

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread: Aero?content=57831

>can't set custom background color by default
>can't autorun scripts/programs on startup
>extensions are buggy and incomplete
>GDM shows up on incorrect monitor on multimonitor and has incorrect layout, will not use settings set by user that are actually correct

It's dogshit.

KDE is the future.

The same thing that was always the problem: GTK.

The gtk needs to be rewritten, it's too shitty

The developers and designers are either incompetent or trying to sabotage the gnu/linux desktop on purpose

Anyone know how to remove "Locations" (the GPS thing) from the Gnome top bar?

>I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE.

>This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality" mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do.

>Please, just tell people to use KDE.


>2 0 0 5

It just werks

install gentoo

Nothing, i like it.

I guess it's personal Preference

Why are retarded fuckers like Ubuntu changing for Gnome3? It's popular, but it sucks.

the fucking footfag logo

Unity was a mistake. They finally admit it

Less of a mistake than GNOME 3

It's like getting AIDS and then migrating to cancer instead

No one intelligent uses xfeces

If you select multiple files the size is approximate. Because this is what the gnome devs think means to make a OS simple giving users inaccurate data.

Every day i'm more inclined to think Gnome devs are killing desktop linux on purpose.

Is there a good interface for Ubuntu? I'm currently using Gnome3

it's a bunch of wannabe designers padding their resumes/github with projects instead of trying to make a functional DE

KDE, you can easily tweak it to be like Unity (top bar with the menu bar and merged with maximized windows)

XFCE. Because the interface can be (pretty much) however you decide, it has to be good. It's very easy to customize.

Does it have a graphical menu editor?

Does it have an Aero theme so the task bar and the upper part of windows glassy?

If not, into the trash it goes.

Yes. Aero?content=57831

Why would you want that?

>adding artificial lag to your pc

no thanks lenin

Well now I'm gonna have to try Xfce. What about the task bar though? Can you customize that to be glassy as well?

I genuinely think it's the pinnacle of desktop design. It's kinda skeuomorphic also, which I really like.

id like gnome3 if it didnt lag on my shitty laptop

Not sure about glassiness, but you can adjust the transparency. Transparency for items on the panel is adjusted independently from the panel itself.

I believe Gnome is correct in being simple. If you want to do something complicated use the command line. That's how I, as a Gnome user operate. A desktop environment shouldn't do much more than look pretty and open graphical applications in my opinion. KDE is wildly bloated and complicated, dolphin is shit. Gnome is better and doesn't encourage Linux illiteracy.

What about xfce?

>What went wrong?
They didn't name it Gnom3

GNOME is so much better than everything else now. The bugs have been attenuated since 3.0 was released.

Why didn't they hire you. Holy shit

I believe stones are correct in being simple. If you want to do something complicated use the carving stick. That's how I, as a stone user operate. A rock environment shouldn't do much more than look pretty and be sturdy in my opinion. Books are wildly bloated and complicated, letters are shit. Stone tablet is better and doesn't encourage carving stick illiteracy.


Wtf? Aero? the pinnacle of skeuomorphic desktop design? have you ever took a look at OSX Lion/Mountain lion? ffs user don't make me laugh, Windows design is inconsistent as fuck.

Literally everything.

>no g
Trying to trigger Gnome devs?

Nothing went wrong. I'm using it and I'm loving it.

too much ram usage
if it was 300 maybe could use it
but 650-800+ for just gui
no thanks

Red Hat taking over an open source community.

You can chose an image file for xfce-panel background, if that image has geadient or is glossy the panel will be, too.

You can also edit the gtkrc with shader and gradient functions like shown ITT

easiest is maybe downloading a vista style panel:


>A desktop environment shouldn't do much more than look pretty and open graphical applications in my opinion.

You can't make that shit up.

>can't autorun scripts/programs on startup
No way this is real!
Can't you copy .desktop files to ~/.config/autostart/ ?

>What went wrong?

They designed it based on pure human/computer interaction research without any thought or care into what their users wanted.

For example, removing the task bar showing open windows. They decided this because according to some research paper, multitasking is basically a myth, and people using a computer are more efficient if you make them organize their desktop for a given task and focus on one task at a time. Having tons of applications open and constantly shuffling them lowers productivity. That's also why they removed the minimize button by default. They even wanted to remove the ability to minimize AT ALL.

Seriously, the developer mailing lists in the lead up to Gnome 3 was fascinating. They did not give a fuck at all about who their end users were, the design team was basically taken over by human/computer interaction academics.

>graphical menu editor
Xfce has a graphical menu editor but do people really use them?
I just find it much easier to copy desktop files from /usr/share/applications/ to ~/.local/share/applications/ and edit them manually.

this is the kinda attitude why every linux distro is a shit and unusable without typing every little shit into the terminal like a geek fuck from the 60s

There are many things that went wrong with Gnome yet people put up with it for the things that went "right".
Instead of bitching about Gnome why not replicate the things that went right to other environments so no one has to put up with it.

>hidpi support, soon with non-integer scaling support
Hi-dpi devices are becoming more common and Gnome is the environment with the best support for them.

>tasteful window/ui animations, wayland support, tear-free out-of-the-box
Nothing crazy like compiz but some subtle fade/move animations are really helpful for new users.
Cinnamon has them but it's a gnome/mutter clone so it doesn't count.
Xfce really needs them
Wayland is a bag of hurt but other DE should turn wayland on it's head by combining with the plug-ability/flexibility of X and prove that wayland doesn't have to be Gnome/Red-Hat lock-in

GTK+ didn't went right, it went horribly wrong, but unfortunately is the de facto ui toolkit on GNU/Linux
As long as GTK+ retains this position, Gnome and Red Hat will retain an unfair advantage over other environments.
A new, non C++, modern toolkit is needed that will quickly provide fast development of applications and fluid animation that new users expect. Hopefully something Go based.


don't use a distro that won't update gnome every point release. that bug was fixed aaaages ago.

Pretty much everything.

i'm using gnome 3.24 and i still have that icon on my desktop

Call me when the default KDE settings actually look and feel good. The last time I checked even the font settings were set up wrong by default.


it's just a matter of taste, isnt it?

what's the problem with using the terminal all the time?

There won't ever be a Linux distro that makes it so the user NEVER has to use the command line. The only distros that pursue that are distros designed for Linux newbies that are still afraid of it.

The command line is a viable way of doing things in your computer, it may be worse than using a GUI in some cases because it requires knowledge from the user, but there are other use cases where it's way faster to just type a couple of commands than click around.

Linux users use the command line a lot ( the ones who contribute to the community at least ) and we like the command line. That's why we don't care so much about making GUIs for every single thing out there, because in the end, just a small part of the community will use it anyway.

Don't like that? Then go back to what you were using before.
That's like going into a book writing community and complaining that they should be only doing comics instead.



Also Bluetooth turns on every time I restart

Commandline is the one of the main reasons I use Linux.
I love the control and the thought that goes into needing to execute actions. I also think it stimulates a certain OCD I have with computers.

I have the location icon on my work desktop with Ubuntu GNOME but my laptop with Gentoo + GNOME doesn't have this problem.

Nothing. The usable version just became 'MATE'.