Is there software which can automatically produce seamless stitches from screenshots taken from a panning shot where...

Is there software which can automatically produce seamless stitches from screenshots taken from a panning shot where the foreground's levels change as it pans and the foreground and background move at different rates, like pic related?

No, but you can adjust the shots manually to get them pretty close, and you can heal the edges so they're not so obvious. Clouds can just be cloned/healed. A little cut and paste will take care of the ocean.

Photoshop photomerge.

is there a way to do normal panning shots automatically
im fed up off stitching them

I figured out how to do it manually with basically lots of layers, a big, soft eraser and some touchups with some soft brushes.
Will look into, thanks.


I fixed a cloud on the right. Also, .png now.

Yeah, this didn't work very well. I'll try it some time on a panning shot where the foreground and background move at the same pace.

>Also, .png now.

>post .jpg
>Sup Forums complains
>post .png
>Sup Forums complains

There is no point in png when your source is jpeg, you're bloating the filesize for no reason.

Source was .png screenshots taken with MPC-HC. I know better than to set MPC-HC to save screenshots with its shitty fucking .jpg algorithm.

How old is that girl?

There is a free program called autostitch which does the same thing that Photoshop photomerge does, but for free. Neither is very good because they tend to fuck up the proportions, and when you're trying to merge a purely vertical pan, both will give you a rounded or stretched final image that requires cropping and God knows how the actual image now deviates from a purely linear crop - if either were capable of doing it.

Microsoft ICE.

If you take more screenshots it also compensates for camera angle changes, but if there's a lot of change in perspective it's going to be a mess. Also works for non-planar movement, it's pretty neat.

She's twelve. Based Japan.

Example for basic planar auto-stitch.

is it in the aur

enough for the cock


This comes close but not quite. This is as close as I could get it by messing with the vertical and search radius bars under overlap. It's completely incapable of getting both her left leg and the ocean's alignment right. It either gets her leg right and aligns the ocean wrong like this, or it aligns the ocean properly and squishes her leg vertically. Interesting software, though.

Now that I look at it more it also fucked up her left elbow and her heel.

>tfw youll never have a girl try so hard to make you fall for her or vice versa

just kill me now.

>and then reject her for your lazy, disgusting stepsister

Now that I think about it, I bet it could probably do it right if I could export every frame from the entire sequence with VirtualDub, but that wasn't an option for this pan since I was limited to frames without credits.

Go to hell.