Browse Sup Forums for a few days

>browse Sup Forums for a few days
>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder
>tfw for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology

It's kind of decent if you ignore all posts that have an anime image.

Hey, my IQ is somewhere around 115

>Sup Forums
pick one

On a serious note Sup Forums is there for the lulz.

You're not actually supposed to have discussion topics on here.
Just browse for leaks/news-headlines on tech for 5 minutes and then leave.
Fuck the NEETs

>makes post complaining about brainlets
>posts maga Pepe

>frogshitter calling others "below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder"

the ironing

dumb frogposter

fuck off Mohammed

sounds like someone has icons on their desktop

another stupid thread, don't bother just sage it right away, since the github backslash some libturd got butthurt and is making this kind of stupid threads


>posts frog wearing dunce cap.
>complains about g/tards

apart from the occasional aspie /po/ has its shit together
its probably the best board on this site


you could head over to asr, they're super friendly and helpful
No mental disorders whatsoever

weak bait.
1/10, got me to reply.

>have 150 IQ
>have severe mental and social disorders
>be too lazy to take advantage of anything
>be too lazy to fix own mental or social disorders, if possible
>just post anime all day

It used to be just okay, now there's tons of third worlders shitting up every thread with a vengeance for some reason.

Protip: IQ means nothing, especially when comparing scores from different tests.

I've scored from 115 to 130 to 155. All I've gathered from that is I'm not braindead or retarded. I know I'm somewhere around or just below average, and was mostly a A-/B student in school.

>180 IQ
>still fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
fuck my life

Sup Forums is like an autistic savant except they're bad at everything except pissing off family members.

>Sup Forums is filled with retarded libcucks who have been cucked into net neutrality bullshit