Since mega disabled downloading files more than 5GB in size what is the best option for cloud backup storage now?

Since mega disabled downloading files more than 5GB in size what is the best option for cloud backup storage now?

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Cheap drive businesses account, amazon drive

Ask the uploader to split the files.
I doubt there's a better free "cloud" service than MEGA.
You can always use the torrents tho.

Split the files, dummy. Should do this regardless of file size limits, unless you have a 1Gb connection or something.

I'd personally avoid the cloud all together and use 100 gig m discs. Assuming you actually care about the data you're backing up.

Hosting a private server in someplace where copyright laws don't exist and share everything via ddl from there.

Slit the files with 7zip , hjsplit, winrar.

Use Yandex mail.
1 mail =2GBx∞
1 mail =1GBx∞

> Since mega disabled downloading files more than 5GB in size what is the best option for cloud backup storage now?
Why don't you use MegaDownloader?


Storj. Decentralization is the future of the internet.


How sensei?

all downloaders were alegedly afected, I haven't tried yet

Their mail services have unlimited storage.

So you make one e-mail, attach stuff with file size<
2GB/file and you can attach hundreds of files, then it automatically gets saved as draft.
Btw I tested it myself with 100 TV episodes in one draft e-mail in yandex.

This doesn't work in outlook, mai; and others that have unlimited mail storage but they have a size limit that 1 mail/draft should have.

Yeah I'm sure doing that is very reliable and won't get your account suspended.

I already have a lot of e-mails from months ago and they are intact. will delete your files after 4 months or so, they say 2 but they'll keep them longer.
Yandex, apparently they'll keep them forever.

Don't you need a special drive to write them? The discs alone aren't cheap, which would be fine except you have to buy a special drive too. I think.

Backblaze should be decent.

If it doesn't need to be off-site, just store on your own NAS or another PC with syncthing.

mediafire like it always has been

why the fuck do websites do this shit
why can't we have a free website with no timeouts, unlimited storage, line speed, no accounts, and that doesn't give a fuck about takedown letters. basically a ddl site that acts like tpb.

are they afraid of actually having a userbase or what?

Weird that you can't find someone willing to give you unlimited storage and bandwidth for free. It's almost as if hardware and the electricity to run it isn't free.

Anyway I'll stop being facetious for a second because I just thought of an actual good point: how many people have decent enough upload speeds to even use the existing shitshow storage sites for backing up (etc.)? I sure don't and never have, and I don't even know where to look to get it. Do I need a business line or something? In the UK here. I pay for "100MB" down but I'm lucky to get 500kbps uploading anything.

tehy aren't for backups, that's just a bullshit front so they have something to advertise.

I'm in Canada and have 1gb/s up and down and I basically only use mega for downloading content

>don't you need a special drive to write them?
Technically, but it's very common for drives to support them now. Maybe you're thinking of tapes where the drives are like 3k

Google drive, amazon glacier, amazon S3.

Is there even any other file sharing service as good as Mega, regardless of whether they have 'cloud' or not?

Why can't you just pay a small fee to buy one

vps and nextcloud