x)

But I know it isn't the latest version since you can get version 52.0.2 from the GNU FTP server and I've been using it

>download source
>make && make install

How would you even do that with KDE 5?

do I have to uninstall the current icecat package?

add trisquel repo, limit apt to just use that package

My fonts in Chromium decided to be italic all of a sudden. Anyone have any ideas on how I could fix it? I've tried deleting ~/.config/chromium and restoring Chromium to default settings.

So where do I get the trisquel repo? All the FTP server has is a compiled icecat directory in a tar.gz

found the problem

I picked Thunar because of you

> tar.gz/

ayyy pizza mama

Did you check the font settings on both Chromium and on your system? Might have to set them manually to fix it.

What did you mean by this?

What I look like while using it.

What are some cool terminal commands?

Nothing is set to be italic anywhere

kill -9 1

sudo !!

Sup Forumsuys? help???
Just installed arch linux on my new PC with ryzen 1700 CPU and I get pic related at IDLE


moot, what the hell

This is useless without a list of active processes

man cups

I panicked!
hm... it seems that problem is with gnome
Now I'm in gnome-classic mode and it looks OK

man dpkg

Why do I keep getting "Not a directory." I get it when trying to go to /etc/pacman.conf and also when trying to get to the first C source file I wrote.

Are you doing cd /etc/pacman.conf ? It's because it's not a directory, it's a file. You either cd into /etc/ or directly open the file (for example with vim vim /etc/pacman.conf.

>No manual entry for cups

Nobody knows what the hell you're asking dude.

What the hell do you mean "when trying to go to /etc/pacman.conf"
Trying to go to it in what? What file browser? In a terminal? In some other GUI?
>when trying to get to the first C source file
Get to it in what? Just cd? Trying to open it in an editor? cat?

WHERE are you seeing "not a directory"? In your terminal? In an error log file? In a pop-up window?

Jesus. You'd think you'd clarify a bit more after people ignored you the first time

Stay friendly

You need to force your way into man cups.

I thought it was obvious that I was talking about the terminal and I was using the cd command.

>can wrote in C
>can't cd properly
is this new meme?

Jeez Louis...
I guess I won't be able to use normal session of GNOME
what a shame

pacman.conf is a file
pacman.d is a folder

>wine can't play my shitty rpgmaker h-games
put it in the trash

Stop playing game.

Arch crashes to a black screen regularly. 2-3 times daily.
Have to hard boot to recover. How can I diagnose the issue?


>tfw literally just back from his lecture

comfy as hell Sup Forums, much more chill and funny than I thought he would be.



it's always hit and miss for me. but have gotten some to work. just install the right requirements to a new wine instance

consult journalctl

never been close to a talk. can't make the trek out to the east coast in the near future. keeping track of his schedule just in case.

soooooo how do I hack freetype to make font glyphs darker/bolder?


get up to here. can never fix the janky font.
could make a small how-to, if i figured out how to fix fonts

Why isn't there a control panel for installing/uninstalling apps?
why do I have to sudo apt-get remove (APP NAME) except (APPNAME) is somethings not (APPNAME) but (APPNAMEx) instead. HOW are you suppose to know that?


You mean apt. Pretty much any modern Debian-based distro just links the old apt-get and related commands to apt now.

>control panel
Your OS probably has a GUI, if nothing else, any Debian-based distro should have synaptic which is great at doing what you want.

apt search [what you think is part of the name]
There's also a whole lot of GUI "app store"-type things out there.

I installed Ubuntu 17.04 today and everything works except Infinality, any alternatives?

yes, brazil. was pretty surprised when I found out, specially because it was in my university at my campus, so I literally left my class, waited a bit and went in there

Is there any way to change the background image with i3lock after it's ran? I'm trying to do something like
i3lock -i "bg.png"
sleep 5
i3lock -i "bg2.png"

hey Sup Forums, so I got my ham technicians license and a baofeng a while ago and wanted to get more into the desktop amateur radio side of things. i do already have some experience with linux

i looked at wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Amateur_radio#Software_list and there is a lot of different stuff out there. i know i should probably try it all and see what i like, but its a lot. if youre into amateur radio, what do you personally use? i like the idea of a logger if it could show me the data in an interesting way, but im not even sure what else i would really want

>can't change Dolphin file manager's theme without installing plasma

what the fuck

edit the config file

So I want to make a bunch of shitty short paint animations of shitting frogs and stuff. I'm using Pinta to create individual frames. What's a program that will allow me to easily put them together into a single, playable video? I'm running Debian. Thanks.

You can use GIMP to make a gif. Basically file -> open as layers, select all of your frames. Then export as GIF, check as animation, set frame delay to something like 33 for 30fps (33ms). You can optionally rename specific layers to be like "Layer 1 (200 ms)" and that one frame will last for 200ms while other frames will use the delay in the export options. For videos, I dunno.

Needs to be a webm or mp4. The site I'll be uploading them to has a restriction on most formats, including gif, of a couple of MB. The same restriction doesn't apply to the formats mentioned above.

Hmm, okay. Perhaps look into ffmpeg, it might be able to do something like that.

Ok, thanks.

Yeah actually check this out: trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Slideshow

>hey xubuntu looks nic-
>see the menu
Back to elementary OS

on windows, I can copy the URL of an image an paste it when uploading a picture on Sup Forums.
the image will be downloaded to a random folder in the system and then selected to be uploaded.
can I do this on linux? I don't want to manually save the pictures every time I want to upload them.

when I used xfce, I didn't like the mouse

I meant the start menu!

linux btfo

you are retarded.
ubuntu and debian's binary packages are just a sh script and a tar file with absolute paths packaged as .deb


I'm not autistic to use 4chanx

You were autistic enough to install Linux.



Why nautilus over nemo?

I use CLI and then Thunar like once a month when I have a reason to use a file manager.

Stupid question here
If I install a package from a 3rd party repo and it's installed somewhere I don't want, will moving it to/opt break the program? If I try to update the program will it know where it's new location is?

Answer to both of your questions is it depends on the details of the software.
There is nothing tracking it, if that's what you're wondering, unless the software itself installed its own method of tracking/updating itself (like how windows systems usually have 50 background services running just to check for updates on individual software)
or if the installer/updater is intelligent enough to go hunting your system in a few key locations to see if you moved it.

Once you're using software outside the package manager, you and your software are on your own really

Oh crap, sorry I thought you were asking about installing software manually

but you said 3rd party repo.
Even from 3rd party repos it should treat it just like any other package from its own repos.

But yeah, just going in and moving the install location will make it so your package manager doesn't know where it is.
It might still work (depending on the software) but it won't receive any updates or anything


How do I install ubuntu with a custom partition scheme, with /home folder on different harddrive and full disk encryption? (well /boot may not be encrypted to make it easier)

Just use the partition manager in the installer. What part aren't you getting?

>What part aren't you getting?
That the partition manager has no option to encrypt your shit